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  • Authority Of Jesus: Jesus Paparazzi Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Mark shows that Jesus is the authority right at the start of his ministry: He heals at a word or a touch, he drives away and silences demons, He was the authority then, He is the authority now.

    Preview - (Before the reading of the Scripture)- As we read the Scripture this morning it may appear to us that Jesus is going about his day and we may get the message that Jesus is generous in his blessings. Though this is true, Jesus is more than generous, This passage is about authority, the more

  • Jesus Continuing Work Series

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Apr 24, 2010

    The frist in a series from the book of Acts

    THE BOOK OF ACTS Jesus First Wrods To His Church Acts 1:1-11 INTRODUCTION: Can you recall what your favorite class was in High School? ( name them, Gym, recess, math…) When I was in High School, my favorite subjects were Music, English and History. Many of my classmtes had not choice to more

  • Emotional Affair Other Than Your Spouse Is Very Toxic Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    There are many people around us both men and women flirting with other men and women ...

    There are many people around us both men and women flirting with other men and women other than their spouse and having an emotional affairs meeting their needs outside marriage and some even to the level of physical relationships and finally end up sinning and cheating against their spouse. They more

  • God Stands For Women And A Warning To Those Who Deceive And Hurt Them. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    God is a God of justice and compassion, and He is particularly concerned with the treatment of women.

    God is a God of justice and compassion, and He is particularly concerned with the treatment of women. Throughout history, women have been marginalized, oppressed, and mistreated, and God has always stood on their side. We will explore what the Bible says about God’s stance on the treatment of women more

  • Mother Ostriches And Mother Eagles

    Contributed by J Richison on Aug 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Not all women who give birth are mothers and not all women who are barren are not mothers.

    Mother Ostriches and Mother Eagles Lamentations 4:3 Job 39:13-17 This text burns with passion and indignation. The prophet charges these mothers with a hideous crime; cruelty. Not cruelty of a physical or mental abuse. Not mothers breaking more

  • Expensive Shampoo Wasted? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 16, 2017

    Why is the story of the women pouring perfume on Jesus' head be told along with the Gospel of Salvation?

    Let’s continue our worship of our Lord Jesus Christ by reading from the Gospel of Mark 14…. Read along with me v1-9……… As we had noted in the past, Scriptures explains Scriptures; and so, it is always good to see if other Gospels have the same story as the one we are studying…. Turn briefly to more

  • The Woman In Manoah's Life

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Aug 13, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Men are afraid sometimes, but if they would be open to their God-fearing wives, a lot of burdens would be lifted off of them and vice vasa

    For all the great and beloved ladies who would allow God’s words (the bible) to influence and guide your lives, here are some helpful points that the Spirit of God revealed to me in the book of Judges chapter 13 (the story of the conception of Samson). Please observe, interpret and apply same to more

  • The Man Who Understood A Woman Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 16, 2004
    based on 98 ratings

    Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well serves a classic example of Jesus’ compassion toward all women (and men).

    Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO The Man Who Understood A Woman John 4:7-26 I knew I was in trouble when my secretary giggled when she saw my sermon title. I know what the guys are thinking, “Oh yeah,…if only.” And the ladies, especially the married more

  • The First Evangelists

    Contributed by John Quigley on Apr 6, 2016

    The women to and from the tomb.

    Set the stage first: Read the verses: Just as the dawn was beginning to break, the women make their way to the tomb, there are soldiers supposed to be there guarding the tomb to make sure no one comes to steal the body. They expected that the stone would have to be rolled away so they could go more

  • Woman Of God

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on May 14, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    qualifications of women of God

    Intro: over the years we have all become familiar with certain slogans that go with a particular company. Burger King—have it your way. Tide—it gets the dirt out. Texaco—you can trust your car to the man who wears the star. Ford company states: the quality goes in before the name goes on. What does more

  • Jesus' Resurrection - Reality And Ministry Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 2, 2016

    This messages shows that not only was Jesus' resurrection a reality but it led others to the ministry that would take the message to all the world.

    BIBLE MESSAGES ON EASTER Bob Marcaurelle Yahoo to bob marcaurelle Message 6 Annual Sermons Text: Matt. 28:6; Acts 5:29-30 Vol. 9 No. 12 Bob Marcaurelle JESUS’ RESURRECTION - ITS REALITY AND MINISTRY more

  • What Is A Mother To Do These Days?

    Contributed by Donald Rapp on May 6, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Disciplining role of women

    What is a mother to do these days? Happy mother’s day I. This is one day a year when we get to collectively honor our mothers. A. It should be something that is done more than once a year and with more than just a nice card and flowers. 1. It isn’t easy to be a mother today. a) There are many more

  • The Question Of Divorce Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Sep 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    So many of us are effected by divorce. How does the church look at it today. Of course the Bible defines marriage between a MAN and a WOMEN.

    The Question of Divorce New Liberty Christian Church, Veedersburg , IN on September 16 2012 Richard T. McQuinn, Pastor TEXT: MATTHEW 5:31-32 Jesus said, Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a written divorce paper. But more

  • Christ Is Risen!

    Contributed by Hans Krause on Oct 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Easter story calls us to follow in the footsteps of the women who were the first to encounter the risen Jesus: in seeking his presence day by day, in worshiping him as our Lord and Savior, and in going out to call people in.

    [Sermon preached on 1 April 2018, Easter Sunday / 3rd year, ELCF Lectionary] “Were you there when they crucified our Lord?” It is a rhetorical question. Of course, we were not there when they crucified our Lord. The drama that we watched at the beginning of the service gives us some idea of the more

  • Lessons On Fatherhood From Joseph

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jul 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A short message for Father’s Day in which we did some significant recognition of our fathers in attendance and remembrance of fathers passed on.

    FATHER’S DAY 2009 “LESSONS ON FATHERHOOD FROM JOSEPH” MATTHEW 1:18-25 For many years, Lou Gehrig held the iron-man record of playing in 2,131 consecutive baseball games. Cal Ripken, Jr. broke that record on September 6, 1995. Ripken gave much of the credit for his success and more

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