There Is Only One God
Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Mar 25, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Naaman changed from an arrogant man to a humble man. He changed from a warlord to knowing The LORD. There are several points we learn from Naaman.
There Is Only One God
(2 Kings 5:1-19)
A. There are few things as frustrating as having a conversation with an arrogant person. No matter what you say, they think, act or pretend to know more than you. Often, they will talk down to you like you matter very little or that your understanding has little value.
B. The basic problem with being ego-centric and seeing oneself as generally having the right or best answer, is when a better answer is given, we tend to dismiss it – even though it’s the right or a better answer. The person’s character simply cannot listen, and destruction comes in its wake of such an attitude.
I. Naaman Learns A Spiritual Lesson
A. Let me tell you about a such an egotistical man. Open to 2 Kings 5:1. There are several things we understand from this one verse. You learn Naaman’s position – commander of the Syrian army. You learn his reputation – he was considered great and highly favored by the king. You learn of a health issue – he had leprosy. But don’t skip that you also learn that God was using this man before we read about his current health issue. With all that in mind I am going to tell you the story, but you can read it in verses 2-8.
B. So here we are, Naaman is at the home of Elisha the prophet. Let’s read what happened (READ 2 Kings 5:9-12). I told you he was a man who thought he knew better than everyone else. He even thought he knew how to fix his own problem or at least what the prophet should have done.
C. Elisha knows Naaman is a puffed-up know-it-all and instead of being treated by this man with contempt, Elisha sends a messenger to tell him what he needs to do. That set Naaman off like fireworks on the 4th of July. His hot temper flares up and he’s ready to walk. But think about – if he walks, he walks away as a leper. The very thing he came to have cleansed would stay with him if he walked away.
D. READ Verse 13 Having greater wisdom than his master, the servant of Naaman, with respect, reminds him of the truth. Sometimes you must deal with egomaniac gently but helping them see the truth – Naaman wanted to be clean from leprosy and the prophet told him how to be clean.
E. READ verse 14. That is where we often end. But I believe Jesus made the reference to Naaman, not because he was talked into dipping in the Jordan River.
G. READ 2 Kings 5:15-19. What and ending to this story of Naaman. The arrogant man became a humble believer. From the little girl to change in Naaman, there are some lessons I believe we can learn from out reading today. I want share three points for you ponder and decide if God is speaking to you from this text today.
II. Points To Ponder
A. Lesson 1 – Providence Can Be Painful. Go back to vs 2. I want you to think about this little girl. She was taken from her home, her family may well have been slaughtered, and she’s a slave. Yet she showed compassion to one whose people took her away from all she knew and loved, and wanted them, the aggressors, to know a helpful truth.
B. Every line of your story, your life, is noticed by God. My point is God’s providence was painful for this little girl, yet she was God’s instrument to change an enemy into an ally. Because of her, the mighty commander of the Syrian Army stated, “I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel.” God may use your pain to save another soul.
C. Lesson 2 – There is an Answer and it’s Always God. The answer to every question is based in God and who God is. Naaman wanted to be free, cured from leprosy – the answer – God. NOT Elisha, NOT the Jordan – the answer was and is God. Naaman came to know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel.
D. I must let go of my narcissistic tendency and admit I need help. Naaman was ready to walk and stay sick until his servant said, “There is an answer. You were told an answer.” I don’t have all the answers, but God does. “Humble yourselves before the LORD and He will lift you up.” “I look to the hills from whence my help comes, my help come form the LORD.” God is my pathway to answer all questions.
E. Lesson 3 – Two Mule Loads of Dirt. Naaman became a believer. He didn’t want spiritual isolation to end his relationship with God, so he asked for two mule loads of dirt. It’s time for us to get our two mule loads of dirt and stay connected to God. My two loads of dirt include personal Bible study and prayer. But I also pack in Christian fellowship and worshipping with my spiritual family.
A. What does it take for you to stay connected to God during the week? How can we help you stay connected?