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Sermons on Kehillah in Colossae 2:9: showing 46-60 of 236

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  • A Christ-Centered Faith

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Oct 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A Christ-centered faith means that God gives His children a full life in union with Christ, when His children let Him be supreme over all.

    A CHRIST-CENTERED FAITH-Colossians 2:1-10 Proposition: A Christ-centered faith means that God gives His children a full life in union with Christ, when His children let Him be supreme over all. Objective: My purpose is to challenge all to make a full commitment to Christ as one experiences a more

  • Painting God's Masterpiece Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on May 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message focuses on the images we should be seeing versus what we are currently focusing on.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Scripture: Genesis 1:3; 2:7; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:10; Colossians 2:9-10; Introduction: Last week I introduced this message with an example of how important images are. I stressed the fact that we live by the fulfillment of images – meaning that the image we see in more

  • The Way Preaching Encourages

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    This is a message on how preaching is used to offer encouragement.

    THE WAY PREACHING ENCOURAGES Text: Col.2:9-23 W. Max Alderman Introduction: Much of the preaching being done today perpetrates discouragement. Preaching ought to offer encouragement to the discouraged. But so many times it does not! May we notice the encouragement more

  • Watch Out For The Wise Guys Series

    Contributed by Clint Meade on Aug 11, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Man’s wisdom is deficient, but God’s wisdom is always sufficient.

    Watch out for the wise guys Col. 2:8-10 A college student was in a philosophy class which had a discussion about God’s existence. The professor presented the following logic: "Has anyone in this class heard God?" Nobody spoke. "Has anyone in this class touched God?" Again, more

  • Jesus Is The Total Package

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    In Jesus we have everything we need for salvation and for life in this world.

    Last week the Minnesota Timberwolves traded the superstar Kevin Garnett to the Boston Celtics in exchange for seven players. What does it feel like to know that you are worth seven men? Obviously KG, as he’s known among NBA fans, must be pretty good. He is. He’s the total package. This 6’11’’ more

  • The Deity Of Jesus Partii Series

    Contributed by Bob Zinga on Aug 18, 2007

    Who is Jesus?

    The Deity of Jesus Christ I-Jesus is Emmanual, God with us. Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. II-Jesus is the creator of the universe Colossians 1:16-17 16For by him more

  • In Christ Series

    Contributed by Ben Thomas on Nov 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Who are we in Christ and What should we do ?

    Are you in Him. Col.2:6-10Colossians 2:6-10 (MaceNT) 6 continue therefore to follow the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you have receiv’d it: 7 being firmly attach’d to, and founded upon him: establishing yourselves in the faith you have been taught, and being thankful for the improvement more

  • Maxed Out

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    You can be everything that God has intended by continuing in His power.

    November 10, 2008 Evening Worship Text: Colossians 2:6-23 Subject: Fullness in Christ Title: Maxed Out You know that I am one of those people who believe that you should be what you say you are. When I worked in the trades I was often captivated by the other trades, especially the tradesmen who more

  • In Christ Alone

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008

    Paul, Pt. 22

    IN CHRIST ALONE (COLOSSIANS 2:1-10) A scientific convention was held at a lakeside resort. After the first day’s proceedings, a mathematician, a physicist, an astronomer and a molecular biologist hired a boatman to row them around on the lake. As they sat in the boat, they discussed string theory, more

  • Our All Sufficient Christ

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 30, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    Our all sufficient Christ is our security in the midst of life’s uncertainties. Sixteen key atttributes that are worthy of our worship, focus and exploration.

    Our All Sufficient Christ for Our Insufficiencies (Col. 2:1-18) Everything that looks SPIRITUAL is not! You’ve probably heard the expression "red herring." This term was coined from a method of training hunting dogs to follow the scent of their prey. Once the dogs were following the proper more

  • Not Rules And Superstition Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jul 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    True spiritual life and wisdom is not found in strict adhearance to rules, or in paths that lead to pagan gods. It is only found in Jesus.

    Not rules and superstition Love and Wisdom; God and You Colossians 2:6-23 The famous astronaut Buzz Aldrin faced a conflict after returning from the moon. He spiraled into a deep depression that ultimately resulted in him being hospitalized, medicated and put through a battery of psychiatric more

  • Sophomore Or Saint? Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Aug 10, 2008

    We tend to use our limited knowledge to bludgeon others who do not know what we know or whose behavior does not match our standards; but we are called to be in Christ first and to love them, letting behavior flow from the relationship.

    There is an old, corny story – and please don’t stop me if you have heard this one – a story about the young man who was the first in his family to go to college. In fact, he was the first in his small town to go to college. And so when he came home after his freshman year, he was the apple of more

  • "Free And Made Full In Him" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Apr 4, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Sermon 9 in a study in Colossians

    “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. 9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, 10 and in Him you have been made more

  • The Spiritually Sound Church Series

    Contributed by Phillip Day on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    After examining what made the church at Colosse spiritually rich, Paul proceeds to expound on what would make them spiritually sound. In modern society, our churches are slowly moving away from sound doctrine and worship in order to entertain mass audien

    The Spiritually Sound Church Colossians 2:1-23 I. The Spiritual Connection between Believers (v. 1-5) a. Labor to aid each other (v. 1-2a) b. Discernment of danger (v. 2b-4; Romans 16:18) c. Rejoicing in righteousness (v. 5) II. The Spiritual Foundation of Believers (v. 6-7) a. Rooted in more

  • Christmas And The Cross

    Contributed by Alex Perednia on Feb 25, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    What is the connection between the Creche and the Cross... between Christ’s birth and his death. Andy why do we have to talk about Christ’s death at the time of his birth? (This sermon was preached in parts with Jason Lundy doing Part II)

    I. INTRODUCTION: The Crèche and the Cross (Colossians 2:9; Mark 10:45; Hebrews 9:28, 10:5-7, 9-10; 1 Corinthians 1:23) Our text today is Colossians 2:9, 13-15. Did you notice that Colossians 2:9 celebrates the wonderful reality of Christmas: in coming to earth Jesus was “the fullness of Godhead more

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