Sermon Series Season of Lent
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The word of God is a Lamp and the Light. Hold it and walk in it, walk with it. There is joy in doing those things for God. God left his precious word to us. Always we should go with it.
The Lamp and the Light – Psalm. 119:105 Introduction: The Word of God is described in plenty of ways with many symbols and signs. Here the Psalmist describes the WORD of GOD as Lamp and the Light. The lamp is fixed and the light is moving. The word of God is stable as well as a leading light in more
Scripture: Psalm 119:105
Denomination: Methodist
The New World Order Is seductive. To keep from being seduced, check your heart and change your focus.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 (AV) 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; What is the NOW? The term new world order is essentially a code word for global socialism. America more
Denomination: Baptist
Godly Submission
Scripture: James 4:7
Jesus Christ is omnipresent but can we miss His presence in our lives?
Our Scripture passage for the week is Jer. 23:23-24…. “Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD. What does this mean?? God is omnipresent! more
Scripture: Mark 6:45-56
Denomination: Independent/Bible
1- His children will be mighty 2- His life will be blessed with good 3- His spirit will never be shaken
INTRO.- Blessed is the man. Don’t you want to be blessed in life? Don’t you want to be blessed by God? Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.” It is God’s wish to more
Scripture: Psalm 112:1-10
Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ
Finding God’s will for our life is the most important thing we can do in this life.
WHY IS IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE CAN DO IN THIS LIFE? Two reasons, we need to know and do God’s will… (1) For God’s sake. That is God created each and everyone of us for a purpose. And when we stand before Him on the judgment day we will give account of our lives if we did or did not more
Scripture: Matthew 26:36-42, Ephesians 5:17
Jesus was our suffering servant, and as Peter draws comparisons between Isaiah 53 and our lifestyles, we need to follow and focus on Jesus, keeping our hearts right with Him despite any wrongful persecution.
"Showing Honor in Spite of Persecution" Glorious King Jesus Christian Church Pastor: Sterling Christian Franklin Sunday, 8/21/2011 See CrossAllegiance on YouTube for a link to the recorded webcast for this sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:13-25 Opening Prayer Matthew Henry: "The duty required is more
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-25
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational
In the first lesson of this series, we focus on three things: 1 - Everything Belongs to God. 2 - God gives us the Ability to Earn Money. 3 - The Pursuit of Money must be kept in Perspective.
Introduction: A. A Madison Avenue advertising agency surveyed non-church-going people several years ago and asked them their impressions of church. 1. The respondents said, “The problem with church is that the people are always sad, or they talk about death, or they ask for money.” B. A classic more
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:10-18
Effective disciples and relevant Churches in the twenty-first century must always “keep their eyes fixed on Jesus.” This is a two-part series on Hebrews 12:1-3.
--Hebrews 12:1-3 Last Sunday we began looking at one of my favorite passages of Scripture which has done so much to inspire me both as a Disciple of Jesus Christ and as an avid runner. As Effective disciples and a relevant Church in the twenty-first century we must always “keep our eyes fixed on more
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
This sermon encourages finding hope, strength, and courage in the midst of life's storms through unwavering faith in God's love and guidance.
Good morning, family. We gather here today, bound by faith, love, and the shared belief that we are never alone in our struggles. Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a storm, not of rain and thunder, but of life's trials and tribulations. Yet, we are not afraid. We stand firm in our faith, more
Topics: Hope, Alive
God Answer’s Prayer: According to His Time and Will
• Have you ever desired a more perfect prayer life? The Bible is emphatic in that God Does Answer Prayer! • Examples of answered prayer: a. The Israelites were desperate; Moses prayed and water turned sweet. b. Hannah sought a child and Samuel was born c. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and more
Scripture: Matthew 7:1-11
Where have you parked your life? Illegal parking brings with it certain penalties such as tickets, towing, charges and fines. As disciples of Christ we need to be aware of where we have a tendency to park spiritually
Have you ever found yourself driving around, desperately searching for a parking spot? It can be frustrating, especially when you have important things to do. But just like in our physical lives, as followers of Christ, we need to be aware of where we tend to get spiritually stuck. Some of us tend more
Scripture: Philippians 3:17-21
Topics: Stagnation, Spiritual Growth
Keeping Fixed on Jesus—Part One --Hebrews 12:1-3 Today we begin a two part series on one of my favorite passages of Scripture. Effective disciples and relevant Churches in the twenty-first century must always “keep their eyes fixed on Jesus.” My hobby is running. I began running in the summer more
In a time when people needed encouragement, the Lord lifted up the prophet Zechariah. The people were working on rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem, but due to opposition and concern for other things, the work had stopped. God encourages us to keep moving forward despite the challenges we face.
The Lord raises the prophet Zechariah at a time when people need encouragement. The people were working on the reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, but due to opposition and other concerns, the work had come to a halt. The temple needed to be completed, but the people lacked a sense of more
Scripture: Zechariah 2:1-13
Topics: Encouragement, Perseverance
As a Christian nation, let us consider the following compeling ten reasons for keeping the Ten Commandments:
“Ten Reasons why we should keep the Ten Commandments” Introduction: The matter has been brought before our Supreme Court. Will we acknowledge our Creator? Will we honor God by observing this ten commandments? As a Christian nation, let me give the following compeling ten reasons for keeping more
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17