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  • Who Am I, & Why Am I Here?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Sep 23, 2019
    based on 8 ratings

    It is not just students! Many adults, like Peter Sellers, ponder such questions as "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" & "What is the meaning of my life anyway?"

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (This is a revised & updated version of a message that I contributed to Sermon Central several years ago.) TEXT: Psalms 8:1-9; Colossians 2:10; Job 12:10 ILL. Some years ago, Time more

  • The Judgment Of God Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Mar 9, 2024

    Everyone outside of Christ will be judged according to his works.

    2:1 “Therefore…” Since men suppress the truth, and not just a few men here and there, but all men everywhere; and since the entire human race has been given over by God to its own ways, which are universally evil; and since all of humanity is involved, not only in sinning, but in boasting about more

  • Who Am I?

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Apr 21, 2023

    Don’t you just love those preachers who can take one bible verse and bring an entire message with a rich and robust meaning? Well, that ain’t me! You’re not getting that today. However, the message is built around 1 Corinthians 12:27 and we’ll get there eventually!

    Did you ever have that teacher who the only reason you paid attention in class was because they might call on you to answer a question, and you didn’t want to look a fool? Just sayin’ When I first began preparing this message, I recalled a scene from the movie “Overcomer”. I have shared this with more

  • Why Am I Doing This; Cannot I Just Stop? Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Apr 27, 2023

    We need to guard our steadfastness in the Lord.

    Every time I exercise, which is seven days a week now because of the condition of my heart, I reach a point in the exercise when I ask myself the question, “Why am I doing this; cannot I just stop?” In the Apostle Paul’s Christian journey, which Paul described as a race in 2 Timothy 4:7 when he more

  • Anticipation

    Contributed by Mitchell Leonard on Dec 14, 2019

    This is a message on Simeon.

    Have you ever felt ANTICIPATION? You just can’t wait until you GET something or something happens? As a kid we would have big Thanksgiving Dinners and my cousins would drive up from Glenpool. I would set on the front DIVAN, that’s what we called SOFA’S back in the day, but I would set more

  • The Values Of A Nation Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 22, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 1st Sermon in the Series from the Book of Amos, "Social Justice".

    Series: Social Justice [#1] THE VALUES OF A NATION Amos 1:1 Introduction: I have been praying and wrestling with God over our next study. The topics from the Book of Amos are not popular. Amos is a very relevant and practical Book of the Bible. Amos wrote this during a time like ours- A time more

  • Outbreak: 'i Am Not Qualified' Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Apr 25, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This message focuses on a belief held by many that they are not qualified to serve God - it helps us see that we can all be used if we will just make ourselves available!

    We’ve been discusses various diseases that inflict the church and this morning I want to look at another one... It’s a disease called, “I’m just not qualified.” Its not a disease that sounds that dangerous... But wow - it can really hinder God at work in your life and in the life of the church - more

  • God Is Our I Am

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 25, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A short series about Moses meeting God and leading the people out of bondage.

    God is our I AM Exodus 3 May 26, 2024 The story of the exodus is really fascinating and the more I look at it, the more I’m intrigued and am learning. As we were talking about meeting Moses meeting God at the Burning Bush last week - - - - - it was so cool that so many of you texted and emailed more

  • I Am The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Mar 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    He stands with us when evil tries to attack us.  He directs our thoughts and guides our actions.  We just need to choose to follow His directions.

    I Am, the Good Shepherd Date: March 18, 2012 Scripture: John 10:11-15, 18 Introduction As you may know by personal experience, most of us go through an identity crisis of sorts at some point in our lives. For some reason, when we get to this particular stage in life many of us become unsure as more

  • I Am Still In His Hands

    Contributed by Charles Mccall on Jun 14, 2008
    based on 50 ratings

    No matter what we go through, just know and believe that I am still in the hands of the Lord.

    Jeremiah 18:1-6 John 10:27-30 Topic: I am still in his hands No matter what comes our way, it is a sweet relief in knowing, that we as children of God, are still in the hands of the Lord. We all face some troubles in our lives. We all face some setbacks in our lives. We all experiences more

  • Am I Using Faulty Tools?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 30, 2023

    The simple things or actions during our Christian walk of faith are just as important as with the things that seem major.

    2 Kings 6:1-7 Elisha has now succeeded Elijah as a prophet to the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 2:1-18). He has by now already prophesied and God has performed a few miracles through him. But now we will see something peculiar, he makes an axe head float. This situation shows how God cares for His more

  • I Am Who I Am: Discovering Jesus Series

    Contributed by Kory Labbe on Jun 19, 2020

    This series looks at the I am statements of Jesus in the book of John. Discover the character of Jesus

    I am really excited as we start this new series. In the gospel of John, Jesus makes numerous I am statements throughout the book, as we go through this series, we will look at the meaning of each statement as we learn more about the character of our savior and Lord. In the Bible, both Old and New more

  • I Am Who I Am!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God today looks at each one of you and says, ‘ I AM WHO I AM!’ The God of Moses is with you! Fear not! Despair not! Worry not!

    I AM WHO I AM! Exodus 3:14”God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" I opened today’s News Papers and the caption that I read was ‘ Unleash the party animal in you!’ Someone said: ‘ more

  • I Am What I Am

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 9, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    God saved Paul so Paul could serve God. God will do great things through those he saves.

    "I Am What I Am" September 7, 2003 Chester’s First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois I Cor. 15:8-10 Mike Fogerson, Speaker INTRODUCTION: A Have a video tape of "Popeye" saying his famous line, "I Am What I Am." B Our lesson today is entitled, "I Am What I Am" a This may be a line made more

  • The "i Am”s Of Jesus

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 18, 2018

    When Jesus said "I AM," it usually was a metaphor describing his character or nature. 12 times Jesus used this phrase. Here we look at the 7 "I AMs" of Jesus which capture His most meaningful characteristics.

    THE “I AM”s OF JESUS Mt. 16:15 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: COWBOY WISDOM: 6 GEMS 1. Never squat with your spurs on. 2. There's two theories to arguing with a woman; neither one works. 3. Don't worry about bitin' off more than you can chew, your mouth is probably a whole lot more

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