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  • "the Big If"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jul 11, 2022

    Tomorrow we will celebrate the 246th anniversary of our great country. On July 4, 1776 we cut our ties with Great Britain and became an independent nation.

    “The Big If” 2nd Chronicles 7:11-16 Tomorrow we will celebrate the 246th anniversary of our great country. On July 4, 1776 we cut our ties with Great Britain and became an independent nation. 13 years later we selected our first president George Washington and we began to shape a nation founded more

  • Independence Day - Liberty And Freedom

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jul 2, 2023

    Our freedom and liberty of independence is only available through dependence on CHRIST JESUS. We were not created for good and evil, but for truth. The Truth of CHRIST is what sets us free from sin and death to eternal life.

    2023.07.02 Sermon Notes. Independence Day – Freedom – Liberty William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: Our freedom and liberty of independence is only available through dependence on CHRIST JESUS. We were not created for good and evil, but for truth. The Truth of CHRIST is what sets us free from sin and more

  • "The Authority Of Jesus Gives Freedom”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We celebrate the values of Freedom by our Founding Fathers. And we celebrate the "freedom" from the fear of death because Jesus conquered death and proves His authority is from God, freeing people from demon possession, disease & death.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 30, 2024 Text: Mark 5:28, 41 Pentecost VI Redeemer “The Authority of Jesus Gives Freedom” (read the text) “56 men in wool suits and high collars met for weeks in cramped quarters in the hot, muggy, Philadelphia, more

  • "Why I Love America” (John Wayne)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jul 3, 2024

    On a gloomy day in 1857, a man in New York City by the name of Jeremiah Lanthier scanned the morning newspaper as he rode to his office: He was distressed to read...

    • That the depression gripping the nation was causing fear and panic among the people. • Factories were stopping production, and thousands were unemployed. Although Jeremiah Lanthier was not a big industrialist, only a clerk, he had one important distinction. He was a man who had great faith in more

  • Living A Satisfied Life Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 3, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    From the Sermon on the Mount series, it deals with the 4th beatitude. It takes a look at all the wrong places people look to find satisfaction, along with the secret of satisfaction that comes out of God's word. A satisfied life is a life lived for Christ

    The Sermon on the Mount “Living A Satisfied Life” Matthew 5:6 Watching commercials gives some insight into how Jesus taught lessons in His day. Advertisers pay millions of dollars to put their slogans and images before us, because they know it works. They know that if they can get more

  • Holy Families Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 28, 2018

    When families stay together, and pray together, and sing together and learn together, all of society is enriched and strengthened.

    Feast of the Holy Family 2018 The wisdom writer Jesus ben Sira is the author of the Book of Sirach, where we get our first reading today. I recall early in my life reading the ten commandments, and also remember that my early sacramental confessions were headlined pretty much the same every couple more

  • Let Freedom Ring

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Aug 2, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    Sermon preached on 4th of July weekend

    Let Freedom Ring John 8:31-36 Lord Jesus, thou who art the way, the truth, and the life; hear us as we pray for the truth that shall make all free. Teach us that liberty is not only to be loved but also to be lived. Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books. It costs too much to be more

  • God Bless America With Repentance

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Special message for the 4th of July, 2014.

    Romans 1:18-32 This past Friday, we had the annual celebration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America. The men who founded this country believed in personal liberty and rejected a monarchy and demanded individual freedom. This nation was more

  • Following Jesus To The Fishing Hole Series

    Contributed by Steve Lotze on Jan 30, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Fourth in the Series

    Following Jesus to the Fishing Hole October 16, 2005 Luke 5:1-11 These are my actual notes and sermon handouts and they probably mean more to me than they do to you. If you don’t understand something in my notes – feel free to e-mail me for clarification ( Here’s some more

  • Fourth Sunday Of Lent--Year B Pop Verse: John 3:16

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 4, 2024

    Pop is short for popular and John 3:16 in our Gospel is thee pop verse of all time

    "A pastor was trying to explain to a little Sunday school student that "God is much bigger than we," the pastor said. "God is everywhere!" "Everywhere?" asked the little boy. "Everywhere!" said the pastor, “for example, the old Baltimore Catechism asks more

  • Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year A.- Forgiveness In 621 Words

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Aug 8, 2023

    The New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati has “70 x 7” painted over the main doorway.

    We hear in our Gospel, we have to forgive, “not seven times but seventy-seven times.” One guy responded, “Great, not only do I have to forgive my brother, now I have to do math.” Jesus adds: Forgive from your heart. Without forgiveness, the weight of the debt over time means the residual more

  • Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time- The Real Meaning Of "blessed Are The Poor In Spirit.”

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 22, 2022

    The other, more important meaning, is that there will be a coming reversal of circumstances for those who are unfortunate, the marginalized, the abused, those who live in poverty, so these beatitudes are not just virtues to attain in this life.

    Dear Abby, the popular advice column in the newspaper still published today with authorship changes, once received a letter that describes the "if only" attitude: "It was Spring, But it was Fall I wanted, the colorful leaves and the cool dry air. It was Fall, but it was Winter I more

  • Freedom

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Jun 30, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We have freedom in Christ as God’s people. Use that freedom, not for license to live selfishly, but to worship God completely… and love the people in your life unselfishly. Be free… be free to love.

    Freedom, Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Introduction Atop the hill in Washington, D.C. stands the Capitol Building of the United States of America. The cornerstone was laid in 1793, but the crowning touch, is the statue on top of the rotunda known as the “Freedom Lady” that was placed there in 1863. The more

  • Wisdom Is Shown To Be Right By Its Results ...

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on Jul 4, 2020

    Independence Day Sermon, July 2020, during the Pandemic - Responsibility is part of freedom

    Reading of the Word: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Sermon: The Freedom of Following Jesus - Wisdom is shown to be right by its results When I first looked at this passage I actually only intended to preach on the last couple of verses here on Independence Day Weekend. I actually verbalized it to more

  • Got Worship?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon meditation for Sunday Singspiration on July 15, 2007

    (Slide 1- Title Slide) The title of my meditation this morning, ‘Got Worship?’ is a play on the advertising phrase, ‘Got Milk?’ that has been used to underscore the importance of the nutrients of milk in one’s diet. And just as important as milk is to our bodies, worship of the Lord is important more

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