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  • Can You Trust Your Faith? Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 13, 2015

    Do we have a faith that can be trusted in difficult times?

    Can You Trust Your Faith? James 1:2-8 Someone once said, “A faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted.” That is precisely what God’s Word is telling us in our text. James is encouraging us to understand that faith must be, and will be tested. But let’s think more

  • Faith And Love James' Style

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Mar 7, 2015

    James has a lot to tell us about faith. His simple, straight forward message challenges us and instructs us in character building God's way. This is a summary of some of the things James tells us as we prepare to enter chapter three.

    The theme of James is captured in the first chapter, verses James 1:2-4 (read). He then discusses trials and faith throughout the rest of the letter. Some of these trials come from without, but some are as near as the members of our own bodies, i.e. our tongues. Someone pointed out that James more

  • Meeting The Unexpected Trials Of Life

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015

    We need to know how to deal with the trial of life as the Christians

    I. How these great trial come upon us 1. John 16:32-33 Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the more

  • The Christian Walk

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015

    What is the Christian walk?

    I. Trials Produce Steadfastness - Vs. 1-4;12 - Genesis 22:1-18 - Greek word “peirasmos” = proof - Hebrew word “nâsâh” = prove - Steadfastness = true Christian - 1Jn_2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would more

  • Keep The Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Jan 11, 2014

    The theme of James is more than patience through trials. James is exhorting us to stay FAITHFUL in the face of PERSECUTION. He is exhorting us to KEEP the FAITH.

    There’s a familiar story about the new bride who is cooking a big family dinner. As the ladies are gathered in the kitchen, the bride puts the roast in the pan and asks her mother why we always cut the end of the roast and put it in another pan? They ask grandma who says, “well honey, more

  • Patience And Wisdom

    Contributed by Leslie Tarlton on Jan 19, 2014

    This is an expositional Series on James

    James Chapter 1:1-8 Patience and Wisdom Let's turn to James chapter one. Saul, a quite, shy Israelite was asked to be king of Israel. He reigned over the country a year before his real character showed. The Philistine Army had gathered at the borders of Israel to attacked them. The people of more

  • Pressure Cooker Living

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jan 28, 2014

    How do you handle the pressures of life? How can we make sure the pressure cooker of life doesn't cause us to explode?

    “Faith That Works: Pressure Cooker Living” James 1:1-12 Pressure cookers are wonderful. They are manufactured to help bring food to a proper tenderness and fitness. It’s an amazing process in which the pressure inside the cooker is intense – so much so that if the cook is more

  • Will They Find Us Faithful?

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on Feb 8, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Will those who come after us find us faithful? We gain courage and resolution by remembering the lives and sacrifices of those who came before us. We must remember the fallen, resolve to be found faithful, and reflect on the finisher of our faith.

    WILL THEY FIND US FAITHFUL? Hebrews 11:1-12:4 (Bible quotes are from NKJV) INTRODUCTION As I was preparing the sermon for this Memorial Day weekend service, I decided to do a little research regarding this particular holiday. Let’s take a quick Memorial Day quiz to see how much you know about more

  • Keep The Faith When Trials Come Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    These principles from James 1 will help us keep the faith when trials come.

    Recently, Addie Zierman wrote an article on“Five Churchy Phrases that are Scaring Off Millenials.” This age group currently in their 20's objects to statements that appear insincere or dishonest. One of the statements that doesn’t pass the “sniff test” with them is more

  • “passing The Test” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on May 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    James gives us some practical advice about how to pass through times of difficulty and testing.

    The book of James was written by the brother of our Lord as a circular letter; a letter of instruction to be copied and passed around among the churches (v. 1). Many believe he was specifically addressing Jewish believers scattered from Jerusalem in the persecution following the stoning of Stephen more

  • Accept, Expect, Endure, Embrace

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jun 11, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    To walk in joy with must do four things. Accept where we are at in life. Expect a better life ahead. Endure hardships. Embrace our circumstances.

    Yesterday marked two anniversaries. Debbie and I have been married for 34 years. And I have been your pastor for 5 years. About one half of you were attending when Chris was pastor. The first month I became senior pastor, we had a role of 32 people with $3457 in the bank. Most of those were Pastor more

  • The Four Dreams Of Maewyn Succat - St. Patrick's Day Sermon

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Nov 15, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The life story of Maewyn Succat (St Patrick) takes us through the life of a young man who was captured and sold as a slave in Ireland. After escaping and returning to his homeland, God called him back to the land of his Captors to preach the gospel.

    The four dreams of Maewyn Succat • Maewyn Succat was born in 387 AD in Roman Britain • His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a Presbyter, Maewyn himself was not a Christian • At the age of 16, Maewyn along with others was captured and taken prisoner by a band of Irish more

  • Escaping Your Alcatraz

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Nov 26, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Escaping your Alcatraz is a message of hope for those that are caught in their own prison of addiction, depression or anything that has us bound. All of our efforts cannot set us free. The Spirit of the Lord can.

    On June 11, 1962, Clarence Anglin, John Anglin and Frank Morris tucked papier-Mache heads resembling their own likenesses into their beds, broke out of the main prison building via an unused utility corridor and departed Alcatraz Island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate, more

  • Biblical Joy

    Contributed by Darin Gary on Jan 7, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Joy has often been defined as happiness; as a feeling; true, Biblical Joy has more to do with Faith than it has to do with feeling.

    Biblical Joy (James 1:2-4; NKJV) “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, [3] knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. [4] But, let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” ? A certain elderly lady was more

  • Why Me Lord?

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jan 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    we often ask why this happen to us.

    WHY ME LORD? Have you ever ask yourself this question when your life derailed. (1) James 1: 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let more

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