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  • In The Garden

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 29, 2017

    This was preached for an Easter Sunrise service but can be used anytime. Theme is from the hymn "I Come to the Garden Alone" and topic is insomnia. (Material adapted from the book, "Sweet Dreams: A Guide to Productive Sleep" by Minirth, Meier)

    HoHum: I have 4 teenage sons, two sets of twins, ages 17 and 13. When I ministered at a church in Indiana, every other month we had a worship service at the local nursing home. The worship consisted of singing favorite hymns of the residents and then I would preach. Well, one lady always wanted more

  • Hospice Chaplaincy

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 18, 2016

    I want to say a few words about hospice chaplaincy, the ministry where I will be serving in the near future

    HoHum: I came to Pleasant Ridge in September 2010. It is hard to believe that it has been 6 years since that time. The ministry here is a blessing to me and my family. The church has left an indelible mark upon my children. This is where they came to faith and were baptized into the Lord Jesus more

  • Job Versus Solomon

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Sep 15, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    To focus on the wisdom of Job, even while comparing it with that of King Solomon

    JOB VERSUS SOLOMON The phrase “Patience of Job” is not so much inked as engraved not only in the chronicles of English literature but also in the minds of every Bible student. Whenever our mind zeroes in on this great hero of faith, it is his perseverance and more

  • Covid19 And Quarantine / Who Truely Wears The Crown

    Contributed by Greg Van Heukelom on Jun 30, 2020

    Corona beer logo is a picture of the Cathedral of our Lady of Guadalupe in Puerto Vallarta. The question of the day is does the Covid19 wear the crown, or the King of KINGS?

    4/19 – Covid19 and Quarantine Hello, I'm pastor Greg of Calvary Reformed Church, Mattawan Michigan and the Wing Chaplain at Battle Creek the Air National Guard. There are some words that we've all heard--- especially in the last few weeks, which for some of us can cause some fear in more

  • Matthew 5: The Beatitudes Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Newlon on Jul 21, 2020

    In this message, we are focusing on one simple word found throughout the Beatitudes: "Blessed."

    Jonathan Newlon Uniontown Church of Christ 18 July 2020 Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes Introduction One of the most famous passages in Scripture not only to the Christian, but also to the secular world, is Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. This is also one of the most important passages in the New more

  • He Chose... Poorly

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 9, 2024

    We chose poorly when we do not tell, when we do not share (Preached for Faith Promise Rally promoting missions) (Adapted from a book called, "See, Here is Water" by Oneta Gentry, pg. 76 and following)

    HoHum: In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when they finally get to the old knight guarding the Holy Grail, Donavon, with the help of Elsa, choses a cup from which to drink. Elsa chooses the cup -- a solid gold, emerald encrusted goblet. Donovan instantly takes it from her. Donovan looks at more

  • The King Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 2, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    Kaiser Wilhelm II entered Jerusalem through the Jaffa gate mounted on a beautiful white horse. Nearly 2000 years before, Jesus had entered Jerusalem through the Eastern gate mounted upon a humble donkey. Two dignitaries entered the same city in two different ways. Why the differences?

    OPEN: The last emperor of Germany was Kaiser Wilhelm II and, in 1898 he decided to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. At the time, the once great Jerusalem was in serious need of attention. So 6 months before the Kaiser’s scheduled arrival, the Sultan replaced the mayor of Jerusalem with a more more

  • Bridges

    Contributed by Terry Lindsey on Oct 27, 2000
    based on 90 ratings

    Jesus bulit the bridge for us to cross into the Kingdom of Heaven

    Bridges My topic tonight is about bridges. How many of you crossed a bridge on the way here?? Many of us cross bridges everyday and never give it much thought. Webster’s defines a bridge in several different ways but I am using the definition of “A structure built over a river, etc., to more

  • Boast Of His Image Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 23, 2012

    Are you boasting about Jesus and His image – are others looking at you imitating Jesus and boasting about your faith, love and spiritual maturity? Paul did of the Thessalonians! Are there those in our community boasting about our perseverance as a Church

    Series: Imitators 2 Thessalonians was written shortly after the first letter was delivered. Most likely the deliverer of the first letter noted some serious misunderstandings of The Coming of the Lord and end times beliefs which needed to be addressed. Paul writes this letter quickly upon hearing more

  • The Local Church - God's Missionary People

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    The DNA of the Local Church is made up of core values, vision and mission. If someone were to walk up to a member of the church and ask: "What is the mission of this church?" What would you answer be?

    The Local Church – God’s Missionary People CHURCH SIGNS The best vitamin for a Christian is B1." "Soul food served here." "Tithe if you love Jesus! Anyone can honk!" "Beat the Christmas rush, come to church this Sunday!" "Don’t wait for the hearse to take you to church." "Don’t give up. Moses more

  • The Touch Of God Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Nov 25, 2001
    based on 43 ratings

    The Christmas touch is the touch of God that includes touches of many kinds that will help us, and other, experience God¡¦s touch on our lives.

    As I began to write this morning’s message, I became very much aware of the fact that for the first time since Vietnam, we are at war during the Christmas season. I don’t remember having this same kind of awareness as a child and young teenager during that time although as I look out this morning I more

  • If We Are The Body

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 31, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    Being a Christian is about serving for the right reasons.

    August 1, 2004 Morning Worship Text: Matthew 20:20-28 Subject: Greatness Title: If We are the Body When you leave this life and are firmly planted in the ground with a tombstone over you, what will be your legacy? What will be written on your tombstone? Will your epitaph be one about your earthly more

  • Turning Tests Into Testimonies

    Contributed by Nate Barbour on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Learn how to overcome in any situation and turn your test into a testimony of victory!

    Turning Tests into Testimonies How to Overcome in Any Situation 9/03/03 I. Introduction One year there was a terrible flood that deluged a small midwestern town located in a valley between two rivers. Both rivers had overflowed their banks and the rains continued to fall day and night. There was more

  • Jesus Had A Mother Too

    Contributed by Mike Harris on Sep 24, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    Mother’s Day Message

    “Jesus Had A Mother Too” Mike Harris Mother’s Day, May 13, 2001 Intro: Happy Mother’s Day! Song: “Mary Did You Know” ….. written about a mom—holding her baby Son in her arms…. …and dreaming about the future… …soaking in that brief moment in time… …realizing how incredibly awesome her more

  • The Church God Will Bless

    Contributed by Tom Dooley on May 11, 2001
    based on 306 ratings

    This message focuses on following the model of the early church in order to be a church God will bless.

    The Church God Will Bless By Tom Dooley Acts 2:41-47 Several years ago in the movie Hoosiers, Gene Hackman played the part of Norman Dale, a former college coach with a tainted past who was hired to coach a rural high-school basketball team from Hickory, Indiana. Coach more

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