Who Do You Say I Am ?
Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 14, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: This is about the most important question and answer ever. Who is Jesus to you? This message begs us to ask the question Who is Jesus? It also explains that the answer shouldnt just be voiced but should be shown ny action...
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Who Do You Say I Am?
Mark 8:27-30
The Power of the Right Answer
Some questions in life are routine and easy to answer.
Like "What’s for dinner?" that’s easy you just check the fridge. Or "What’s the weather today?" That’s easy, just ask Alexa or check your phone.
But some questions change everything.
I remember hearing about an old cattleman who had spent decades tending his herd. One day, he brought his grandson out to teach him the ropes. The boy watched as his grandfather surveyed the herd, eyes sharp as a hawk.
The grandson asked, " Pop, how do you always know which cows are sick, and which ones are just fine?" The old man thought for a second and said, "Son, I know because I’ve spent my life out here with these cows. I don’t just guess, I just know."
In Mark 8, Jesus asks a question… not about cattle, not about the weather, but about His identity, about who He is . And it’s a question where the answer determines everything… Read Scripture…
The Opinions of the World
Jesus and His disciples were walking through Caesarea Philippi, it was a region known for idol worship and false gods. And I don’t think It was an accident that Jesus chose this place to ask His disciples a question that would cut through all the noise and chatter of the world:
He asked them "Who do people say that I am?"
The disciples answered:
• "Some say John the Baptist."
• "Others say Elijah."
• "And still others say, one of the prophets."
These were respectable answers, but they were incomplete. People saw Jesus as important, but they didn’t recognize Him for who He truly was.
Even today, if you ask people, "Who is Jesus?" you’ll get a lot of different answers:
• "A good teacher."
• "A revolutionary leader."
• "A prophet."
But Jesus isn’t looking for a survey result. Jesus is looking for a personal confession.
Jesus followed up the first question with The Ultimate Question
Jesus turns to His disciples and asks: "But what about you? Who do YOU say I am?"
It’s one thing to repeat what others say. But It’s a whole nother step to have a deep conviction in your own heart.
Peter speaks up:
"You are the Messiah."
Peter saw what the crowds couldn’t. He recognized that Jesus wasn’t just another teacher… He wasn’t just another prophet He was the Savior sent from God.
This is the defining moment.
• Not "Who does your pastor say Jesus is?"
• Not "Who does your grandmother say Jesus is?"
• Not "Who does the world say Jesus is?"
Let’s make it personal… who do YOU say He is?
The Answer is in Your Life
Our answer to Jesus’ question isn’t just with words… it shows with how we live.
Imagine a schoolteacher standing in front of her class. She can tell them that reading is important, that education will shape their future, that hard work pays off. But if she doesn’t show up prepared, and if she doesn’t teach with passion, if she doesn’t live what she says, then the students will never truly believe her.
It's the same with us, we can say, "Jesus is Lord," but if our lives don’t reflect it, what does it really mean?
• If Jesus is Lord, then He’s Lord of your work and your business.
• If Jesus is Lord, then He’s Lord of your family and home.
• If Jesus is Lord, then He’s Lord of your future and decisions.
Many people acknowledge Jesus, but do they really follow Him. It’s not enough to say He is Lord; we must live life as if He is.
Who is Jesus to You? Who do you say He is?
That’s the question we must answer… the same question He asked His disciples:
"Who do YOU say I am?"
Your answer to that question determines everything.
Romans 10:9 says: "If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Peter’s confession was bold, but it wasn’t enough to just say it … he had to live it out. We know that later, Peter would struggle, deny, and fail … but Jesus restored him. And Peter went on to preach the gospel with boldness, even unto death.
Maybe today, Jesus is calling you to go deeper in your relationship with Him. Maybe you’ve said the words, but never truly surrendered your life to Him.
Maybe today, for the first time ever, you need to say, "Jesus, You are MY Lord. Not just a good teacher. Not just a historical figure, but Jesus You are MY Savior."
If Jesus asked you face to face right now, "Who do YOU say I am?"… what would your answer be?