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Sermons on jesus is fully man:

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  • What The Blind Man Saw

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Jul 27, 2014
    based on 10 ratings

    A sermon examining the miracle Jesus performed in Bartemaus' life.

    What The Blind Man Saw Luke 18:35-43 George Matheson was a minister and hymn writer who went blind at the age of 20. Matheson believed that God made him blind so he could see clearly in other ways and become a guide to men.One might think that George Matheson was at a disadvantage because of his more

  • The Son Of Man And The Ancient Of Days

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Aug 6, 2023

    This is a message about the exalted Son of Man, Jesus, in the Book of Daniel, and the Transfiguration.

    The Son of Man and the Ancient of Days Sermon for August 6, 2023 Why do we always talk about Jesus on Sundays? Why don’t we talk about politics or social trends, or even just hope in a very general sense, or spirituality in a general way? Why do we believe Jesus is relevant and why do we need to more

  • Sons And Daughters Of God, Ii Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jun 24, 2019

    Greetings in the Holy Name of GOD, My brothers and sisters, clearly understand me, you are not only the proverbial daughters who remain under the care of human fathers for their entire life and the proverbial sons who become wise when they listen to their father tell them the right way.

    Sons And Daughters Of God, II by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid “And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (II Corinthians 6:18, King James Version) Greetings in the Holy Name of GOD, My brothers and more

  • "our God Is Eternal" Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Nov 22, 2020

    As we learn from His Word who God is we can apply them to our understanding of His greatness...He is a Spirit, He is Eternal, He is Unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.

    I Corinthians 13:3 says "We know in part" and see through a mirror dimly" can refer what we know about God. A Seminary professor explained it to me this way. Picture yourself with the biggest blackboard in history, and you place the tiniest dot of chalk on the board, that is just how more

  • The Promise

    Contributed by Roy Fowler on Nov 27, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Throughout history our God has promised us one thing. There is a Messiah and his name is Jesus.

    Sermon Title: The Promise. Scripture Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16 On this first Sunday of Advent, no one can read the prophecy of a “righteous Branch” springing up from the line of David in anything but a messianic light. The circumstances in which the prophecy was first spoken and heard was like more

  • The Word Made Flesh Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 2, 2019

    The third sermon in our series on the Gospel of John. In this sermon we discuss how Jesus was fully God and also fully man. It's a good apologetical sermon.

    The Word Made Flesh (John Pt. 3) Text: John 1:14 When you think of the Glory of God, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it a majestic throne room filled with light? Is it fire, thunder, and earthquakes, and angels filling the sky singing and shouting? Or maybe some kind of more

  • Man's Eyes Opened (Part I)

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Feb 28, 2012

    Jesus takes a man’s physical blindness and demonstrates the stages of spiritual insight and sight.

    Tonight we cover part one of our study in John 9 concerning the opening of man’s eyes. Chapters 8 & 9 of John are still under the title, The Revelation of Jesus, The Light of Life. Man is spiritually blind, and our eyes need to be opened. The mission of Jesus is to open the eyes of more

  • One Mediator Between God And Man

    Contributed by Justin Spradlin on Aug 31, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus is our mediator. He is our go between. Because man has fallen this is why we need Jesus

    1 Timothy 2:1-7 One Mediator Between God and Man Before we begin we must describe what this mediator is. - a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go between. - This is who Jesus is. He has done the work to bring us into a relationship with God. - more

  • Unusual Healings: The Man Born Blind Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Aug 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    He was born blind and there didn't seem to be anything he could do. Then Jesus came by, and, using an unusual "medicine", gave him his sight. Look at how the story ends, too.

    Text: John 9:1-7 KJV 1 And as (Jesus) passed by, he saw a man which was blind from (his) birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God more

  • God's View Of Man Series

    Contributed by Daniel Villa on Feb 9, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Man is a special creation of God created in His image, marred by sin, but restored in Jesus.

    A VISION OF MANKIND/PEOPLE/PERSONS Genesis 1 – 5 Sermon Objective: Help the people understand God’s view of man to enable greater freedom, worship, and meaning to life. This message focuses on man as a creature of God; created in God’s image, marred image, restored image, and a calling to call more

  • To The Uptight: Son Of Man Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Sep 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus challenged Nicodemus and us because He challenges our pride and status, or because we think that all we have done is now useless. The human Jesus shows us how to live without being uptight.

    Two men standing in a garden to talk; so much alike and yet so different. Two men, with much on their minds, with eternal issues at stake, and yet with very human concerns too. Two men, very different and yet brothers, much the same. Two men standing in a garden to take one another’s measure. more

  • Heaven & Earth 4- Jesus: God, Man And Model Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus’ divinity and humanity are unquestionable and inseparable. But did He do His miracles by nature of being God or man? What are the implications of this? In His divinity He is unequalled- but in His humanity He is a model, prototype for us.

    Heaven & Earth 4: Jesus- God, man & model (Jesus’ miracles- performed as man or God?) Phil 2:5-11 Recap of previous 3 sermons in series 1 Divine 1.1 Jesus fully divine. God in the flesh 1.1.1 Jn 8:58, 20:58 (thomas), Jn 1 paralleling Gen 1 1.1.2 Jn 14:9 ’he who has seen me’ 1.1.3 Jn 10:30 ’I and more

  • The Rich Man And Lazarus Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Use Jesus’ teaching to demonstrate God’s desire for us to reach out to the poor and lost and the eternal implications of a real place of torment called hell for those who do not worship (love) God as revealed through Jesus’ resurrection.

    We continue today on our 40 day journey through the season of Lent as we walk with Jesus to the cross and to resurrection. During our Lenten journey we have been focusing on Jesus’ teachings on the way to the cross from Luke’s gospel. This is the section from Luke 9:50 until his arrest and death more

  • The Boy Jesus

    Contributed by Rev. Eugene Turner on Jun 14, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon emphasizes the uniqueness of Jesus as boy growing in favor with God and man.

    Luke 2:43-2:43 Intro. This was not just another child of the Bible. He was Mary’s baby, but He was God’s Son. We use the term God in the flesh. The writer said, after they had performed all things according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Nazareth (a city in Galilee). more

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed by David Nolte on Oct 16, 2016

    Answers the question, "Who do men say that the Son of Man is?"

    “Who IS Jesus?” Matthew 16:13-18 David P. Nolte Any honest historian or any objectively thinking person has to admit that Jesus was a real man who lived in Judea and was credited with many astounding acts and was crucified under Pilate’s reign. The question is not, more

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