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Sermons on leadership roles in the church:

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  • Growing Pains PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 31, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the early church's approach to community grievances, growth, and the importance of prayer and preaching, offering guidance for our faith journey today.

    Good morning, my dear friends in Christ. We are here today, gathered in His love, to share, to learn, and to grow in faith. We are here to listen to His word, to understand His teachings, and to seek His guidance. Our scripture today is from Acts 6:1-6, "In those days when the number of disciples more

  • God’s Roles, My Roles

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Nov 18, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    As much as God has a role to play in your life, you also have a role to play in it: You set you love on Him, He delivers, honors and saves you. A you age increases, learn to number your days by walking in wisdom. This wisdom leads you to serve others.

    If you are reading this write up, it means you are alive today. I therefore wish you a happy good day or happy birthday. Now that you have this day, what could you do with it? You are to live for God in it; the Lord will help you in Jesus name. By now you should know that God is a big part of and more

  • Authentic Spiritual Leadership

    Contributed by Sean Lester on Mar 24, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Paul demonstrates authentic leadership that unifies the church and leads the church to fulfilling its purpose of bringing people into the kingdom of God.

    Authentic Spiritual Leadership Rev. Sean Lester March 22, 2009 pm Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1-21 Introduction: a. The Corinthian church had been in a crisis. Divisions had arisen over who the pre-eminent leaders were. Some said Paul, others said Apollos. But, Paul reveals to us in this passage more

  • Leadership Dedication

    Contributed by Eliseo Tibio on Jan 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    “Why We Need Good Leadership? Or Why you need to get involve in our Church Leadership. Here are the answers: I. PEOPLE NEEDS TO BE MET II. PEOPLE NEEDS TO BE ORGANIZE III. PEOPLE NEEDS TO ORGANIZE & DELEGATES IV. PEOPLE NEEDS WILL BE SATISFIED

    TOPIC: LEADERSHIP DEDICATION TEXT: Exodus 18:13 – 27 13 The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. 14 When his father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, "What is this you are doing for the more

  • Effective Leadership

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Sep 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Every Christian has certain responsibilities...and to live the Christian life we have to fall under the leadership of Christ because He is the head of our church. And we are all subject to Him, whether we are elected leaders...or members...or just occasio

    EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP LEVITICUS 10:1 2 The story is told about a lion...and this lion was very proud of his leadership over the animal kingdom. One day he decided to make sure all the other animals knew he was the king of the jungle. He was so confident that he by passed the smaller animals and more

  • Leadership Blessing Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Oct 11, 2015

    Paul wanted to encourage church leaders to continue serving faithfully after he's gone. We who lead live out what we've learned. As witnesses to the truth, we apply the wisdom we've acquired through experience and by time spent in prayer.

    As General George Patton was preparing for combat operations in North Africa during WWII, he called on his aging mentor, General John J. Pershing, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Patton thanked Pershing for giving him his start as a Company Commander. Pershing said, “I can always pick a more

  • Roles In Marriage Series

    Contributed by Bruce B. Miller on Jun 6, 2012

    God's roles for marriage.

    Roles in Marriage Ephesians 5 People have all kinds of opinions on marriage. Sometimes children know best. The following answer came from children ages 5 to 10 years old. What do most people do on a date? "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested more

  • The Role Of The Family

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Oct 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon examines the role of the family.

    Title: The Role of the Family Text: Genesis 2:18-24 Date: 10/14/2007 Location: Sulphur Spring Baptist Church Introduction: Some people today are arguing that the Traditional (Nuclear) family of a Father, Mother, and children has outlived its usefulness. That it is no longer relevant in our more

  • The Role Of A Watchman Series

    Contributed by Dr. Tom Badia on Feb 18, 2024

    The role of an intercessor is mirrored in the responsibilities of the ancient watchmen of Jerusalem.

    topic: The Role of a Watchman “Pray Without Ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) The role of an intercessor is mirrored in the responsibilities of the ancient watchmen of Jerusalem. The watchmen stood guard on the walls of the holy city 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They were the eyes and ears more

  • Role Of Veneration

    Contributed by Steven Ostrowski on Feb 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The Role of Veneration to God, angels, men, and the dead. A Biblical study of veneration of worship.

    The Role of Veneration I propose a resolution to you the reader on the role of veneration in the Church. The veneration of saints and holy people of the Church should be permitted. Now to define what I mean. Veneration is defined as respect, honor, giving what is due, etc. It can be expressed more

  • Role Of The Spirit

    Contributed by William Yates on Jul 14, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    On His final night with the disciples, Jesus reassured them that the Holy Spirit would come. He defines in John 16:5-14 three roles the Holy Spirit would have.

    The Work of the Holy Spirit John 16 5"Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ’Where are you going?’ 6Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. 7But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come more

  • The Role Of Government Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Nov 15, 2016

    Human government and human leaders are ordained of God. How do their roles intersect with faithfully living as a disciple of Jesus Christ? That is the focus of this sermon.

    As a pastor, there are two things I try never to talk about in church: religion and politics. Well, here we go! Not only talking about both subjects, but wedding them together in a message series. Let me offer some disclaimers as we begin. This will not be a message series that “takes more

  • Pull Together Not Apart

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 5, 2013

    In the selection process of church leaders we must see the importance of purpose as well as process.

    1. Fatigue Back in the 90’s there was a President of Harvard University named Neil Rudenstine. Now, one of the major roles of college president is to raise money for the institution so they can pay the salaries and other financial responsibilities of the organization. And Neil Rudenstine was more

  • The Dying Church

    Contributed by Rev. Ryan Peters on Aug 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Church needs to realize it’s God given calling!

    Rev. Ryan Peters East Aurora AG Title: “The Dying Church…” Text: Ephesians 4:1-16 Introduction: • Speaking today on The Dying Church… o Christians without leadership o Christians without ownership o Christians without action... o Christians without recognition to their calling. o When we realize more

  • The Church's Challenge Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The church can turn its problems into opportunities for growth if it meets needs by mobilizing people so the leaders can maintain the priority of prayer and the word.

    Some time ago, wolves were picking off the livestock of ranchers at an alarming rate, so the state offered a bounty of $5,000 for every wolf killed. It turned Sam and Jed into fortune hunters. Day and night they searched the mountains and forests looking for their valuable prey. Exhausted one more

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