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  • Living For One Purpose

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Mar 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is part of a series through the Gospel of John and sows how God has designed us to live for one purpose: to Give Him GLory

    Living for One purpose John 17:1-5 Today I want us to think about the one sole purpose, the one passion that we live for. What is it that gets us out of bed in the morning and motivates us through the day at the same time I want you to consider if that purpose is bringing you joy and more

  • Unity

    Contributed by Michael Bolin on Mar 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A cry for unity in the local body.

    Good morning. How is everyone this morning? Thank each of you for being here. I would like to ask you a few questions this morning. I would like to quote to you some sentences and you tell me if they are in the Bible. "Money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10 "Do unto others as you would more

  • Seventh Sunday After Easter Series

    Contributed by Michael Tkachuk on May 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus constantly prays for us in the Holy of Holies. We too can reciprocate by constantly praying to God.

    The Church today honors the sacred memory of the 318 great fathers who gathered in the city of Nicaea for the First Ecumenical Council. This occurred in the year 325 AD. One of the most important things that happened at that gathering was putting into exact terms the Christian belief in Christ more

  • The Real Lord’s Prayer Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on May 21, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    God glorifies Jesus for the ultimate good of all things.

    Scripture Introduction When teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus began by saying, “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name….” Christians usually call that section of Scripture in Matthew 6 “The Lord’s Prayer.” In a sense, it more

  • The Road To The Cross Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The way a person faces their death can tell you a lot about them.

    John 17:1-26 February 17, 2007 The Road to the Cross You can tell a lot about a person by the way in which they face their own death. Some people are afraid, others bold, some are angry and selfish, while others are calm and selfless. Seeing someone in their final days can evoke a sense of more

  • Jesus Prayer Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 15, 2009

    The prayer of Jesus

    Jesus prayer John 17 It’s good to know that God is always there looking out for us. A little boy once prayed, "Dear God, I hope you’ll take good care of yourself because if anything should happen to you, we’d be in an awful fix." I heard a story more

  • Jesus Prayer Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 15, 2009

    The prayer of Jesus

    Jesus prayer John 17 It’s good to know that God is always there looking out for us. A little boy once prayed, "Dear God, I hope you’ll take good care of yourself because if anything should happen to you, we’d be in an awful fix." I heard a more

  • The Great Intercessor Series

    Contributed by Richard Sharp on Apr 1, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The Gospel of John reveals to us candid Portiats of Christ to help Us understand who he is. In this portrait Jesus is Praying just before His betrayal.

    Portraits of Christ : The Great Intercessor John 17 Review of Series Prayer Opening Illustration- Moody’s Barroom Meeting D.L. Moody once entered a tavern in order to ask the bartender if his two little girls might attend his Sunday School. He was told that an atheist club met there every more

  • A Special People

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Apr 4, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    A message of commitment.

    A SPECIAL PEOPLE John 17:1-26 INTRO: Recently, I learned that the USAF does a special thing when a person gets a promotion to general. They attend “charm school.” It is a training designed to acquaint a person with the expectations of a general’s life. Jesus wanted His followers to be special more

  • In Faith, Unity Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 79 ratings

    Several 100 yrs ago, Augustine said "In faith unity. In doubtful things, liberty. In all things love". How can we apply that concept to our mission as a church?

    OPEN: There’s a Methodist minister named J. Gordon Melton who has an interesting hobby. He collects lists of church denominations in the United States... and his research has revealed there are 1517 different recognized denominations in USA. He includes all kinds of groups, including cults such as more

  • Jesus' Prayer For Us Series

    Contributed by Derek Melanson on Apr 20, 2006
    based on 466 ratings

    Jesus intercedes for us. He offers prayer for the protection, sanctification, and unity of his followers and for those who will believe their message.

    “Jesus’ Prayer for Us” John 17 Introduction 1. One of the most encouraging experiences as a Christian is to be prayed for by someone else – and not only prayed for but prayed with. When someone prays for you in your presence, something special happens in your heart: you feel warmed and more

  • Prayer That Packs A Punch

    Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus in his prayer in John 17 shows the heart of prayer and power that can come when we allow our prayers to pack a punch.

    Prayer that packs a punch…John 17 1. Prayer that packs a punch comes from a pure heart From the temptation in the desert…all through his ministry Jesus kept himself right with the Lord. When we are not living for God we cannot expect God to listen to our more

  • En El Mundo, Pero No Del Mundo Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Estamos en el mundo, pero no somos del mundo

    NO DEL MUNDO PERO EN EL MUNDO Intro: Un amigo me compartía que un día esperando el autobús a la salida de su trabajo, un automóvil se detuvo y se bajaron dos sujetos y lo forzaron a entrar al automóvil. Le vendaron los ojos y lo llevaron a un cajero automático, entre golpes e insultos le hicieron more

  • Reflections Of The High Priestly Prayer

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on May 27, 2006
    based on 44 ratings

    Four thoughts 1. The importance of prayer, 2. The goal of Jesus ministry, 3. The simplicity of his mission and 4. changed lifestyles

    DC/NR 28-05-06 Jn 17:1-19 : The High Priestly Prayer I was sent this story last week by e-mail: A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various more

  • Jesus Prays For Himself

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 28, 2012

    This passage begins the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. Jesus’ time had come. His death on the cross was quickly upon Him. So we will see that in the passage that Jesus asked for only two things. He asked that He may glorify the Father in what was about

    Tonight’s passage begins the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. Jesus’ time had come. His death on the cross was quickly upon Him. So we will see that in our passage this evening Jesus asked for only two things. 1. He asked that He may glorify the Father in what was about to more

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