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  • Christ Is Knocking……will You Answer?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    Church at Laodecia. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Revelation chapter 3 verses 14-22. • Nobody likes being sick; • I nobody really enjoys having to go to the doctors. Quote: • David Grimes in Reader’s Digest: • Doctors - What They Say and What They Actually Mean • What they say: “It could be more

  • Honoring God’s Investment-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 2, 2014

    1 of 3. Paul reminded Timothy of the significance of God’s investment in us. When do we honor the gravity of God’s investment? We honor the gravity of God’s investment when we are Thankful. We honor God’s investment thru Thankfulness for His...

    HONORING GOD’s INVESTMENT-I—1Timothy 1:12-17 Attention: Thanksgiving place-setting ideas: ‘If you could invite anyone for Thanksgiving dinner, Who would it be? & Why? What would they discover about you? What are you most thankful for this year? 5 things for which you are more

  • Too Much Talk – Too Little Action

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Jan 7, 2011

    Faith, if is real is revealed by us responding to life in a new and different way

    OPEN: Today we are going to be looking into what I think really is one of those life-changing passages of the Bible if you really understand what it says. Our passage today is James 2:14-26 James is a book that teaches us how faith works in real life. He's a pastor that addresses real practical, more

  • Expect Opposition Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 17, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Don't be surprised when people push back.

    Expect Opposition Acts 6:8-15 Rev. Brian Bill February 15-16, 2020 Play Clip from “Bible Project” That clip comes from “The Bible Project.” If you’d like to watch the entire video covering the first twelve chapters of Acts, you can find it on Sermon Extras on our app. Have you ever been more

  • What Judas Missed-12

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Sep 17, 2019

    12 of ? Judas missed the entirety of that which took place from the time of his leaving the Lord’s supper(13:30) until he arrived in the Garden of Gethsemane, with those who would arrest Jesus(18:3)! Judas Missed...

    WHAT JUDAS MISSED(discarded/threw away)-XII—John 14:1-11(John 13:18--17:26) OR--‘WHILE YOU WERE OUT/AWAY’ Attention: Grief? Little Benny & his Daddy were standing in front of the lion's cage at the zoo. Benny's father was explaining how ferocious & strong lions are, & Benny was more

  • The Addictions That Destroy Series

    Contributed by David Mcclain on Jul 22, 2018

    The Spirit of God frees a person from the addictions that destroy marriages

    OPENING SENTENCE: On Facebook the other day I ran across a post that reveals the heart of a young girl toward her father. INTRODUCTION: It reads: Dear “Dad", Don’t worry, I'm fine. You were a good dad when you were clean. but you could never seem to stay that way. It seemed like even I wasn't more

  • A Better Eightfold Path, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Life is tough. There really is no secret pathway to avoid suffering. But we don’t have to avoid suffering, because God has promised to give us the strength to endure.

    INTRODUCTION If you’re familiar with world religions, you’ve probably heard of the eightfold path of Buddhism. The two most famous Buddhists in the world are the Dali Lama and Tiger Woods. A couple of years ago, Tiger was guilty of some bad conduct that cost him his marriage and some more

  • Sensitive To The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 23, 2021

    If we can be sensitive to the Spirit, and see how our job is a mission and a service for Christ, we could do it with greater joy and love.

    George Burns said, "There will always be a battle between the sexes because men and women want different things. Men want women and women want men." This is, of course, what God intended, but like all good things that are carried to excess this too becomes an area of life where the more

  • Honor In The Home Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 31, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Honoring your parents is always proper.

    This week I asked parents a question on the Edgewood Facebook page: “What’s the #1 thing you want from your children?” I was struck by the depth of answers along with the longing in the hearts of parents for their children to love and serve the Lord. • To know God and make Him known. • To have more

  • Respect Versus Contempt

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 13, 2021

    All that is hateful and unloving is to some degree evil. Jesus says we need to be aware of this, and deal with it in its early stages, and so prevent all the serious consequences of thinking that negative attitudes are alright as long as you don't murder anyone.

    Alexander the Great conquered the world, but anger conquered him, and turned him into a murderer. Like so many of the murders of history, it was not intended or designed. It happened because men do not understand that anger is the beginning of murder. Clitus, his best friend, was teasing more

  • Living In The Vine

    Contributed by Austin W. Duncan on Jun 14, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches. The Father the Gardener, the vinedresser. Everything God does is to enhance our abiding and fruitfulness. With each trimming, we become more like Christ, for God’s glory and for the blessing of others. For the blessing of the world around us.

    Christ often used illustrations for us when explaining spiritual truths. “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Today, in John 15:1-11 we’re looking at the grapevine as more

  • Stubbornness: A Virtue, And A Vice (Exodus 7:8-24) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 22, 2021

    Being stubborn can be a good or bad thing, depending on: (1) if you're right, and (2) if you are stubborn in the right way, with love, and gentleness.

    Let's start today by simply rereading Exodus 7:1-7: (7:1) And Yahweh said to Moses, "Look! I have made you God to Pharaoh, while Aaron your brother shall be your prophet. (2) You shall speak all that I command you, while Aaron your brother shall speak to Pharaoh, and he will more

  • The Lord's Great Lessons On Prayer

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 17, 2023

    Jesus wants us to know how to pray, so He gives us: 1. The lesson of the persistent friend (vs. 5-8). 2. The lesson of God's promises (vs. 7-8). 3. The lesson of a parent's love (vs. 11-13). 4. The lesson of our Heavenly Father's perfection (vs. 13).

    The Lord's Great Lessons on Prayer Luke 11:1-13 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared June 17, 2023) (Revised July 19, 2023 to correct the timing of the Sermon on the Mount) BACKGROUND: *Do you ever wish you could learn how to pray better? You are not the only one. In Luke 11:1, one of the more

  • Captive To Sin (Pt. 2)

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Lot was released from his chains and chose to go back to his inprisonment to sin. Christians, who have been freed from sin, often choose to go back.

    July 29, 2001 Genesis 14 ¡§Captive to sin¡¨ pt. 2 INTRODUCTION The Arizona highway patrol were mystified when they came upon a pile of smoldering wreckage embedded in the side of a cliff rising above the road at the apex of a curve. The metal debris resembled the site of an airplane more

  • How To Be A Vibrant Church Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A study on the 7 model churches as described by Jesus in the book of Revelation. Learn why the church is so important, and your part in what He’s up to in these last days.

    How to Be a Vibrant Church Series: Will the Real Church Please Stand Up? October 8, 2006 READ Rev.3:1-6 The ache in the chest wasn’t particularly bad. It wasn’t the fierce, crushing pain that usually signals a heart attack, (like in the movies)… but it was bad enough to wake me up from a deep more

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