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  • The Grandparents Bible Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jul 12, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    When it comes to religious instruction and example we can see that Jacob gave his grandson’s four important things to remember him by and to help point his grandchildren to the true and living God. You and I can do the same thing today for our Grandchild

    The Grandparents Bible Text: Gen. 48 Developed from the study by Ruth & Elmer Towns Illustration: A few years ago there was a cartoon that showed a little child stumbling over some stones in the road. more

  • To Die Is Gain Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jul 25, 2010
    based on 81 ratings

    This message is for a funeral of a godly young man who died after a long battle with cancer. It highlights four ways that death is gain for the believer.

    Philippians 1: 19-23 To Die Is Gain "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Death is not extinguishing the light from the Christian. It is putting out the lamp because the bright new glorious dawn has come. Our hearts grieve deeply over losing a champion of the faith, yet we are more

  • Your Good Looks Didn't Get You A Wife: It Was God Series

    Contributed by Tessie R. Simmons on Aug 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A Prudent wife is from the Lord.

    It's great to be a man of God with good looks. Your good looks are a gift from God, but don't give your good looks credit for causing your wife to fall hopelessly in love with you. Mister Good Looking, your wife married you because God moved on her heart to do so. How do I know? That's any easy more

  • Seeing The Glory That Awaits Us

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Feb 10, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    The mountain top experience-the transfiguration is a confirmation of the glory that awaits you and me.

    weekend Message/Devotion February 11, 2018 Reading: Mark 9:2-9 Seeing the Glory That Awaits Us I am including the gospel reading this morning. Without this reading, today’s message won’t be as meaningful to us. I encourage you to make notes of today’s message and using them in studying Mark’s more

  • Perfect Interplay Between The Word And Faith Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 26, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The love that is the Holy Spirit is the power that saves us, and empowers us to be like Christ in the world.

    Monday after Pentecost Memorial Day Verbum Domini Before the reform of the Roman liturgy back in the 70's, Pentecost had its own octave, culminating in Trinity Sunday. Whatever we may think of the change, we are now taken from the mountaintop experience of the commemoration of the coming of the more

  • Jesus Is Just Another Man Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Feb 24, 2015

    Some say 'Jesus is just another man.' How would you respond?

    “Cross Currents: Jesus Is Just Another Man” Col. 1:1-14 Have you ever heard someone say, “Jesus is just another man - a great one, perhaps, but just another man.” Professor Virginia Ramey Mollenkott is a leading teacher of this view – she states “Jesus is simply more

  • Biblical Hope

    Contributed by Ben Foley on May 31, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Hebrews 6:19: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

    We live in turbulent times. From a global pandemic to political controversy to mental health issues, racial tensions, suicides, and gun violence, storms are brewing and sweeping the world. In times like these, we find our emotions going from extreme highs to severe lows. It is as if we are being more

  • Are We There Yet?

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Sep 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Gods Word never, let me say it again “GODS WORD NEVER EVER” stops completing its given assignment! Gods Word constantly is searching for and making itself available for meeting every need of His children!

    Are we there yet? Most of us, spend our entire lives trying to get everyone to say yes to the things we want to do in life and from life. When were young we learn our parents strengths and weaknesses and how to manipulate, or play them against one another to get what we want. Some of us are more

  • Funeral For Elderly Godly Woman

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jan 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Funeral service for godly woman who provided by her example godly legacy for children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.

    OPENING: In behalf of the family, we want to thank everyone who is here whether at this location or on the Internet. Your presence is honoring to Mary and is a comfort and strength to the family. In Psalm 116:15 we find this comforting statement: “Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the more

  • Wicked Tenants In A Wicked World

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Apr 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The parable of the wicked tenants is a statement of God’s concern for his people and a declaration that God’s plan cannot be defeated by man. If we love God, we realize that he knows the best way for us to live.

    He was, by all accounts, a successful man. This builder of fine homes in an upscale American suburb was known to all as a creative craftsman, a shrewd businessman, a fair-minded employer, and a generous benefactor. But he was aging now, and before he set out for Florida for the winter, he more

  • Have The Living Hope

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Apr 16, 2023

    While many settle on the earthly hope that could bring disappointment, let us value more the extraordinary hope -- the living hope -- until it is fully realized.

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in more

  • Israel And The End Times

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 21, 2024

    Modern state of Israel is not necessarily the heir of God's promises to ancient Israel (Seedthoughts from Michael Pahl at:

    HoHum: A Texan is visiting Israel and feeling thirsty, he stops at a house along the road. "Can you give me a drink?" asked the Texan. "Of course," says the Israeli, and he invited the Texan to come in. "What do you do?" asks the Texan. "I raise more

  • You Are Possible For God

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 7, 2021

    The rich young man is told to give all of his riches to the poor and follow Christ. What does this mean?

    10.10.21 Mark 10:17–27 17 As Jesus was setting out on a journey, one man ran up to him and knelt in front of him. He asked, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except one—God. 19 You know the commandments. ‘You more

  • You're Loved, No Strings Attached! Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Apr 15, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    As Christians, we are deeply loved by God and have nothing to fear or prove. We can find security in knowing that God is always with us and His love sets us free from seeking approval from others. In response to God's love, we purify ourselves by saying no to ungodliness and living uprightly by loving others as Jesus loves us.

    Hey guys! Today, we're gonna learn from John, one of Jesus' best buds. John tells us that we're God's kids, loved big time. That means we don't have to be scared or try to impress anyone. God's love is epic, and it gives us a fresh start if we accept it. God's love is epic, and it gives us a fresh more

  • Jesus’ Circumcision And First Temple Visit With Acknowledgements By Simeon Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 13, 2017

    Sin has an internal character, because we are sinners by birth, not because we have come into contact with anything. There is a connection between motherhood and the transmission of sin by inheritance. At birth, we inherit a sinful, fallen nature.

    -5-4 BC- In Bethlehem Jesus’ Circumcision and First Temple Visit with Acknowledgements by Simeon and Anna Jesus’ Circumcision (Leviticus 12:3) Luke 2:21 Circumcision was the sign that God gave to His covenant people, Israel. Every male child was to be circumcised when they were eight days more

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