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Sermons on James 2:15:

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  • Faith Without Works Series

    Contributed by Buffy Cook on Apr 5, 2015

    "For Dummies" books are a raging success! Why? Full of practical wisdom and simple "How To's" Wouldn't a "Christianity for Dummies," a book full of practical wisdom & simple How Tos on how to live out our faith, be great? James & this series is JUST THAT

    Christianity For Dummies: Faith Without Works James 2:14-26 I. Introduction A. We are continuing in our series "Christianity for Dummies" based on the Book of James. The first two weeks, we examined How to Respond to Trials & How to Understand & Defeat Temptation. Since that time, our more

  • Connected: Instagram Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Oct 14, 2015

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then our actions as disciples, when they reflect the faith we have, should be worth far more.

    I signed up for Instagram this week. I’m still learning how to use it, but here’s the purpose as shared on the Instagram website: “Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a more

  • What Is True Faith? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 3, 2015

    If people are saved through faith, we must understand God's definition of faith!

    If you look at the front of the Bulletin, our Scripture of the Week is Ephesians 2:8-9 - For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. God of course is talking about Christians saved more

  • Faith And Action

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Faith without deeds is dead and useless. Faith with deeds points to God the Father in heaven!

    FAITH AND ACTION James 2:14-19 Online Sermon: Source: The general idea of this sermon came from "God has and App for That" by Coach Dale Brown. Excellent book! Day in and day out the world accuses us Christians as being hypocrites. We say we love more

  • Are You Religious? (Part Three) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jan 23, 2017

    What does it mean to become polluted by the world? To be polluted means our thinking and behaviors are of the world. We are subscribing to its philosophies and ideals. We are liviing in accordance with the sinful nature. So how do we become unpolluted?

    ARE YOU RELGIOUS (part three) Recap: Last week we looked at the beginning of James 1:27, "Religion as God the Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." We looked at why orphans and widows and it's because these are among the most vulnerable, more

  • The Show Me State Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 14, 2017

    To "Get Real!" and be genuine in our world, we must live in the state (condition) of showing our faith, not hiding it. We are challenged to see the unseen; live with certainty, and put our faith into practice.

    1. [Joy Villa made a fashion statement at the 2017 Grammy Awards. She made an appearance, first with her outfit covered in a white outer garment; then revealed her red, white, and blue dress with the words, “Make America Great Again” and “Trump” embroidered on it. a. Where do you think she is more

  • A Faith Journey - 2 Series

    Contributed by Henry Trocino Jr. on Jun 25, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 6 of the Sermon Series, "God of Elisha"

    God rewards the generous faith of the Shunnamite woman. Let us look into five more marks of her faith. It may well describe our faith as well. A Tested Faith “And when he had lifted him and brought him to his mother, the child sat on her lap till noon, and then he died” (2 Ki. 4:20). The miracle more

  • Prove It Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 13, 2015

    What does it mean to be a doer of the Word?

    Prove It James 2:14-26 The preacher George Whitfield traveled America and started a revival in America called the Great Awakening. He once asked a coal miner what he believed. “Oh,” the miner answered, “that’s easy, I believe what my church believes.” George more

  • Eternity Is Now In Session - Illumanation. Woke! Series

    Contributed by Brian Harrell on Dec 19, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Getting "woke" is big in our culture. Peter got woke to Jesus. Knowing Jesus gave him an entirely new mental map for life.

    These last four weeks we’ve been on a journey together. It’s been a personal journey. We’ve been following a roadmap. A roadmap of discovering Jesus, and allowing him to purge and remove sinful habits, attitudes, thinking and living from our lives. Not because he’s mean that because he knows what’s more

  • Tabitha Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Feb 24, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Tabitha stands as the Biblical model of “servant evangelism." What makes this form of evangelism is that it is so authentic. It has the ability to touch people that nobody else can reach. Humble service. This is what draws people to you … to the Christ in you.

    Some people serve God by preaching to millions on the TV or radio or internet. Some people serve God by brining thousands to Christ. Some people serve God by using their God-given talents to write songs and sing them to huge crowds all around the world … or write dozens of books … or write and more

  • 1. Simple Prayer And Prayer Of The Ordinary Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 4, 2020

    I first put this Lenten address together in 2008, and when the Vicar's wife said she found it good and thought it should go on "Sermoncentral" - so who was I to disagree. I offer this series as a help and it is based on Richard Foster's excellent book Prayer

    Introduction. This series on Prayer is based on Richard Foster’s BRILLIANT book simply called "Prayer". If you want to study Prayer seriously it is a book you must read. Story: This series of studies came out a time of retreat at Mariastein, near Basle in Switzerland in October last more

  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Contributed by Ian Hyde on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Evangelical Christianity often struggles with the words of James 2 when he declares things like "faith without works is dead," and "Abraham was justified by works." This sermon reconciles his meaning to that of Paul and demonstrates genuine faith is always expressed in works.

    GHOSTS IN A CULTURE'S PAST During my Sophomore year of college at Wartburg College – a Lutheran school in Northeast Iowa, I had the privilege of taking a class which took us to Germany for a month to tour sites associated with the Reformation, as we learned about the history of the movement more

  • Does Prayer And Faith Complement Each Other? Series

    Contributed by Billy Paul on May 12, 2020

    Just praying all the time without fleshing out the answers received through prayers would tantamount to being faithless. At the same time, acting without an under girding of trust in God – which is prayer – is also tantamount to being faithless.

    Three theologians sat discussing the best positions for prayer while a telephone repairman worked nearby. “Kneeling is definitely best,” claimed one. “No,” another contended, “I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven.” “You're both wrong,” the third insisted, “the more

  • Church's Responsibility Towards Society

    Contributed by Meshak Dayanand on May 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The present scenario of the world and our nation under lockdown had given us the best chance to shine our lights in the darkness but seemed like more than others we hid our light under a basket. Matthew 5:16

    Greetings in the sweet name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us consider ourselves privileged to listen to his word. As we are continuing the COVID-19 Lockdown, I see many verses and articles related to Christ's Second Coming circulating in the social media, and I don't know to more

  • Faith And Good Deeds Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Jun 1, 2020

    James seems to be contradicting Paul, who taught that salvation was by faith and not by works. Martin Luther even called the book of James, a “Strawy Epistle.” James and Paul were not at odds, though.

    James 2 Faith and Good Deeds June 7, 2020 James 2:14-17, 26 NIV What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; more

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