Spreading The Word Despite The Odds
Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 14, 2020 (message contributor)
1. Spreading The Word Sermon I: How It Is Possible Against Such Odds
Contributed on Jan 14, 2020
Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, the spreading of the Good News of God's love in Christ is our unfinished task from which mature Christians will not shrink or be silenced.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS AGAINST SUCH ODDS? There was no doubt about the empty tomb! The question for the Jewish hierarchy was how to control and shape the narrative to explain away even the possibility of a resurrection - to discourage Jesus’ ...read more
2. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Ii: Love Found A Way
Contributed on Jan 14, 2020
Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians choose to follow the New Testament model of giving and sharing as practiced by first century disciples of Christ.
LOVE FOUND A WAY TO REDEEM OUR SOULS, MAKE US WHOLE, BIND US TOGETHER My doctor reminded me that it’s about time for me to undergo my wellness checkup. At our age and stage in life, it’s a good idea to do this on a regular basis, is it not, in keeping with the axiom, ...read more
3. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Iii: A Beggar Asked For Alms And Got Legs
Contributed on Jan 14, 2020
Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians go on ministering to folks whoever and wherever they are, then watch God wow people with blessings that overflow.
A BEGGAR ASKED FOR ALMS AND GOT LEGS A mentor of mine once advised me, “Be careful what you ask for. God might surprise you with something far greater than you really want.” If, for example, you adopt as the theme song of your Christian journey, ...read more
4. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Iv: Let Courage Rise With Danger
Contributed on Jan 14, 2020
Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians maintain spiritual courage to speak the truth in love and to intervention desperate situations to overcome evil with good.
LET COURAGE RISE WITH DANGER AND STRENGTH TO STRENGTH OPPOSE “No good deed goes unpunished.” Although I do not totally subscribe to the cynicism of that expression, because it is my naïve nature to believe that nobody would be opposed to acts of kindness and deeds ...read more
5. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon V: Any Culture, Any Era, Any Place
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians will not be deterred by those who hate us as we go about our God-given task of spreading Good News of God's love.
ANY CULTURE, ANY PLACE ON EARTH, ANY ERA - GOD IS AND CAN BE KNOWN! The man’s name I cannot tell you but his story I cannot forget. He burst into the Waffle House with unbridled enthusiasm praising God and telling anyone who would listen how thankful he was to be alive. I ...read more
6. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Vi: Boldness Epitomized By Stephen
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians must be willing to remain steadfast in their beliefs about God and His Son Jesus Christ, and be bold in speaking the truth in love with compassion.
SPREADING THE WORD DESPITE THE ODDS - FIVE NEW TESTAMENT WITNESSES STEPHEN EPITOMIZED BOLDNESS . . . (Acts 6 and 7) After the little band of believers in Christ received power associated with the Holy Spirit, they began to speak ...read more
7. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Vii: Faithfulness Epitomized By Philip
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians are called upon to be faithful by continuing the work that Jesus began both to teach and to do - willing to cross all kinds of barriers to carry the gospel to any and every one.
PHILIP EPITOMIZED FAITHFULNESS . . . (Acts 8) Stephen was dead. He had been stoned to death due to his boldness in telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the sin of rejection and the absolute necessity for ...read more
8. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Viii: Surrender Epitomized By Paul
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians carry the name of Jesus Christ wherever they go and to whomever they have opportunity to share the gospel message of God's love to the world.
PAUL EPITOMIZED SURRENDER . . . (Acts 9) If the gospel was going to smash through barriers of resistance in the First Century, there would have to be, as there has been in each century since the beginning of Christianity, a recognizable ...read more
9. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Ix: Change Of Direction Epitomized By Peter
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians adapt to changing circumstances as led by the Spirit . . . and are willing to make life changes as prescribed for doing the Lord's work without compromising fundamental Christian beliefs.
PETER EPITOMIZED CHANGE OF HEART AND MIND . . . (Acts 11:1-18) If all church leaders today were like the Apostle Peter, there is no telling what kind of churches our churches would be. A lot would depend on which aspect of Peter’s personality they ...read more
10. Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon X: Encouragement Epitomized By Barnabas
Contributed on Jan 15, 2020
In anti-Christian environments, mature Christians may be called on to help stabilize unsettling situations as was Barnabas whose encouraging words and acts of love changed fearfulness to thankfulness.
BARNABAS EPITOMIZED ENCOURAGMENT (Acts 11:19-30) Barnabas was the New Testament witness we all have a chance to identify with. Whether we adopt the Barnabas approach to witnessing depends on our willingness to be encouragers rather than ...read more