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Sermons on jesus the good shepherd:

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  • Life In Abundance (Fourth Sunday Of Easter)

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jun 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    I have come so that you may have life, life in abundance. How do I have abundant life or fullness of life?

    Reflection I have come so that you may have life, life in abundance. How do I have abundant life or fullness of life? We can understand the fullness of life in two senses in today’s readings (John 10:1-10). A. As a shepherd, and B. As a sheep. A. As a Shepherd: I receive the fullness more

  • Our Good Shepherd Is Christ The King

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    End Time Last / Christ the King (C) - Our good Shepherd is Christ our King. Our good Shepherd gathers his flock. Christ our King is our righteousness.

    OUR GOOD SHEPHERD IS CHRIST THE KING (Outline) November 22, 2009 -- CHRIST THE KING / LAST SUN. OF END TIME -- Jeremiah 23:2-6 INTRO: There are many names, titles, and descriptions for God in the Bible. The Bible reveals that our God is triune. Triune describes three persons but only more

  • How To Find The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jun 8, 2021

    The world is a very dangerous place spiritually, full of wolves that come to us in sheep's clothing, evil shepherds masquerading as good shepherds. How do we find the Good Shepherd? How do we determine the difference between good shepherds and bad? Jesus provides insight in John 10.

    If you’re only casually familiar with the Bible, you might be surprised to find out that one of the major themes of the New Testament is false teachers. Under this general category fall false shepherds, false prophets and false apostles. You see, the Bible claims to be the truth about God and more

  • Why The Shepherds?

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Dec 1, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The birth of Christ was not announced to the most influential people in the nation, like political, religious, or military leaders, nor to wealthy merchants and prominent men and women, but to the shepherds. Why? Who are they?

    News about the birth of a baby is usually greeted with joy, especially news of the birth of a baby from a kingdom, for example, England. In 2021, Caroline Picard and Charlotte Chilton wrote the article "38 Royal Baby Traditions You Didn't Realize Existed." I will share some of them more

  • The Shepherd’s Blood

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jun 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A communion meditation on the all-sufficient work of Christ.

    THE SHEPHERD’S BLOOD Hebrews 9:9-28 Big Idea: A communion meditation on the all-sufficient work of Christ. Hebrews 9:9-28 9 This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. 10 They are more

  • The Abundant Life In The Shepherd

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 26, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    How we respond to the Good Shepherd will make a difference in our lives

    The Abundant life in the Shepherd John 10:7-21 Good Morning… Glad that you have joined us today. I have titled the message today … The Abundant life in the Shepherd. The life we can have when we are in a right relationship in Jesus. Please turn to John 10 Think about this for a moment… we are more

  • The Shepherds Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Nov 8, 2023

    This is another part of our S Series – The S of Christmas. This time we focus in on the Shepherds – 1. They knew how to Listen and Receive. 2. They knew how to Obey 3. They Knew How to Open their Mouths

    Scripture: Luke 2:15-21 Theme: The S of Christmas – The Shepherds Title: The Shepherds of Christmas Proposition: Intro: This is another part of our S Series – The S of Christmas. This time we focus in on the Shepherds – 1. They knew how to Listen and Receive. 2. They knew how to Obey more

  • See The Good Shepherd Care For His Sheep

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on May 6, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    When Jesus reinstated Peter he revealed Himself as the Good Shepherd. He showed His love for one of His sheep by forgiving Peter for the three times he denied Jesus. And He showed His love for His flock by commanding Peter to feed and care for His lambs

    He has a lamb draped over his shoulders. In his hand is the unmistakable shepherd’s staff. A flock of sheep surrounds him. His eyes seem to be looking for danger or searching for a safe place to give his sheep food and water. I imagine that many of you have seen a picture or painting of the more

  • Angels And Shepherds. Abridged.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 17, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Good tidings of great joy!

    ANGELS AND SHEPHERDS. Abridged. Luke 2:8-20. Whatever reputation they may have had amongst men, it was to humble shepherds watching their flocks by night that the angel of the Lord appeared (Luke 2:8-9). There is nobody so low that the Lord cannot reach down into their situation, and raise more

  • Three Questions About Our Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Feb 24, 2021

    There is a lot in this passage. This message tries to boil it down to the big truths by asking three questions about our "good shepherd."

    - At one level, this is a simple passage: Jesus is the Good Shepherd. - At another level, this passage is not simply understood. There is conflicting imagery (how is Jesus the shepherd and the gate?). It is difficult to get all the pieces to fit cleanly. - I echo a little the sentiment of v. 6 more

  • Salvation In The Name Of Jesus PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 18, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus Christ as our cornerstone, refuge, healer, and salvation, emphasizing His compassionate care, commanding authority, and committed sacrifice.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. We gather here today under the banner of a love so profound, so transformative, that it transcends our human understanding. We gather in the name of Jesus Christ, who leads us, cares for us, and lays down His life for us. Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of more

  • Three Shepherd Stories: Good Shepherd Sunday

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Apr 17, 2019

    Mother’s Day and Good Shepherd Sunday, Cycle C

    Mother’s Day and Good Shepherd Sunday One man tells about working at a club on the weekend of the biggest motorcycle gathering of the year. When the roaring machines pulled up outside, the patrons of the club turned their eyes toward the door and the conversation turned into an uneasy more

  • The Great Shepherd's Claims

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2012

    Jesus made two revealing points. 1. His sacrificial death was the very reason God loves His Son so much. God loves His Son just like any man loves his child. But God loves Jesus even more, in a more special way, because Jesus was willing to pay such a

    As we move along in our study of the Gospel of John you might remember that last Sunday morning the message came from John 10: 1-16 when Jesus referred to Himself as the Good Shepherd. Tonight we will pick up there in verse 17. READ 17-18. This is the final proof that Jesus is the Good Shepherd more

  • Seven I Am's Of Jesus In The Gospel Of John.

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Aug 4, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Moses heard God's Name from the burning bush was 'I AM'. It is because He is not the great I was, or the great going to be but the Great I AM. It is because God is unchanging. Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 Everybody thinks of changing Humanity and Nobody thinks of changing Himself.

    Seven I AM'S OF JESUS in the Gospel of John. I. Jesus is the Bread of Life. John 6:35 (KJV) And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. A. Jesus is the Source of Life. II. Jesus is the more

  • The Doctrine Of Assurance: "To Have And Have Not" [part Four]

    Contributed by Reverend Cooper Mcwhirter on Sep 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' testimony bears credence

    Sermon Preached at Grace Community Church (EPC) Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZ Sunday, June 21, 2015 by the Reverend Cooper McWhirter The Doctrine of Assurance: “To Have and Have Not” [Part Four] John 10:25-30 In Scripture it speaks about the thirsty believer who can draw from the more

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