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  • Servant Hood 101

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 21, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The One who needed to be served is serving!

    John 13:1-30 Verse 1-2-Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. And supper being ended, the devil having already put it more

  • Love On Display

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Feb 8, 2013

    When it comes to loving the model for every believer is Jesus Himself.

    Love on Display John 13:1, 31-35 When it comes to loving the model for every believer is the Lord Himself. We can truly never love without the gift of the Holy Spirit and complete yielding unto Him in this grace. Ephesians 2:4 But God who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved more

  • Servanthood Series

    Contributed by Ricky Sinclair on Feb 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Servanthood is the only godly leadership the Bible teaches. Leadership through domination, manipulation and control are considered the spirit of witchcraft, and of course, releases the wrong spirit.

    Servanthood is the only godly leadership the Bible teaches. Leadership through domination, manipulation and control are considered the spirit of witchcraft, and of course, releases the wrong spirit. I. People will not go along with you until they get along with more

  • Forgive--You Don’t Have A Choice

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Feb 25, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Many Christians believe that they have the right to forgive or not forgive a wrong done to them. Jesus disagrees.

    Forgive – You Don’t Have A Choice We know that even though Jesus lived during the time the Law was in effect, he didn’t teach the law. Jesus taught principles from the kingdom of God. That will be very important to keep in mind this morning. We are going to be in John 13 and to give you a quick more

  • Sweaty Devotion

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Mar 18, 2013

    Exposition of John

    Text: John 13:1-17, Title: Sweaty Devotion, Date/Place: NRBC, 3/17/13, AM A. Opening illustration: Cleaning up my dog’s vomit, maybe even having Buddy come in on the stage with me. B. Background to passage: The public ministry in the sense of preaching, teaching, and miracles in over. more

  • The Badge Of Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Oct 19, 2013

    Jesus washes the disciples feet - (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (A). What Jesus knew (vs 1-3) • Jesus knew about Gods timing (vs 1) • Jesus knew the truth about Judas (vs 2) • Jesus knew he had been given Him all things (vs 3) (B). What Jesus did (vs 4-5). • Humility acts unannounced (vs 4-5). • Humility acts more

  • Washing The Feet Of The Disciples

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 7, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    This world is not our home,. However, the Lord is not taking His disciples immediately out of this world. Instead, He equips us with a model of love and humility for our continuing sojourn here.

    WASHING THE DISCIPLES’ FEET. John 13:1-17. John concludes his account of Jesus’ public ministry with one last urgent appeal in which our Lord “cried out” (John 12:44) with a vehemence not unlike His cry at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:43). Jesus does not cease to call the spiritually dead to new more

  • I Believe In Footwashing

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 24, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    I Believe in Footwashing John 13:1-14 Jesus does an object lesson. It's a visual expression of a spiritual truth. A lesson in Humility 1. The Lord's example. Consider the culture of that day. When someone visited your house, it was customary to more

  • Loving As Christ Loved

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Apr 2, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Throughout the gospels there is no record of Jesus ever directly telling any of his chosen disciples that he personally loved them. Yet, there was no question about His love for them, for He demonstrated it time and again. Now He asks the disciples to l

    LOVING AS CHRIST LOVED A. What are you willing to do for someone you love? ILLUSTRATION: Some of my fondest memories as a kid was playing with my brothers and friends at an old abandoned TWO-STORY HOUSE located about a quarter of a mile in a PASTURE across from where we lived in Oklahoma. We more

  • Do As I Do Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Apr 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A Maundy Thursday sermon focusing on the pattern which Christ has given us to follow so that we might know joy and happiness in the presence of the Father.

    I have in my office a beautiful needlepoint of the United Methodist cross and flame. It was a gift to me one Christmas a few years ago from a parishioner. The piece is not huge, it fits into a 5x7 frame, but I know the woman who did this needlepoint spent hours and hours weaving this beautiful more

  • Maundy Thursday : Servant Lessons From Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus taught us few important lessons while washing the feet of His disciples.

    Blessed are you if you do them As we meditate on the Lord’s last Passover supper, let us turn our attention to the incident recorded in John 13:1-17. For those of us who know our bibles well, we know this passage as the only place where the washing of the disciples feet in recorded. None of more

  • Demonstration Of Royal Service

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012

    Jesus had so little time left for the disciples to learn that the way to glory is through service and not through position and authority. How could Jesus get the message across forcibly enough so that they would never forget the truth? This is what led

    Three weeks in John 13. Just before tonight’s passage, as recorded in Luke 22 and Mk. 10, the disciples had been arguing over who would hold the leading positions in the government Jesus was about to set up. The discussion was heated. They were caught up in the ambition for position and more

  • Measured By The Foot Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012

    Service, ministry, outreach

    MEASURED BY THE FOOT John 13: 1-17 Oct. 30, 2022 INTRODUCTION: I was trying to think of one of the most humbling things I've done…voluntarily. I had things happen that have humbled me, but it's distinctly different when you choose to do something humbling. In 1985 I worked more

  • Family Supper

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Mar 4, 2012

    It's easy to be concerned about where we fit into the Kingdom of God, but we need to trust that God has prepared a unique, marvelous room for us.

    I. Introduction a. Any identity thieves? i. Jon Mark Lipka ii. Born XXXX iii. Moved to xxxx iv. Moved to xxxx. v. Ordained deacon September 20, 2003, and priest June 2, 2007 vi. Married…oh, wait, not yet! vii. That’s where I’ve come from. b. Where I’m going, who knows? more

  • Entitled Series

    Contributed by Andy Stanley on Mar 16, 2012
    based on 24 ratings

    Recovery begins when we leverage our entitlements for the sake of those less entitled.

    Find additional Free Resources for This Sermon Series: So as we begin this last message in this series, let me begin by this, a little bit of a story. Now, as Jesus was coming to the end of his ministry, he was on his way to Jerusalem one more

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