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  • Twenty-Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B: "When In Doubt, Cut It Out.”

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Aug 15, 2024

    It is not hyperbole to say that it is better to enter heaven maimed [one-armed, one-footed, and one-eyed] than to enter hell whole. That is literally true.

    “When Jesus exaggerated” is a book title, and there are countless articles on how Jesus uses exaggeration and hyperbole for effect, like we hear this Sunday; to literally cut off your hand or foot or gouge-out your eyes because then you won’t sin with them.1 However, “it is not hyperbole to say more

  • Trinity Sunday

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on May 26, 2018

    Math is not the best way to explain the basic doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity because it uses the approach of trying to explain how three can be one. We all know that “1+1+1=3” but what are we to do when “1+1+1=1?”

    Trinity Sunday The Trinity is the root doctrine of Christianity because it concerns the inner nature of God. In honor of the Most Holy Trinity, we can consider three highlights of (1) the doctrine of the Trinity, (2) eternal salvation by the indwelling of the Trinity, and (3) prayer and more

  • Foundations Of Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Dec 29, 2002
    based on 83 ratings

    God uses the faithfulness of a woman to begin his work of bringing to fulfilment the promise to make Israel into a great nation.

    Well, the story of the birth of Samuel has everything in it doesn’t it? It’d make a decent plot for a soap opera. There’s domestic strife. Elkanah lived at a time when it was common for a man to have 2 wives, and all the problems you might imagine arising in such a scenario happened. One wife, more

  • Two Are Better

    Contributed by Mari Larson on Nov 12, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Sermon for Ecumenical Worship Service

    Perhaps it’s because my childhood was spent on a small farm just outside a small town. My family belonged to a small church in a sea of small churches, 12 of them as I recall, half of which were Lutheran. And so, in my neighborhood, Kevin, Brian, and Karla, across the street, were Methodist. more

  • Weight Of Small Things

    Contributed by Kevin Mullins on May 20, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Our divine potential is released when we are faithful with the small things

    Weight of Small Things Matthew 25:14-30 Text Read- Opening comments, prayer Story - Promisekeeper progression- Faithful with a small thing- Would have missed out on next-level experiences if I had passed up on the small things- Those things that didn’t seem important- Even insignificant- more

  • The Error Of Balaam – Making Profit From The Work Of The Lord – Part 2 - Jude 1:10-11(B) Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 13, 2022

    Was Balaam a great prophet? Wonderful things came from the mouth of Balaam when he blessed Israel and did not curse them. Jude makes reference to him with "the error of Balaam" but how do we see that error in churches? That is what we will consider this morning.

    THE ERROR OF BALAAM – MAKING PROFIT FROM THE WORK OF THE LORD – PART 2 Jude 1:10-11(b) Jude is the book that we are seriously considering. We did Cain and Korah In Part 1 from last week. Then we were introduced to this compromising man, Balaam who was hired by Balak, king of Moab, to curse the more

  • What’s Love Got To Do With It?

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Sep 2, 2024

    Through these verses God's purpose for marriage are explained. When these purposes are obeyed a wife or husband will never need to fear.

    You can listen to this sermon here:- Ephesians 5:21-33 “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Message With it being Father’s Day a text which speaks into the theme of such a day is Ephesians 5:21-33. It is a passage which more