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Sermons on Kefa I 2:3:

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  • "Peter, Feed My Sheep” (3 Of 21)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 11, 2022

    In Acts 9, we read of the exciting conversion of the Apostle Paul as he traveled to Damascus to persecute the New Testament Christians.

    After the Lord miraculous converted Paul, the Lord told him to go into the city and he would be told what he was to do. The apostle Peter's conversion was unusual as well. The Lord first met him by the sea of Galilee. Look Matthew 4:18, “And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two more

  • Sermon On The Tools Of Life

    Contributed by William Meakin on Aug 12, 2022

    Tools are defined as a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.

    Steve Maraboli, an American author once remarked: “Accept yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your truths, and know what tools you have to fulfil your purpose.” Deuteronomy 19:5 confirms: “For instance, a man may go into the forest with his neighbour to cut wood, and as he swings his axe to more

  • "I Am The Good Shepherd” – He Laid Down His Life - John 10 – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 2, 2022

    Part 2 of "I am the Good Shepherd" looks at what the good shepherd does and then Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Then we examine Jesus as The Sacrificial Shepherd who gave His life to save the sheep. To close, Jesus is the Chief Shepherd.

    “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD” – HE LAID DOWN HIS LIFE - John 10 – PART 2 The study of the great “I AMs” of John’s Gospel is so lovely as we look at the Person and Ministry of our Lord Jesus. In all His offices He is serving His Church and all the individuals in the Church. Those are termed sheep, and more

  • Priesthood Of All Believers

    Contributed by Minister Dachi on Oct 2, 2022

    Mission of God is not only meant for the Ministers / Ordained Pastors but it is also considered as the major responsibility given to the every individuals in the Ministries.

    Ministry of God in the Church is not only the responsibility of the Priests but it is of all. Church is the God's Community. it belongs to everyone. Clergy and the Laity are not the different chadors or the categories in the Church, not even the Theological division. The combination or the more

  • Chew On This (Word Of God)

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In Nehemiah 8 we see 3 positive responses to God's Word (Material adapted from Warren Wiersbe's book on Nehemiah called "Be Determined")

    HoHum: Dwight Moody was preaching one time in a Southern city about the value of the Word of God in a person’s life. Suddenly he was interrupted by a loud voice that said, “Mr. Moody, I do not believe a single word of that collection of old wives’ tales you call the Bible!” Mr. Moody answered, more

  • You've Received Mercy Series

    Contributed by Steven Buhr on Aug 31, 2023

    as we look into the next portion of Peter’s letter to new believers and followers of Jesus, we will see that we have been given a simply amazing gift, something we did not have before Christ. But now we do – the question will be this, ‘What are doing with the mercy we’ve received?’

    You’ve Received Mercy Part 3 of A study through Peter June 25th 2023 We are in the book of 1 Peter and will be throughout the summer. 1 Peter will lead into…2nd Peter (good guess!) So you know where we’re headed in the weeks ahead. In a spare moment this week (and there were few) I happened more

  • A Demand For Holiness - A Holiness Expressed By The New Life Received From A Gracious God

    Contributed by Robert Tarasiak on Sep 9, 2023

    Milk is for what purpose? To provide the nutrition for the baby to grow healthy. Today we will discover how Apostle Peter uses an illustration of milk regarding growing toward spiritual maturity.

    1 Peter Series Part 7 Sub Series: A Demand for Holiness (1:13 – 2:3) Title: A holiness expressed by the new life received from a gracious God Text: 1 Peter 2:1-3 INTRO: The taste of a fresh baked pie. or mom or grandma’s home-made food and desserts? And when you put the treat in your mouth and more

  • 5th Sunday Of Easter, Year A. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 5, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    MAY 7th, 2023.

    Acts 7:55-60, Psalm 31:1-5, Psalm 31:15-16, 1 Peter 2:2-10, John 14:1-14. A). A BEATIFIC VISION, AND A MARTYR’S DEATH. Acts 7:55-60. This chapter contains Stephen’s retelling of Israel’s history, highlighting their resistance against God, and their unfair treatment of His messengers. It began more

  • Living Stones

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Feb 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    It’s been said that in order for people to be happy, or to find fulfillment in life, there are three things that are necessary: First, they need something to believe. Second, they need someone to love. And third, they need something worthwhile to do...

    Living Stones 1Pe 2:2-9 It’s been said that in order for people to be happy, or to find fulfillment in life, there are three things that are necessary: First, they need something to believe. Second, they need someone to love. And third, they need something worthwhile to do. Now, I believe this. more

  • A Church Built On Christ Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Oct 16, 2024

    Just what is it that makes a church authentic? The greatest challenge that we find as we try to follow Jesus is dedicating ourselves to the truth of the Scripture in a culture that tends to base their lives on their own opinions instead of on the truth of God's word.

    I don't think I need to tell any of you that our church is going through a new phase. We are about to enter into a new stage of growth for this church beginning in January. I have asked God what words can I bring to the church that would make this transition a lot easier so that we can remain more

  • Why Churches Are In Trouble.

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 24, 2024

    The Church is declining in the US for many reasons. These are just a few.

    Why churches are in trouble. 1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Many in the Church do not taste of the milk because they are not saved. They are there for many reasons, but not to more

  • Building On The Living Stone

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Aug 25, 2024

    We talk about Jesus Christ being the cornerstone, but do we really know what a cornerstone is, or even its purpose?

    Church family, how are we doing today? Today, we are going to call upon the Holy Spirit to help us explore the beautiful message found in 1 Peter 2:1-10. In this section of Scripture, we'll see the importance of craving spiritual nourishment, of being built into a spiritual house, and the more

  • A Return To True Worship Series

    Contributed by Dr. Tom Badia on Feb 21, 2024

    God is to be worshiped as both "Father" and "Spirit.” Spirit is nature. Father is relationship. The issue of worship is not where and when it is done as much as who and how.

    Topic: A RETURN TO TRUE WORSHIP: Objective: “Understanding the meaning, function, purpose and responsibility of being a New Testament priest” KEY SCRIPTURE; 1 PETER 2;1-10 The Ark of God's presence will return to our midst when we return to true worship. This is not worship more

  • Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    "Blessed are the peacemakers." Our concept of peacemaking must be based on scriptural revelation. Biblical peacemaking is not appeasement. We know that from God's example of making peace. What is biblical peacemaking and how is it rewarded?

    Intro We come today to the 7th Beatitude found in Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.”i We are approaching the pinnacle of this list of attributes that bring blessing on a person’s life. Everybody wants to be blessed. But not everybody is willing to take more

  • Our Cornerstone

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on May 8, 2023

    A sermon for the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C

    May 7, 2023 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 Our Cornerstone Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. When the United States Capitol building was in its initial phases of construction, President more

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