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  • Mindset: Controlling Anger Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Aug 21, 2022

    Using the story of Cain and Able this message deals with what happens when we have a mindset of anger.

    Introduction Opening Illustration “Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.” -Hebrews 12: 15 Max Lucado begins Chapter 11 (“Revenge Feels Good, But Then . . .”) of You’ll Get Through This with the story of businessman more

  • Developing A Christian Mindset

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Develop a Christian mindset: 1. Be nice. 2. Be positive. 3. Be thankful

    This will probably be the most basic sermon you have ever heard. Nothing I will say is new or profound. You have heard it all before, but it needs repeated because the very simplicity of what I will be saying is the reason it is so often overlooked and ignored. So many times we want to plunge more

  • The Mindset That Ultimately Wins Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 6, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Expounding Phil. 2:5-11 message examines deity, incarnation, crucifixion, and exaltation of Christ, His mindset/attitude is presented as an example of unselfishness and servanthood. His exaltation is celebrated.

    There is a lot going on in the world around us. With the election just around the corner groups are posturing and contending for political power. Some are legitimately expressing reasons for their position on issues. Others are rioting in the streets. There are so many lies in the media that it’s more

  • Mindsets That Hinder Revival

    Contributed by Ian Johnson on Feb 22, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    People have been in revival, but the revival has not been in them. Why? Because we have mindsets that prevent us seeing what the Lord sees!

    What does Revival look like? Many are seeking revival; they pray for it, they go to conferences to hear about it, many have gone into places where revival has broken out to receive an impartation. They have been in revival, but the revival has not been in them. Why? Because we have mindsets that more

  • The Mindset Of True Repentance

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    Ones attitude of heart and mind make a vital difference as to whether or not a person truly gets saved.

    The Mindset Of True Repentance Text: Luke 18: 13-14 Intro: Mental attitude is important in almost anything. This is true because, in most cases, outlook determines outcome. This is the reason that employers often seek positive-minded people to fill responsible positions. People with a more

  • Developing A Biblical Mindset

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    A message encouraging Christians to be people who live with the Bible as their foundation rather than the philosophies of the world

    Developing a Biblical Mindset Colossians 2:8 November 2, 2003 Introduction This is the third message on living a life characterized by the peace of God. In the first message I gave six strategies to living in the peace of God. Last week we talked about the fact that God is in control, no more

  • Having A Ministry Mindset Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jun 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to trust him to use us in ministry.

    Title: Having a Ministry Mindset Text: John 6: 1-13 (The feeding of the 5000) Introduction “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was more

  • The Reset Of Your Mindset Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Sep 26, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    God wants to change the way we think and the way we live! Our primary focus is on the mind today, since that is where our actions originate. Let’s take a look at our mindset and ask God to help us change where we need to change.

    The Reset of Your Mindset Romans 8:5-11 I. Evaluate your Mindset – search me, O God II. Surrender your Mindset – you are controlled by the Spirit III. Redirect your Mindset – things above, transform, capture, God-thoughts IV. Encourage your Mindset – The Spirit can help you change! Resurrection more

  • The Nature And Mindset Of Gentiles

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Jan 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    All of us are former Gentiles in the flesh. As such there are some things that the scripture has to say about our previous nature. Knowledge of these things can keep the Christian from slipping into the old Gentile mindset and habits. The same knowledge

    Intro: The term “Gentiles” (Heb. “goyim”) appears at least 129 times in the KJB. It means all nations except the Jews. In the course of time, as the Jews began more and more to pride themselves on their spiritual privileges, the word “Gentile” was used as a term more

  • Accurate Mindset For Evangelism

    Contributed by David Ibeleme on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Some simple steps Needed to reach the lost

    Accurate Mindset for Evangelism Jn. 15:16; Lk. 19:13 Bishop David Ibeleme God’s heartbeat is Evangelism/soul-winning – Lk. 19:1-10; Mt. 9:35ff. Jesus was a soul winner – 1 Tim.1:15; Lk.19:10. Soul Winning is the greatest call. Every other call can only be second to this call – Eph.4; 2 Cor. more

  • A Poverty Mindset Of Ministry

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    We all have a tendency to focus on what we do not have and hence what we cannot do. But the God who gave us life knows what we do not have. He is interested in what we do with what we have. Can we turn our attention to that?

    We all have heard about the prosperity gospel and none of us sitting here actually like it. Well mostly. I might want to take a look at it if I can get my hands on that BMW next week, because of something the prosperity gospel promises. Right? Jokes apart, we do realise that prosperity gospel is a more

  • A Set Free Mindset

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 16, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    God did what the law could not.

    A SET FREE MINDSET. Romans 8:1-5. “Then-now-no” begins the Greek of this wonderful chapter of God’s Book. This firm negation placed right at the beginning of the sentence serves to emphasise the absolute impossibility of there ever being any “condemnation” - to whom? “To those in Christ more

  • Two Spiritual Mindsets

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The growth mindset, by contrast, believes that there is no limit to our ability to learn, grow and change for the better.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2018 Reformation/Revolution Now what? We have received our ashes, symbol of our turning back or turning more faithfully to God. We have begun our Lenten journey, forty days and a triduum toward the destination of Christ’s Resurrection. What do we do now? Our study for more

  • Mindset For A Ministry Of Love Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Mar 3, 2023

    Pride & prejudice ruled in the Church at Corinth. Church members were using the wrong standards and motivated by pride in their relationships ot church leaders. What is the proper attitude toward spiritual leaders?

    Most of you are likely familiar with the novel Pride and Prejudice and the movie that resulted from it. I don't know much about it other than that has been on my TV more than any other single movie; it's my wife's favorite movie and it probably qualifies as a chick flick. I believe more

  • Developing A Mindset Of Joy Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 2 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    Ray Stedman, who is now with the Lord, was one of the greatest Bible teachers in the past 50 years. In his teaching on chapter 1 verses 12-26, he opens up with these words. “I love this passage from the letter to the Philippians because it depicts the unmistakable marks of authentic more