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  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 30, 2018

    God delights in delivering His people when they come to Him on His terms

    ENGAGE I’d like to begin this morning by taking a poll on a matter of critical importance in many households. In fact, it is so critical that the Wikipedia article on this topic has 91 notes, over 100 references and 13 suggestions for further reading. Of course I’m referring to the correct way to more

  • Moses PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Moses' longing to see God's glory, encouraging us to similarly seek and reflect God's glory in our lives.

    Welcome, dear friends, to our gathering today. Isn't it a blessing to be here, in the house of the Lord, surrounded by fellow believers, ready to immerse ourselves in the profound and beautiful Word of God? We are indeed privileged to have this time together, to learn, to grow, and to be more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 3, 2024

    To see something we have never seen before in 2024 - we must do something we have never done before in 2024! God's question to you is "What is in your hand?"

    Moses: 2024 Series: Never seen before in 2024! Thesis: To see something we have never seen before in 2024 - we must do something we have never done before in 2024! What is the one thing you need to do? Is it read the Bible daily – Pray – have consistent devotions? Step out in faith? Follow more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 31, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    Today we will look at Moses. The man God chose to deliver the people of Egypt out of cruel bondage

    Moses: God’s hero of the faith! Series: God’s Heroes of the Faith Introduction to series: Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the Heroes of the Faith found for us in Hebrews 11. We have been taking quick glimpses of a few of God’s heroes of the faith. Theses messages have been more

  • Moses!

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Mar 24, 2007

    We have to do it God’s way.....

    ACTS 7:23"When Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his fellow Israelites. 24He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian. 25Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them, but more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Ricky Nelms on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a series of messages on Bible characters. Moses life is divided in this sermon into 3 parts - 1)The First 40, 2)The Second 40, and 3)The Final Forty. In each of these phases, we see our own lives and how God works with us and through us.

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SERIES 4 – MOSES This morning, we come the FOURTH INSTALLMENT of our “Close Encounters” series as we talk today about the life of Moses Just a few weeks ago, we got the news that Charleton Heston died, and we remember him most in the movie, The Ten Commandments, more

  • Moses

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Sep 1, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    The story of Moses’ miraculous birth

    August 3 - Moses EX 2:11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw anLook this way and then that - why were the Hebrews angry? All knew Moses was Hebrew born, but palace raised. Why did Moses turn his head for 40 years, more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Sep 1, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    The miraculous birth of Moses

    Do you really want to hear from God? Don’t read the bible lying down - not meant to soothe you but to ruffle your feathers, disturb Read the Bible as though it were something entirely unfamiliar, as though it had not been set before you ready-made. ... Face the book with a new attitude as more

  • Similar Backgrounds Of Moses And Jesus

    Contributed by Alan Holden on Dec 26, 2012

    While Moses and Jesus had similar life backgrounds, their ministries were different.

    A Threatened Monarch A. Pharoah B. Herod the Great (the half-breed) An Impending Infanticide A. Drowning infant males B. Killing infant males A Young Guardian A. Miriam watches after Moses B. Mary, whose Hebrew name is Miriam, watches after Jesus An Egyptian Hiding Place A. Moses among the more

  • The Superior Plan Of God

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    God has his plan, and man has his. God’s is based on complete knowledge, man’s on guesses and speculation. Guess which one is superior?

    Passage: Acts 13:13-41 Intro: I was listening to a message made by Dr. Stephen Hawking concerning the ability of the human race to survive the next 100 years. 1. here is the gist: we need to be very careful we don’t destroy ourselves with nukes before we develop the capacity to leave planet Earth more

  • The Ultimate Revelation Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jul 21, 2010

    Exposition of Heb 1:1-4 regarding the end all of revelation--Jesus Christ

    Text: Hebrews 1:1-4, Title: The Ultimate Revelation: Christ, Date/Place: NRBC, 7/4/10, PM A. Opening illustration: goldfish illustration B. Background to passage: The book of Hebrews is written by an unknown Jewish author (unless you have KJV) with a great knowledge of and deep respect for the Old more

  • The Superior New Covenant Series

    Contributed by Matthew Cook on May 28, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    God’s New Promise

    The Superiority of the New Covenant May 22, 2005 Center Point Baptist Church Introduction Present the following illustration on promises kept: Several years ago, I made a promise to my eldest son – that I would build him a fort to play in, and it would be done before I had to make a 6-month more

  • The Superiority Of God's Promise

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Sep 1, 2010

    God's promise of salvation through faith far exceeds any promise the Old Testament law could give.

    THE SUPERIORITY OF GOD'S PROMISE GALATIANS 3:15-22 INTRODUCTION We have many laws in our country. Laws are important for any given society. On the early mining frontier, many towns sprang up around strike areas. These were often terrible places to visit or live. For a long time, there were no more

  • Social Saviour Starts Superior System Series

    Contributed by Mack Armstrong on Aug 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is invited to a very important social event-a Wedding in Cana. While there, He preforms His first miracle, tuning water into wine. The best was saved to the Last-a type of the Church: "God saved the Best (Salvation) to the last Dispensation."

    JOHN 2:1-11 SOCIAL SAVIOUR STARTS SUPERIOR SYSTEM I. THE SETTING: JOHN 2:1-2 A. Social. B. Summoned. C. Success. II. THE SUPPLY: JOHN 2:3-10 A. Suddenness. B. Simplicity. C. Surpassing. III. THE SYMBOLISM: more

  • Superior Economic Laws

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 8, 2022

    Let’s examine what’s behind some superior economic laws found in Leviticus.

    Let’s examine what’s behind some superior economic laws found in Leviticus. Right Legal Basis The right basis of law must include one of Jesus’ two Great Commandments. “... you must love your neighbor as yourself …” (Leviticus 19:18 CEB) Opposite to love of neighbor is greed. It plagues our more

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