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Sermons on intergenerational wealth:

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  • Kingdom Financial Blessings

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Jun 29, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    It would appear that the Bible condemns the accumulation of wealth. Many passages of Scripture seem to suggest that the accumulation of wealth is evil while being poor is virtuous.

    Kingdom Financial Blessings It would appear that the Bible condemns the accumulation of wealth. Many passages of Scripture seem to suggest that the accumulation of wealth is evil while being poor is virtuous. It would appear that the Bible condemns the accumulation of wealth. The Biblical more

  • Condemnation Of The Unjust Rich

    Contributed by Leslie Tarlton on Jan 19, 2014

    An Expositional Series on the Book of James

    James 5_1-6 Condemnation of the Unjust Rich According to economist Marc Faber; The critical question over the next decade isn’t “where will my returns be highest?” but “where will I lose the least money?” Faber states, “I think somewhere down the line we more

  • Help For Keeping "Stuff" In Perspective Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 17, 2013

    Dominant Thought: a proper view of things will help us to carry through the command to not steal

    You shouldn’t have been following the car so closely – not on State Street at 5:30 on Friday evening. Maybe they had a brake light out – hard to tell – it all happened so quickly. One minute you’re tooling along thinking about supper, the next you’re watching more

  • The Gospel Has A Leveling Effect Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We live in a world that promotes materialism and the sad part is, they have convinced us that we can't be happy without the newest item, newest gadget.

    James 1:9-12-Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the more

  • I Spend So I Can Glorify God Series

    Contributed by T D on Dec 28, 2010


    I Spend So I Can Glorify God Did you know that the first modern-day lottery was started in 1963 in the state of New Hampshire. Did you know that the state of Massachusetts, started their lottery in 1972 with 50 cent tickets and a drawing once a week. It now has 33 different games to choose from more

  • I Save So I Can Be Generous Series

    Contributed by T D on Dec 28, 2010


    Series: Saving For Life I Save So I Can be Generous 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, Psalm 37:25-26, Luke 12:13-21 Within the Declaration of Independence of our country exists this phrase of what is the free right of every person, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” That last part of more

  • I Have More So I Can Give Series

    Contributed by T D on Dec 28, 2010


    Series: Saving For Life I Have More So I Can Give 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 An economist was leaving his office building and saw a little boy sitting on the curb with a dog. The boy yelled at the economist, "Hey, how would you like to buy a dog". The man was intrigued by this sales approach and more

  • Strange Bedfellows Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 2, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 18 in the series Love Never Dies, this message looks at God, guns and wealth.

    Strange Bedfellows Love Never Dies, prt. 18 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers August 22, 2010 Well, I’ll just tell you right up front this morning that we’re skipping a chapter! I’ll be gone again next week and when I called to ask Dr. Joe to preach for me a few weeks back I told him we’d more

  • How Rich Are We?

    Contributed by Ricky Johnson on Sep 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon to share with the congregation the need for serious and steady prayer concerning our church’s annual budget and the giving of the church.

    The internet is a wonderful source of information; although some is trivial, some useless, some is motivational, and some mind-numbing. Just for fun I went to a site called "Global Rich List." On this site there is a block where you insert your annual income, click on another button and it will more

  • Now Listen, You Rich People! Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jun 19, 2012
    based on 130 ratings

    A message for the wicked rich and the reasoning behind it. 1- Their wealth is rotten 2- Their luxury is indulgent

    INTRO.- Rich folks. How rich is rich? According to Forbes’ richest list, 72 year old Carlos Slim Helu and family from Mexico are the richest people in the world at $69 Billion, which he made from a company called Telecom. CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates is still number two and very rich with more

  • Going Overboard About Our Possessions Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Sep 18, 2013

    The main idea shared here is "don't go overboard about things you'd throw overboard." The message looks at how often only a life-threatening situation can cause us to let loose of our possessions.

    MAN OVERBOARD: Don’t go overboard about things you’d throw overboard. - Jonah 1:5. - This trip was undertaken for financial reasons. They didn’t just set sail because they wanted to see the ocean for a while. They did it because there was money to be made. They didn’t more

  • A Fool And His Money

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Oct 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating


    HFL NOV. 8, 2009 LUKE 12; 13-21 13Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against more

  • Job Came To My Church

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Oct 26, 2021

    I don't like poor people in my congregation

    Yes, he did. What a strange man! First, he looked sick with boils all over which he kept itching. Everyone kept a safe distance from him, then one by one they started fleeing. I knew , I would be left with empty pews, so I called security, what would you have done? The man smelt , ok, he reeked more

  • Personal Instructions Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jul 15, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    1 Timothy 6:17-21 shows us two areas that require attention.

    Scripture In the final chapter of his First Letter to Timothy, Paul issued four charges to Timothy: first, about the false teachers (6:3-10), second, to Christian leaders (6:11-16), third, to rich Christians (6:17-19), and finally, to Timothy himself (6:20-21). Today I want to conclude our study more

  • The Long Way Home Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Mar 12, 2021

    In today’s text we are going to look at a teaching of Jesus about two people who had opposite experiences in life and in death.

    LOST AND FOUND: The Long Way Home Luke 16:19-31 Introduction Being Lost or Being Found are two profound experiences. To be lost is to be separated from God, our Creator and Father who loves us and who reaches out to us. To be found is to experience acceptance, peace, forgiveness - grace and more

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