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Sermons on hunger and thirst:

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  • #1 - Hunger For God's Glory Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Feb 3, 2016

    Why do we fast? What is fasting? Why does God do what He does?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS SERMON AVAILABLE WITH POWERPOINT IN RESOURCE DOWNLOAD! This sermon (and several hundred others) are available for download. > Microsoft Word > Most with handouts More info: or >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isaiah more

  • Sustained By The Bread Of Life John 6:35 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 10, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In John 6:35, Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." Let us explore this profound statement and its implications for our lives.

    Sustained by the Bread of Life John 6:35 Introduction: Today we gather to delve into the transformative truth found in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. In John 6:35, Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never more

  • The Source Of Spiritual Satisfaction Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    That’s what happens when we believe in, and trust, and accept Christ. Every need of life, of nourishment, and of growth is met. Nothing is left out or lacking. This doesn’t mean that the person will never again hunger after righteousness. Because a pe

    READ the whole passage. I read verse 36 and have to wonder how many people today would be the same way. If Jesus Christ walked into this sanctuary right now and told us who He was, would we believe or would we require a sign. It makes me wonder how many people REALLY believe that Jesus is a real more

  • Caught Between A Laugh And A Cry

    Contributed by Wilson Murphy on May 1, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    We need to have a hunger for more of God, while being thankful for what God has already done.

    Caught between a Laugh and a Cry Ezra 3:10-13 10And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel. 11And they sang more

  • I Want To Do Right Always Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Mar 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Who has not heard of the “Whopper” or a Baconator! When it comes to food, we do not want to become hungry. Moreover, if we do become hungry our body lets us know it – THE GROWL and we are off to the fridge, looking in the cabinets or diving into the cooki

    Introduction: No matter how you cut it, 72 ounces is 4 1/2 pounds. That is a lot of meat. In an upscale steakhouse chain, a 4 1/2 pound steak would cost you around $200. At The Big Texan, in Amarillo, TX, it is absolutely free; If you can eat it in an hour. While everyone else in the restaurant more

  • Creating Thirst - Contagious Christianity Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 12, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    How would Jesus witness to my friends and relatives. Could I do what He did?

    (We began the service with a video clip from “Contagious Christianity” called “Lesson #8 - Objections” where a Christian woman was trying to witness to a skeptic who maintained that Christianity was too narrow and exclusive for her tastes). OPEN: Someone once speculated about how certain people more

  • Jesus: Our Thirst-Quencher

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Oct 12, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Only Jesus quenches our thirst.

    John chapter 4. 35-year-old Bill Jenkins had become very thirsty. Having gotten lost from the rest of the desert expedition, he was exactly 4 days in the hot desert sun without any water before he was rescued. He kept a diary during this time and recorded that at the end of the first day without more

  • Our Thirsting Soul Is Satisfied

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Pentecost 10(A) - Our thirsting soul is satisfied because our gracious God freely invites and then our gracious God richly blesses.

    OUR THIRSTING SOUL IS SATISFIED (Outline) August 5, 2007 - PENTECOST 10 - Isaiah 55:1-5 * * * * * * * * * INTRO: There are all kinds of invitations – birthday, wedding, and anniversary. Such invitations to a celebration bring us joy. We are happy when more

  • We Thirst, Jesus Quenches

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Apr 6, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman who is "drinking" of the water of relationships. 6 men can’t satisfy her. But the 7th Man, the God-Man Jesus Christ perfectly satisfies!

    Please open your Bibles to John chapter 4. We have a very interesting story here before us this morning, a story of Jesus speaking with a Samaritan woman at a well. This story is interesting because the Jews did not speak with Samaritans. Samaritans were called “half-breeds.” You see when Assyria more

  • Thirsting With Cup Full Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Nov 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Thanksgiving to God flows from a thirst for His presence!

    Thirsting With Cup Full, Psalms 42:1-11 Introduction The story is told of two old friends bumped into one another on the street one day. One of them looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, "What has the world done to you, my old friend?" The sad fellow said, "Let me tell more

  • Water For Drowning, Water For Thirst

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 4, 2010

    After Christmas it is easy to feel overwhelmed with the return to reality, responsibility, and even depressing weather. The psalmist also felt overwhelmed until he remembered what God had done in and for him and that God was still present, even when unfe

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC January 6, 1985 Well, Christmas is over, isn't it? Christmas is over and done with, except for a few remaining lights and poinsettias … over, done with, finished. It was great while it lasted, but Christmas is over. How do you know that more

  • "Spiritual Thirst, Quenched By Jesus ”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on May 24, 2023

    A message for Pentecost based on the words of Jesus in John 7 at the Feast of Tabernacles in October as He identifies Himself as the "Rock" from which water quenched the thirst of the Israelites on their journey. Seven months later Jesus was dead.

    In Jesus Holy Name May 28, 2023 Text: John 7:37-39 Pentecost Redeemer “Spiritual Thirst, Quenched by Jesus ” We rightly celebrate Easter as the day that changed history, the more

  • Christian Holiness – Thirst For Righteousness

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Jun 27, 2023

    Holiness is a divine call to a disciplined life. It is separation from sin, and living the victorious life of Christ.

    CHRISTIAN HOLINESS – THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TEXT: HEBREWS 12:14, 2 SAMUEL 5:20, 2 SAMUEL 22:30 INTRODUCTION Holiness is a divine call to a disciplined life. It is separation from sin, and living the victorious life of Christ. To be holy means that we are, set apart for honourable use. The more

  • "i Thirst"

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on May 16, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    We all know what it feels like to be thirsty. Parched Lips! Cottonmouth! Feeling Dehydrated!

    BACKGROUND We all know what it feels like to be thirsty. Parched Lips! Cottonmouth! Feeling Dehydrated! It could be from working out in your yard on a hot summer day; it could be from just waking up after a surgery; or it could be that you spend a long time on the telephone talking with someone. more

  • My Soul Thirsts For You Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jun 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Psalm 63:1-11 teaches us about the believer’s trust in God, especially in times of adversity.

    Introduction I plan to continue our summer sermons on the Book of Psalms today. Since so many people travel during the summer, and there may not be regular continuity of worship participation each week, examining the Psalms is an excellent option because each Psalm stands on its own. Pastor more

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