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Sermons on indiscretion:

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  • A Moment Of Indiscretion

    Contributed by Ira Sandefer on Jul 15, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    It is easy to make a stupid mistake or blunder or even to have a moment of indiscretion, but disobedience is a choice.

    Context: I Kings 13:11-34 Introduction The word “Indiscretion” means, according to the Universal Reference Library Encyclopedia, “Rashness, imprudence, an unwise act, or a blunder”. The word “blunder” means “a stupid mistake: a serious error; to make a bad mistake from stupidity or ignorance, more

  • The Significance Of Indiscretion-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 24, 2012

    1 of 2. Genesis records the significance of the indiscretion of Noah’s younger son, Ham. Understanding the significance of indiscretion imparts wisdom/ is instructive to God’s people. Indiscretion holds significance for...

    The SIGNIFICANCE OF INDISCRETION-I—Genesis 9:18-29 Attention: Our American society seems to be drifting farther & farther from under the umbrella of discretion. Discreet— ‘Careful & circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an more

  • The Significance Of Indiscretion-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 14, 2012

    2 of 2. Genesis records the significance of the indiscretion of Noah’s younger son, Ham. Understanding the significance of indiscretion imparts wisdom/ is instructive to God’s people. Indiscretion holds significance for...

    The SIGNIFICANCE OF INDISCRETION-II—Genesis 9:18-29 Attention: Discreet— ‘Careful & circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.’ M-W—1) Having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct & especially more

  • More Characteristics Of Godliness

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 4 ratings

    40. Be Honest without being legalistic, outspoken, too blunt or brutal or indiscrete.

    40. Be Honest without being legalistic, outspoken, too blunt or brutal or indiscrete. 41. Be Hopeful without being overly optimistic or forgetting God's future game plan. 42. Be Hospitable without being ingratiating, cliquish or using it as a tool for social climbing. 43. Be Humble without more

  • The Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, And Indiscretion, Part I

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 20, 2023

    Jesus' parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) is a call to salvation. There will be many who will make poor excuses and refuse the invitation. There will be those who accept it with gratitude, but some will try to enter in their own way. In which category do you fit?

    Throughout the Scriptures, the call of God to come to Him for salvation, grace, and mercy is prominent. The paradise we lost at our fall into sin is not irreversible nor permanent. He has promised redemption even though we do not deserve it. He promised to make all things new, starting with the more

  • The Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, And Indiscretion, Part 2

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 20, 2023

    The original recipients of the invitation to the banquet (Matthew 22:1-7) refused to attend, giving flimsy excuses that resulted in their destruction (v.7). Who would attend the banquet now? Here is where we see the king's mercy extend to "the least of these".

    The Christian band Sidewalk Prophets wrote a song entitled, "Come to the Table", based on the Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) and the call of God for everyone regardless of their situation to come to the table and take place in the celebration. The Wedding Banquet is more

  • The Strength Of Sex And The Silence Conspiracy Series

    Contributed by Olu-Timi Lewis Afolabi on Jan 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating


    THE STRENGTH OF SEX AND THE SILENCE CONSPIRACY The energy of sex is so strong that its intensity is said to be matchless by any emotions ever known to mankind. It is a phenomenon that is greater and more pervasive than alcoholism, drug, food, football and gambling addiction combined. If not so more

  • What Is A Constrite Spirit?"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Aug 20, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that God dwells with those who are humble and have a contrite heart.

    21 August 2005 by U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Busan, Korea (Ulchi Focus Lens Exercise) Isaiah 57:14-21 (NIV) Big Idea: God lives with those who are humble and have a contrite heart. REFERENCES: Isaiah 57:1-21; Hebrew 12:1-10; Lamentation:33-34; Psalms 51:17 (The sacrifices of God are more

  • Admit You Are A Sinner Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    While sin is an act, much like to drink or to drug; sinning is a state of being, just like being an alcoholic or being a drug addict. Therefore, if one wants to be rehabilitated from the state of being a sinner, then one needs a 12 step program to support

    Sunday, July 6, 2008 “Admit you are a Sinner” Text: I John 1: 8 – 10 We embark on our Summer Sizzler series with an ambitious theme: “12 steps in nine weeks: breaking your addiction to sin.” Many of us will quickly recognize the 12 step program idea that is more

  • The Tool Of Flexibility Series

    Contributed by Richard Pfeil on May 16, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Part of s series on the key tools to raising good, healthy kids and this one deals with remaining flexible.

    THE TOOL OF FLEXIBILITY TEXT: Various texts Sunday, July 7, 2002 We are doing a series on parenting, and you might say, “Wait a minute. This is the Fourth of July weekend. We should talk about something more patriotic. Maybe a look back in history or a look at one of our founding fathers. We more

  • God Is Greater Than Sin Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 20, 2011

    Addiction to sin is a spiritual bond that must be broken, therefore, God is greater than sin.

    Sunday, July 13, 2008 “God is greater than Sin” Text: John 1: 29 We move to our second step in our 12 step program to break our addiction to sin by acknowledging that God is greater than sin. You may recall that we made the subtle distinction between a sin and being a sinner. A more

  • Moses - Learning From Elderly Believers Lesson 8 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 5, 2024

    If you are going to do big tasks for God, you will need big patience and faith in Him.

    “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because … they were not afraid of the king’s command. By faith Moses … refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of more

  • Reputation Vs. Character

    Contributed by Wes Gunther on Mar 19, 2019

    Christ put off His reputation but never wavered on His character.

    Made Himself of no Reputation Philippians 2:7-10 I. We value our Reputation a. We build our reputation through i. Experience ii. Time iii. Rapport iv. Hard work b. Our reputation can be easily lost i. One accusation ii. One indiscretion more

  • Create Yourself Anew Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on May 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The challenge we face in our therapeutic journey is to know when we need God to help us, to assist us, and to permit us to create ourselves anew.

    Sunday, August 10, 2008 “Create yourself ANEW” Text: Psalm 51: 10 By now you should be familiar with the steps in our treatment plan: 12 steps in nine weeks: how to break your addiction to sin. Admit you are a sinner. God is greater than sin, give yourself to God, count the costs. more

  • Being Like God Series

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Aug 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In our modern world we don’t have room for God. We have sent humans to the moon, and cured a great many diseases and illnesses. Perpetrating the myth religion was invented by scientifically naive people.

    INTRODUCTION: God created the world In our modern world we don’t have room for God Send man to the moon Cure diseases and illnesses Perpetrating the myth Religion was invented by scientifically naive people Not understanding the world and the natural laws that govern it Created God to more

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