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  • Embracing Dinosaur Principles In A Developed Society

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Oct 28, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    What can we do about failure, hurt, regrets we carry and bad, destructive choices we’ve made? Go back to the Bible

    Embracing Dinosaur Principles in a Developed Society Scripture reading: Psalm 51: 1-10; 16-17 Sermon text: Psalm 51:10 KCC 2009–10–13 David’s Psalm concerning his adulterous affair with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11 (year earlier). For David, adultery, for another it could be lust but not lust for more

  • Redeeming One’s Life From Meh! Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Dec 8, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Growing our hearts three sizes larger takes not only giving but a redemptive type of giving. It seeks the best for others and is carried out with a sense of rejoicing

    A few of you understand the sermon title but some will be mystified by the word "meh". Is there someone who would like to try to define it for us? It is a slang term that communicates an attitude of apathy or indifference toward something. My favorite definition is that meh is a verbal shrug. What more

  • Perseverance Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on May 11, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    God is calling us to a relationship with Him but a relationship means nothing without perseverance. Where do we find the strength to carry on through hard times?

    5. Spiritual Disciplines Series May 17th, 2009 Perseverance A man is traveling down a long dirt road when he meets a guru. The man asks the guru, "Which way is success?" The bearded sage did not say anything but pointed to a place off in the distance. The man was thrilled by the prospect of quick more

  • The Christian's Warfare With Christ

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Nov 27, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    My purpose is to show young and old people alike how important it is to be properly clothed and carrying the proper weapons while fighting our spiritual battles.

    “The Christian’s Warfare with Christ” Text: Ephesians 6:10-17 ¶ Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against more

  • Weight Lifters

    Contributed by James May on Sep 24, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    In the battle of the wills, one must die, either yours or God’s. Which ever one lives will be the one that is the Weight Lifter, carrying the burdens of life.

    Weight Lifters By Pastor Jim May One of the characteristics of the church of today that I find is so prevalent is that we seem to never get enough rest. It’s a rat race world that we live in, and every day that we live we wake up to world that is on the move. It seems that the more we work and more

  • A Father's Day Message

    Contributed by John Phillips Jr on Jun 26, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    Christian fatherhood is an important part of God’s plan and design the family. Paul writes that there are three important functions that Christian fathers must carry out.

    Father’s Day Message Eph. 6:1-4 Well, today is Father’s Day and it is right that we should stop and honor Father’s. It is important that we take time to speak on the significance of fatherhood not only on special occasions like today, but as a matter of course because role of the father is being more

  • Twas The Night After Christmas - Done!

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Jan 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Usually, the day after Christmas, we find ourselves worn down, spent... and DONE. How can we carry the joy of Christmas throughout the year?

    Twas the Night After Christmas Before I start out, I need to find my mother-in-law. This first part is fictional… OK… as in not true… but it’s going to set up my sermon so roll with it ok? ’Twas the night after Christmas I remember it well, With presents all over, My house looked like… more

  • Light On Your Feet

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 28, 2014

    Paul was not the first to come up with the beautiful feet concept. However, the beautiful feet carry the light of God's good news to all people in all times.

    1. Da Vinci Inspiration Leonardo da Vinci had once worked on a great masterpiece for a long period of time. There was a young student standing next to him as da Vinci worked, and the student watched the master work as the painting had evolved in front of him. The student was awed by da Vinci's more

  • No Purse, No Bag, No Sandals Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 30, 2017

    The reformers of every age have pointed to the words of Jesus to His first disciples: “Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and salute no one on the road,” as a call to poverty.

    Thursday of 26th Week in Course 2017 Reformation and Revolution The rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, which the prophet Haggai had commanded, was accompanied by a rebuilding of Jewish identity and worship in the community of returned exiles. We must never forget that God does not act more

  • Forgiveness And A Renewed Spirit Series

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Mar 18, 2021

    Forgiveness releases us from the burden of guilt and regret we carry. When we're freed from it, our spirit is renewed.

    March 17, 2021 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Luke 7:36-50 Forgiveness and a Renewed Spirit Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. The movie “The Mission” came out in 1986. Church Times has named it as the #1 movie on their more

  • A Treasure In Earthen Vessels Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 19, 2023

    As faithful carriers of the Gospel, we know the treasure we carry, we endure the afflictions we face, and we hold fast to the hope we have.

    2 Cor 4:7-15 A Treasure in Earthen Vessels 2 Cor 4:7-15 ESV 7But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck more

  • At The Feet Of Jesus

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Aug 30, 2022

    There are some interesting things that happened at the feet of Jesus. And each event carried a specific significance to it. Today we'll focus on three of them.

    AT THE FEET OF JESUS There are some interesting things that happened at the feet of Jesus. And each event carried a specific significance to it. Today we'll focus on three of them. 1) At his feet in humility. Chris Tomlin, "We Fall Down": "We fall down, We lay our crowns, At more

  • The Good Samaritan

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 25, 2022

    Jesus was making the point that our worship carries over into our works. Our love and adoration for God is something that we are supposed to exemplify in our worship.

    THE GOOD SAMARITAN Text : Luke 10:25-37 There is the story of a fellow on his way to a job interview. He had been out of work for many months. On his way to what seemed like a promising interview, he encounters a woman on the side of the road who has just had a flat tire. DILEMMA: more

  • God's Illogical Demand Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 13, 2016
    based on 11 ratings

    I thought God hated child sacrifice? What is God doing asking Abraham to sacrifice his only son?

    OPEN: I read the true story of a woman who told of the time she was teaching the toddler-age Sunday school class. Part of the reason she taught there was that her daughter was in that class. During one lesson on creation she was trying to make the concept as understandable as possible, so she more

  • Jacob, The Deceiver Deceived

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Aug 5, 2024

    Jacob deceived his father Isaac for the Blessing. And after working 7 years for Laban’s daughter Rachel, he received her sister Leah as his wife. The deceiver has been deceived. You shall reap what you sow.

    2024.08.04.Sermon Notes. Jacob the Deceiver Deceived William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: Jacob deceived his father Isaac for the Blessing. And after working 7 years for Laban’s daughter Rachel, he received her sister Leah as his wife. Key Verse: Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; more

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