Wayne Presnell
Contributing sermons since Feb 10, 2009
Newest Sermons
Sound The Alarm!
Contributed on Feb 10, 2009
Christians are to sound the alarm of judgment, but also the alarm to repent. We warn, but also offer the hope found in repentance.
Sound the Alarm! Joel 2:1-17 In the late 1990’s, our family lived in a split level apartment in Union Township… just north of Cincinnati, Oh. It was a great location in many ways…it was close to a major freeway, but not so close that we had to listen to its traffic, it was just 5 minutes from ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Feb 10, 2009
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Silent When Needed
Contributed on Feb 10, 2009
SILENT WHEN NEEDED In the late 1990’s, our family lived in a split level apartment in Union Township, just north of Cincinnati, OH. It was a great location in many ways: it was close to a major freeway, but not so close that we had to listen to its traffic; it was just five minutes from the ...read more
Timothy Keller In His Marvelous Book:
Contributed on Feb 10, 2009
Timothy Keller in his marvelous book: “The Reason for God,” answers the skeptic’s question: “Because Christians think there are consequences to sin… including judgment… does that make them narrow minded?” He uses this analogy: “Imagine two people arguing over the nature of a cookie. Jack ...read more
The Worst Industrial Accident In History ...
Contributed on Feb 10, 2009
"The worst industrial accident in history occurred on April 26, 1986, in the town of Chernobyl in north central Ukraine of the former Soviet Union. It was caused by two electrical engineers who were playing around with one of the nuclear reactors. They were conducting an unauthorized experiment ...read more