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  • An Annoying, Discombobulating, Fuzzy-Toothed Inconvenience

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Nov 10, 2010

    At the end of a year, we can choose to let go of things that have weighed us down in the previous year. We can lose some of the baggage that we carry around and choose to replace it with the love of Christ.

    How many times have you stood forsaken at the baggage carousel, watching the luggage track spit out piece after piece of luggage, but never yours? Why is it, when all chance of my suitcase ever showing up is gone, I feel compelled to stand there and watch the few remaining orphan bags circling more

  • The Jonah Syndrome

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Aug 2, 2010

    We are called to be lights in the world, to preach the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are called to not only to evangelize but to disciple the nations. Not just carry around Bibles, or wear silver crosses on their necks. We

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. Jonah 3:10 more

  • Why Do People Leave Churches? Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 4, 2014

    John's most basic concern is to give this church confidence again in what they have believed about Jesus. And he reminds them that this message is carried by the church that listens to the Apostles, and it isn't found anywhere else.

    Sermon by Rev John Altmann There are a number of ways that people leave churches, for both good and bad reasons. A good reason to leave is to be sent out to serve in another place. We've seen that recently with Heather and Adam. They spent two years with us practicing their ministry, trying things more

  • Body Functions - Pt. 1 - Covenant Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 27, 2015

    Exactly like our physical body our spiritual body consists of individuals and relationships carrying out specific functions! Our survival depends on our ability to maintain and at times restore our internal environment.

    Body Functions Pt. 2 - Covenant I. Introduction In our constant search and longing for a miracle we often overlook what is the pinnacle of all the creative miracles. The intricacies and precision that was required to perform this miracle is mind boggling. It is breathtaking. It continues to more

  • Body Functions - Pt. 3 - Confront Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Nov 27, 2015

    Exactly like our physical body our spiritual body consists of individuals and relationships carrying out specific functions! Our survival depends on our ability to maintain and at times restore our internal environment.

    Body Functions Pt. 4 - Confront I. Introduction We have been talking about how the spiritual body works is a direct parallel to how our natural body works. Like our physical body, which works because there are specific biological systems that carry out their assigned role and function, our more

  • Power Of Words

    Contributed by Alex De Guzman on Jan 14, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Words carry immeasurable significance: The universe was created with a word; Jesus healed and cast out demons with a word; rulers have risen and fallen by their words; Christians have worshiped through words of song, confession, and preaching.

    Question: "What does the Bible say about the power of words?" Answer: Words are not simply sounds caused by air passing through our larynx. Words have real power. God spoke the world into being by the power of His words (Hebrews 11:3), and we are in His image in part because of the power we have more

  • Lesson: Iv.a.4: Third Bowl: Rivers And Springs Turn To Blood (Series) Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 7, 2018

    The rivers and springs of water “became blood” as the contents of the bowl are poured out on the rivers and springs of waters. It is not only the great sea which becomes blood, but all the sizes and types of streams and babbling brooks which carry. . . .

    Book of Revelation By: Tom Lowe Date: 3/6/17 Topic # IV: VISIONS OF JUDGMENT AGAINST ROME (12:1-19:21) Subtopic A: The Great Conflict (12:1-14:20) more

  • The Call

    Contributed by Chidi Ejeagba on Jan 7, 2019

    We are all called to express the life of God. Expression of this life of God becomes our dominion on earth. The starting point in answering this call is to encounter the Word which carried both the SPIRIT & the LIFE of God.

    INTRODUCTION The main problem with the people of Israel is that they stop believing in the promises of God. They didn't believe he will still take them to the Promised Land. So it is in our time now, our present Church leaders had stopped believing in the promises of God – that is why they more

  • Memorials With A Mission

    Contributed by James Jackson on May 25, 2019

    What does it mean that we carry in our body the death of Jesus? On this Memorial Day, remember that our strength comes from His sacrifice, that we are memorials with a mission, and that to fulfill the mission, we must be in motion.

    Memorials With a Mission 2 Corinthians 4:7-12; 16-18 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, more

  • Christ And The Church Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jun 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    You are the body of Christ. You are created and designed to carry out God’s plan. This is the responsibility that God has given to the church: to pray, to fast, to give, to nurture, and raise up the next generation of the body of Christ.

    Christ and the Church Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. (Ephesians 5:25) Genesis lays out God's blueprint. It lays out His pattern for His design of both male and female. We meditated on this topic last week. In the modern era today, more

  • The Ministry Of Angels Series

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jul 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Angels are not to be worshiped. They are God’s servants who carry out His business in the world. Angels have one primary job, one occupation, one eternal calling, and that is to serve God and to do His pleasure.

    The Ministry of Angels A young boy named James had a dream to be the most famous manufacturer and salesman of cheese in the world. He planned on becoming rich and famous by making and selling cheese. He began his career with a little wagon pulled by a pony named Paddy. After making his cheese, he more

  • Don't Bother Jesus? Falling At Jesus'feet?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 10, 2021

    Some of Jairus' friend carried terrible news... DON'T BOTHER JESUS... Then there was a Divine Delay? Jesus encourages us ONLY BELIEVE. Jesus seemed to be 4 days late for Mary and Martha?

    FALLING AT JESUS’ FEET! vs DON’T BOTHER JESUS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. ONE CANDLE CAN LIGHT 1,000… MY PASSION, ENTHUSIASM, EXCITEMENT, ZEAL COULD BE CONTAGIOUS AND I COULD IGNITE MANY FOR THE CROSS… My apathy, laziness, not caring can hurt many in my family and more

  • The Light Has Come - Christmas Sermon - By Pst. Joseph Ondu

    Contributed by Joseph Ondu on Dec 12, 2024

    In a world filled with darkness—war, injustice, loneliness, and despair—the light of Christ is desperately needed. Christmas is not just a celebration of His birth but a reminder of our mission to carry His light into every corner of the world.

    The Light Has Come The Christmas season is a celebration of light—twinkling decorations, glowing candles, and shining stars. Yet, these lights are mere reflections of the true Light of Christmas: Jesus Christ. In John 8:12, Jesus declared, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will more

  • God's Mission Of Love: Understanding John 3:17 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    John 3:17 is a verse often overshadowed by its famous predecessor, yet it carries a profound message of hope and love which speaks volumes about God’s purpose and mission through Jesus Christ.

    God's Mission of Love: Understanding John 3:17 Introduction: Today, we explore a verse that, while often overshadowed by its famous predecessor, carries a profound message of hope and love. Our focus is John 3:17, which speaks volumes about God’s purpose and mission through Jesus Christ. more

  • Sermon: God’s Call To The Weary

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 2, 2024

    Rest is what weary people seek. Rest restores the vigor and strength necessary to carry on and enjoy life. To all who are weary and heavy-laden that come to Jesus, He promises I will give you rest.

    Sermon: God’s Call to The Weary Scripture: Matthew 11:25-28 “At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it more

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