
Summary: In the 1992 presidential election, family values became one of the main issues when the candidates began campaigning.

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Immediately the liberals made such mockery of bringing it up that the subject was dropped and barely mentioned any more, because the anti-family people made it seem that they were in the majority. The politicians who were for family values, realized that if they were going to stand a chance of winning the election, they had better lay that issue aside. The news media was telling everyone that the majority in America do not care a thing about family values. Although they gave a false picture, still never before has the family had so many attacks upon it as it is experiencing today.

Illus: One Christian man was telling how some of the men where he worked were bragging about the extra-marital affairs they had going. They asked him how many he had, and he told them there was only one woman in his life that he cared for and he was married to her, and they literally made fun of him.

You do not have to be a genius to know that something is wrong with the standards for marriage across this land. Satan has planted his mine-fields in homes across America, and because people refuse to turn to God to help them, many marriages are being blown to pieces.

Illus: An elderly man had these observations about how things were years ago:

-We were born before television, before penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, plastic, contact lenses, frisbees, and "the pill."

-We were born before radar, ball point pens, panty hose, dishwashers, clothes dryers, electric blankets, drip-dry clothes, air conditioners, and before man walked on the moon.

-We got married first, then lived together. In our time, closets were for clothes, not for coming out of. Bunnies were small rabbits, and rabbits were not Volkswagons.

-We were born before house husbands, gay rights, computer dating, duel careers and computer marriages.

-We were born before day-care centers, group therapy, and nursing homes.

-We never heard of F.M. radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, word processors, yogurt, and guys wearing earrings. A chip meant a piece of wood. Hardware meant hardware, and software wasn't even a word. In 1940, "Made in Japan" meant junk. The term "making out" referred to how you did on your exam. Pizza, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of. In our day, grass was mowed, coke was a drink, and pot was something you cooked in. Aids were helpers in the principal’s office.

-We made do with what we had, and we were the last generation to be so dumb as to believe you needed a husband to have a baby. No wonder we are confused and there is such a generation gap today. Yet, we survived. I wonder if this present generation will survive?

The gentleman expressed concern, saying, "I wonder if this present generation will survive?" Unless God sends a revival across this land, the answer to that question is, "Absolutely not!" We have ample proof of our society's disintegration. Think of it:

-Our kids face LIBERATION in the church.

-HUMANISM in the schools.

-And PAGANISM in society!

Illus: Someone has made this observation about the deplorable changes of the last 20 to 30 years.

-In the 50's the kids lost their INNOCENCE with music.

-In the rebellious age of the 60's, they lost their RESPECT for authority.

-In the 70's they lost their ABILITY TO LOVE. It became the "Me" decade, and instant gratification became the name of the game. Sex was substituted for love.

-In our day, because many have lost their INNOCENCE, respect for AUTHORITY, and the ABILITY TO LOVE, they have lost HOPE! That's why suicide is rampant among teens today.

When we compare the problems of young people in the 40's and 50's, to the problems of the 80's and 90's, we cannot help but wonder, "How will our children, and the homes in this country survive?

Illus: We are told that every year the booze crowd spends millions of dollars for advertisement to seduce our children. Every year 32 gallons of booze is produced for every person in the U.S.A., and that means somebody got 64 gallons because I did not drink any of mine.

Illus: The Milwaukee Beer Company has a boat ad that says, "It never gets better than this." That's not true - it gets worse—

Did you know that 88% of all the sexual encounters shown on television are outside of the bonds of matrimony?

Then there is the ultimate plan of the "smut" peddlers. Pornographers know, in order to hook the young generation on their trash, they have to change their method, so what have they done? They have joined porno with music. Every night MTV fills the minds of those who watch with the garbage of HATE and REBELLION, VIOLENCE, ILLICIT SEX and PORNOGRAPHY. Rock music is giving the message you can do whatever you want to, even "go all the way", and not have any consequences to pay. This also is not true. You cannot go "all the way"! You just keep going deeper and deeper into sin, until you find "all the way" has ended up at the throne of God.

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