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Sermons on Joel 2:13:

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  • Sound The Shofar

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Israel has slipped into apathy and complacency as a result the alarm has sounded to get our attention, the alarm has sounded for our heart, and the alarm has sounded to repositioning.

    Sound the Shofar Joel 2:1-17 Israel has slipped into apathy and complacency as a result, this disaster came there way. Locust had come and had brought God s judgment, the locust are described as an invading army 6A nation has invaded my land, powerful and without number; it more

  • Lent Means Return To God

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Mar 4, 2014

    This is a brief homily given at The Tuesday Feast, a weekly meal, worship and discipleship outreach event at Yonge Street Mission in Toronto.

    **This is a brief homily given at The Tuesday Feast, a weekly meal, worship and discipleship outreach event at Yonge Street Mission in Toronto** Lent is a time of getting ready, when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual more

  • Ash Wednesday: Leave No Cobweb Un-Swept

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Mar 5, 2014

    A short talk for our annual Ash Wednesday service. The bright light of God's judgement and holiness and grace calls us to leave no stone unturned and no cobweb un-swept as we route out sin.

    In 1977 (in his book How to be born again) Billy Graham wrote: ‘Several years ago I was to be interviewed at my home for a well-known television show and, knowing it would appear on nationwide television, my wife [Ruth] took great pains to see that everything looked nice. She had vacuumed and more

  • A Falling Out Series

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Jul 8, 2014

    Through covenants, God establishes a relationship with man that cannot be broken even when fellowship is hindered, so that when man falls away, God offers a way back.

    Today we start a sermon series “Falling in Love Again.” Lent is the prenuptial period leading up to the great wedding banquet that begins on Maundy Thursday, that is consummated on Good Friday, and is proven unbreakable on Easter Sunday. As we begin “Falling in Love more

  • Keep Calm And Carry On - A Sermon For Ash Wednesday

    Contributed by Michael Hopkins on Feb 17, 2013

    A sermon for Ash Wednesday - for a UK congregation

    Joel 2:1-2 & 12-17 John 8:1-11 I’m beginning, totally unsuitably for Lent, with an expression of pride. I’m very proud of my collection of the complete set of Carry On films - it’s the earthy British humour of the 1960s and 1970s at its best (or worst, depending upon your point more

  • Joel - Rend Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 4, 2013

    Realisation leads to Repentance, and that leads to Restoration. In realisation, we need fresh revelations of God. In repentance, we need to see the good purposes of God. In restoration, we seek to return to God.

    [Read Joel 2:11b-14] `Even now,` declares the LORD, `return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.` 13Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from more

  • The Day Of The Lord Is Near Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    (adapted from Joel Rosenberg’s Epicenter and Mike Bickle’s series on Joel)

    Joel Pt1 The Day of the Lord is Near (adapted from Joel Rosenberg- Epicenter Conf, Mike Bickle- Joel Series, other resources as noted) Introduction to Joel Just finished a study of a NT book- Philippians. We want to start a study of an OT book- Joel. First, look at how Joel fits into the Bible- more

  • Blow A Trumpet In Zion Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 23, 2011

    This brief study of Joel is intended to awaken the church to an understanding of prophetic literature and to prepare our hearts for the day in which we live (adapted from Joel Rosenberg’s Epicenter conference and Mike Bickle’s series on Joel).

    Joel Pt5 Blow a Trumpet in Zion Introduction/Review Continue study of Joel- Joel 2. Testimonies from last weeks challenge- Last Sunday- challenged us-examine our lives/ask God- what adjustments we can make to respond to God’s call to repent/fast/pray- for our nation? Joel 2 Outline v2.1-11 more

  • Get Ready - #3 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Mar 25, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Be prepared for the things to come

    Words of Warning – Series on Joel Get Ready Joel 2:12-17 * Billy Graham was preaching the funeral of former U.S. President Richard Nixon before five U.S. presidents and a worldwide audience, & he said as he pointed to Nixon’s casket, "Every one of you will be there one of these days. Are you more

  • Loving The Lord, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Loving the Lord through loving our Nation.

    Loving the Lord, Part 4 Loving your Nation Introduction Memorial Day is a time to remember – do you remember the soldiers of the Lord? Do you know what they have gone through to give us the testimony of the Jesus? America, we need to remember their testimony and put into practice what they have more

  • Sound The Alarm! Series

    Contributed by Wayne Presnell on Feb 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians are to sound the alarm of judgment, but also the alarm to repent. We warn, but also offer the hope found in repentance.

    Sound the Alarm! Joel 2:1-17 In the late 1990’s, our family lived in a split level apartment in Union Township… just north of Cincinnati, Oh. It was a great location in many ways…it was close to a major freeway, but not so close that we had to listen to its traffic, it was just 5 minutes from the more

  • One Way To Know God Better Series

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Jan 11, 2011

    Fasting is one way we can grow to know God better. Fasting involves agreement, alignment, and then God’s assignment. The three A’s are from Stovall Weems

    Pursing Jesus: TO KNOW GOD BETTER January 9, 2011 Jay Davis Robison Joel 2:12-32 So let me ask you, Have you broken it yet? New Year’s resolution To go on a diet, or be on time, save $$ or improve a relationship Talked to a guy to resolved to quit smoking asked how’s it going? Great more

  • The Day Of The Lord, Already, Not Yet.

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 10, 2024

    The day of the Lord is also the day of Christ’s coming. It refers to his first coming and his second coming. There is an already and not yet aspect to the day of the Lord. Christ has come. The return of Christ and final judgement has not yet come.

    When Joel wrote about the day of the Lord it was understood that this was some dreadful event coming like the invasion of a foreign army or a natural calamity like locusts destroying the crops and causing a famine. There was also a hopeful expectation to the day of the Lord that in the end it more

  • The Discipline Of Fasting

    Contributed by Ian Hyde on Feb 23, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Ezra the scribe knew his people needed to prepare their hearts for the difficult and dangerous journey ahead. In this sermon we look at why we as the church are called to fast and pray together, especially during the season of Lent.

    A FAMILY ON THE MOVE For our family, there is rarely any experience more stressful than preparing for a trip back to Iowa to visit our parents. The kids are always excited about the prospect of staying in motels, of visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, of going out to eat at restaurants, and of more

  • What Sort Of Day? Series

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Feb 17, 2019

    The Day of the Lord is a day to prepare for and this is done by trusting in Jesus.

    Clear and present danger. When there’s danger, the alarm usually sounds—more than once. Sydney has a CBD emergency warning system. There are 98 speakers throughout the city and 13 messaging signs at key transport hubs. The system is designed to manage lots of people needing to be moved in the more

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