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  • The Significance Of Christ's Return Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 9, 2021

    Sleep is a metaphor for death. The Bible promises that every gospel-believing, Christ-loving, Bible-living person will not stay dead. Instead, you will rise again.

    I invite you to join me next Sunday as we launch on a three week series, The Love of God. It’s my hope that you will not only see but feel how much God cares for you. So join me next week and invite an unchurched friend. And speaking of love…. In just four weeks, our church will celebrate LoveLoud more

  • Christian Prayer: Praying For God's Glory

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Oct 23, 2021

    This is from a series I preached on prayer.

    Title: “Purpose of Christian Prayer: God’s Glory” Scripture: II Thes. 1:11-12 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 10-24-21 Intro: Throughout his entire ministry many hearers remarked that they were moved by his preaching, but yet still more affected by his praying. D. L. Moody after his first more

  • Pray, Trust, Vote, And Rest Series

    Contributed by Duane Wente on Nov 4, 2024

    As Election Day nears, Christians should do 4 things: Pray for peace and guidance, Trust God’s sovereignty like Daniel, Vote thoughtfully with biblical values, and Rest in God’s control, knowing He holds the future.

    ### ** Introduction** Video Ill.: Pray and Trust — Freebridge Media (Transcript of video:   Sometimes it’s difficult to see God in America. The principles on which we were founded Are no longer the principles by which we live. We have slowly forgotten Where our freedom came from. We have more

  • The Always Persecuted Church

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Nov 11, 2024

    A message about the first martyr Stephen and the ongoing persecution of the church

    Title: “The Always Persecuted Church” Text: Acts 6:8 - 7:60 and 8:1-4 Subject: How does the church react to the stoning of Stephen & subsequent widespread persecution? Complement: …by spreading the word wherever they went. Big idea: _________________________. Persecution becomes a pathway to more

  • Going Public! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on May 2, 2012

    Christians need to go public with their faith. When we are water baptized in front of others we are going public and testifying to those around us that we have become Christians. When we do this we are following a faith action step and a teaching by Jesus

    Sermon: Going public Thesis: Christians need to go public with their faith. When we are water baptized in front of others we are going public and testifying to those around us that we have become Christians. When we do this we are following a faith action step and a teaching by Jesus. Going public more

  • The Spirit-Filled Life

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Feb 11, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    This is the third in a series on the fruit of the Spirit. It examines faithfulness and gentleness.

    February 8, 2004 Galatians 5:22-23 “The Spirit-filled Life” INTRODUCTION An old couple was sitting by the fireside. He looked over at her, had a romantic thought, and said, “After fifty years, I’ve found you tried and true.” The wife’s hearing wasn’t very good, so she said, more

  • The Evil Eye Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 13, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    David, Pt. 3 of 15

    THE EVIL EYE (1 SAM. 18) The master-disciple or teacher-student relationship in the Chinese society is a hierarchical one. The teacher is the superior and the student is the subordinate. A prominent senior pastor twenty years older than me still calls me teacher after he has audited just one of my more

  • The Word Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Jul 22, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    God’s Word will do God’s work, in you, and through you.

    “For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will set aside”. Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the more

  • Leadership Challenge

    Contributed by J Spurling on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    A study of Christ’s leadership challenge to Peter in John 21:15–22 will motivate us to jump-start our participation in the church.

    This morning we are going to be talking about Leadership. As a matter of fact I am going to challenge you this morning toward leadership. But, my definition of church leadership that I am challenging you toward might be a little different from what you think leadership within the body of Christ is more

  • The Manufacturer's Specifications Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Jan 4, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    Analysis of the prologue of the ten commandments with special emphasis on the role of the law in the Christian’s life.

    Welcome to the year 2000. CNN put together a list of the top 100 news stories of the 20th century, and number 82 on that list is the space shuttle "Challenger" disaster. Most of us probably remember January 28, 1986, when the space shuttle Challenger burst into flames 73 seconds after liftoff, more

  • Keep Your Eye On The Prize Series

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Oct 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon 2 in a series on Elisha. This sermon focuses on living out our priorities.

    Introduction: 1. In case you haven’t heard it well known former football coach and present day broadcaster, John Madden, is being inducted in the Pro-Football Hall of Fame. I saw part of an interview with him this week. He talked about how as a coach he used to work 18 hour days and travel 6 months more

  • The Evil Eye

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    David, Pt. 3

    THE EVIL EYE (1 SAMUEL 18) The master-disciple or teacher-student relationship in the Chinese society is a hierarchical one. The teacher is the superior and the student is the subordinate. A prominent senior pastor twenty years older than me still calls me teacher after he has audited just one of more

  • How To Live In The Face Of Uncertainty Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jun 30, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    19th in a series from Ecclesiastes. How Christians are to respond to uncertainty in the world.

    There was once an elderly gentleman who loved playing golf. But he was almost eighty, and his vision was not very good anymore. He always had partners with him when he went out to play so they could watch his ball and tell him where it went. One day his buddies did not show up. It was a beautiful more

  • The Salvation Equation Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009

    This message continues in my expository series through the book of Acts.

    We have now reached the very center of the book of Acts, not only in the obvious sense that with 28 chapters, we are halfway through, but also in the sense that this is the turning-point chapter of the book. The Jerusalem council, which we read about today, took place in approximately 49 AD, and more

  • Samson And His Mid-Life Crisis Series

    Contributed by Rev. Clarence Eisberg on Oct 27, 2015

    The amazing thing about the story of Samson and Delilah is that it comes at the height of his career. The key to the story is found in the last verse of Judges 15. “Now Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines.” (15:20)

    “Samson and His Mid-Life Crisis” The story of Samson and Delilah, found in Judges 16, is the story of a man who having reached the pinnacle of his career and having accomplished everything a man would want to accomplish, in one sudden, violent turn went from the top right down to the more

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