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  • Destroying The Snare Of The Fowler

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Dec 8, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    The devil is a fowler that is taken peple captive by his snare. Liberty can only be obtain through Jesus Christ.

    DESTROYING THE SNARE OF THE FOWLER STUDY TEXT: Psalm 124:6-8 - A snare is a device that is secretly but strategically set up to capture a targeted subject. - Sometimes, something attractive to the target is used as bait, so that the subject will get in there to eat, and the get entrapped. The more

  • Perfect Redeemer: Jesus As The Lamb In The Passover (Week 1) Series

    Contributed by John Romeo Verastigue Etis on Aug 11, 2015

    The significance of God’s sovereign plan of salvation as revealed in the Old Testament, which is fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. In this lesson, we will learn who Jesus is, as a Perfect Redeemer who became a Passover lamb.

    Read: EXODUS 12:11-13 (English Standard Version) We will kick off our brand new series, “Past Perfect”! For the next four weeks, we will discover the significance of God’s sovereign plan of salvation as revealed in the Old Testament. We’ll also be able to learn how this more

  • Jesus: The Bread Of Life, The True Vine! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Apr 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Cameo sermon used at the start of a reflective evening on the last supper!

    Jesus: The Bread of Life, The True Vine! The book of Exodus tells us that the people of Israel were to commemorate the festival of unleavened bread. We find that in the New Testament Jesus is with his disciples celebrating this festival, eating bread – discussing Jesus immediate future more

  • Star Wars (Continued) Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 6, 2018

    Message 24 in our exposition of Revelation continue discussion of the wars in heaven.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ “Star Wars” 12 Review I. PROLOGUE 1:1-20 (Things you have seen) II. Messages to the Seven churches 2-3 (Things with are) III. Last Days 4-22 (Things which are about to take place) A. Heavenly worship around the throne 4-5 B. The Seven seals 6:1-8:1 more

  • Who Are The Overcomers? Series

    Contributed by Larry Hinkle on Oct 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In spite of a very hostile culture and severe persecution of Christians, Jesus identified ones who overcame in the tribulation. These are found faithful despite persecution. They are called by Jesus overcomers. Who are these overcomers and what are the keys to victory?

    There is a battle going on in the world, struggle for worship, Satan’s goal to hinder love, to undermine loyalty, trust, and obedience to God’s word and will. the assignment Jesus gives to John, comes at a time when heavy persecution against faith. Jesus said John, write to the church, my love more

  • How Do We Live In A Hate Filled World? We Love.

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on May 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Cain murdered Abel. Why? How does God respond? How do we respond differently in a hate and anger filled world? We love.

    5.17.20 Genesis 4:1–16 1 Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man.” 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Cain more

  • Manos Que Derraman Sangre Inocente

    Contributed by James Dina on Aug 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    La imagen de Dios se degrada y su ira incita con justicia cada vez que una persona (sangre inocente) es injustamente destruida. Con 125.000 abortos diarios en todo el mundo (OMS), ¿qué sangre podría ser más inocente que la sangre de un feto?

    MANOS QUE DERRAMAN SANGRE INOCENTE " sea que se derrame sangre inocente en medio de tu tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da en herencia, y así la culpa del derramamiento de sangre sea sobre ti" (Deuteronomio 19:10) Una de las cosas más malvadas que existen es more

  • The Lord’s Supper (Luke, Part 11) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 4, 2022

    The communion, the covenant, the denial, the sifting, the charge, all of these things pointed to Jesus fulfilling His ultimate purpose (to die for us), and the focus of the disciples was still on earthly things. Will we see the lesson Jesus was teaching and apply it to our lives?

    The Lord’s Supper (Luke, Part 11) Luke 22:1-38 Introduction / Recap - Last week, we discussed the teachings of Jesus surrounding His return - Bottom line: We DO NOT fear His return, but we can’t misunderstand it either -- We should know the signs behind His coming, and be ready to explain more

  • Some Visible Results Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 7, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When we step out by faith in God, led by the Spirit of God, grounded in the Word of God, we see visible answers to our faith. These answers act as verification for our faith in the unseen spiritual realities and encourage its growth.

    HEBREWS 11:28-31 SOME VISIBLE RESULTS OF FAITH [Colossians 1:19; 2:9-10] We have been learning how to leave a legacy through faith lessons from God’s heroes. These men and women became more than they could have imagined because their faith attached them to God. God therefore built His enabling more

  • Do Not Fear; Only Believe

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 27, 2024

    God made man and woman in His image, with the plan that they would act and become more and more good, more and more like Himself. That was the divine order.

    Thirteenth Sunday in Course 2024 In his great Summa Theologiae, St Thomas Aquinas wrote “the order of the Divine government is wholly directed to good. . .no one acts intending evil.” (ST I Q 104 Art 1) Those words are an appropriate commentary on the words from the post-exile writing Book of more

  • El Pan Que Bajó Del Cielo N Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Jul 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A menudo buscamos a Dios en momentos grandiosos, perdiendo lo divino en los acontecimientos simples y cotidianos de la vida.

    El Pan Que Bajó Del Cielo n Introducción: A menudo buscamos a Dios en momentos grandiosos, perdiendo lo divino en los acontecimientos simples y cotidianos de la vida. Sagrada Escritura Juan 6:41-51 Reflexión Queridos hermanos y hermanas, La lectura del Evangelio de hoy gira en more

  • Behold The Lamb

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Sep 3, 2024

    Look, it’s God’s lamb who gets rid of the wrongdoings of the entire universe

    Behold the Lamb By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. Charles Spurgeon said: - “The world was lost. God must punish sin. He sent His Son to take our sin upon Him that He might honor the Law of God and establish God’s government by being obedient to the Law of God and yielding Himself up to the death more

  • What You See May Not Be The Truth

    Contributed by Paul George on Jun 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Because of our tendency to pass quick and critical judgment on others, our Lord has chosen to address this issue. Chapter 7 verses 1-12 addresses an issue plaguing the religion of Jesus’ day and of ours, that of misdirected effort.

    What You See May Not Be The Truth Matthew 7:1-12 A while back, I read the very distressing account of an incident in the life of a young bachelor. He worked in an office where every year the boss gave each employee a turkey as a bonus for the holiday season. Of course, the bachelor could never more

  • The Hollowness Of Heartless Devotion

    Contributed by Dr. Rod Mattoon on Apr 5, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    This message deals with the issue of insincere devotion and love for the Lord. It addresses the issue of why believers drift far away from the Lord sometimes. It is one of the messages in the book Treasures from Isaiah, Volume 1 written by Dr.Mattoon

    The Hollowness of Heartless Devotion Isaiah 29:13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Let me ask you a question. How more

  • "Not All Gospel Seeds Sprout” Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Oct 26, 2022

    In Athens the Big Issue was the Resurrection. They just couldn’t believe it. The Big issue in Ephesus was $, people were becoming Christians and stopped buying idols. The gospel is a radical message that runs counter to everything most people believe.

    In Jesus Holy Name October 24, 2022 Text: Acts18:4,5,28;19:8-9 Redeemer Lutheran “Not All Gospel Seeds Sprout” Acts 17 records the missionary journey of Paul and Silas. They arrive in Thessalonica, Berea then finally Paul arrives in Athens. In Acts 18 more

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