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  • Dare To Be Humble Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 54 ratings

    As disciples of Jesus we must humble ourselves

    Dare to Be Humble Luke 14:7-11 October 8, 2006 Morning Service Introduction Several years ago I attended a wedding and it was beautiful with all of the pomp you expect at those kind of events. the reception was a bit of a problem. The main family had remained at the church for pictures and the more

  • Humble Submission Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Apr 4, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    To truly be Christ-like, we must learn and practice humble submission. The boy Jesus shows us what humble submission looks like

    Series Introduction: Some pictures are compelling. Just seeing them draws you into a story that you don’t yet know but want to. Some pictures compel you to feel certain emotions or move you to behave in certain ways. A compelling picture tells the whole story without the use of words. You’re more

  • A Humble Spirit Series

    Contributed by Bart Leger on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    There seems to be a test for everything. Disease, knowledge, IQ. What’s your HQ (humility quotient)? In Paul’s introduction to the Roman believers he shows humility in his spiritual service. (Read verse) Paul did not have solely a one-way blessing in mind

    A Humble Spirit There seems to be a test for everything. Disease, knowledge, IQ. What’s your HQ (humility quotient)? In Paul’s introduction to the Roman believers he shows humility in his spiritual service. (Read verse) Paul did not have solely a one-way blessing in mind. Although highly gifted more

  • Humble Beginnings

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Dec 24, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    The humble beginnings of Jesus in Bethlehem are not really so humble at all because he came to deliver all of us regardless of our place on the economic ladder or position in society.

    Humble Beginnings Luke 2:8-20 December 16, 2007 A couple of years ago, Toni and I were trying to get home from vacation. Our plans called for us to catch a plane out of Miami International Airport to Chicago and then on to Fort Wayne. The problem occurred when we arrived in Miami just a day more

  • How To Be Humble

    Contributed by David Rogers on Sep 12, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon about why we are called to be humble and how we can be humble in our lives.

    How To Live A Life Of Humbleness 1John 2:6 Prayer Introduction A. Many people today have the wrong attitude about the word humble. B. They think that being humble equates with being weak. But to be humble often takes more mores strength and physical strength than reaction. C. They wrongly seek more

  • Grace For The Humble

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jun 12, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    God calls us to is part of the call to be like Jesus. What is humility, really? How does James help us to find it?

    Grace for the Humble - Sermon for CATM - June 12, 2005 A pastor in Toronto who I deeply admired, Dr. Winston Nunes, was once praised for his humility. He looked up at his admirer and said, “I’m not humble, I’m accurate”. A lot of the Bible, God’s Word, is dedicated to helping us see things more

  • Humble Pride

    Contributed by Richard Burkey on Jun 15, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    Humility recognizes that what I am and what I can ultimately be is by the grace of God. The result is humble pride leads to eternal confidence.

    Humble Pride Luke 18:9-14 (New International Version) 9To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: 10¡§Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The more

  • Humble King Series

    Contributed by Tim Zukas on Apr 25, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Palm Sunday

    [from Christianity Today] Palm Sunday celebrates the day Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Test your knowledge of that day’s events, recorded in all four Gospels, with these true or false statements. 1. According to the Gospels, the people waved palm branches when Jesus rode into more

  • Learn Humbly Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jun 13, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    The 5th message in the One Month To Live Series. (This was a really tough message to write, but God really taught me some cool stuff).

    Learn Humbly One Month To Live (week four) 1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and more

  • Be Humble Be Hopeful

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jan 20, 2012

    After God convicts us of our pride and humbles us, he fills us with hope and equips us to live lives that glorify him.

    What is the number one sin that can bring you down? What is the number one sin that can destroy a pastor's ministry? This sin can destroy your relationships with your members, with your fellow called workers. This sin can destroy your relationship with your wife and children. Ultimately, this sin more

  • A Humble Life Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Aug 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What the humble life looks like.

    Introduction Humility is not a minister’s favorite subject. How can you exhort others to be humble with a clear conscience or presume to know what you are talking about? You would have to be humble; yet, believing yourself to be humble is not being humble. But if you are not humble, how more

  • In Humble Submission

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Aug 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    When we find ourselves thinking that what we need is more, let’s commit to becoming less. Don’t submit to circumstances, but to the Lord who controls circumstances.

    In Humble Submission 05/01/10 PM 1 Peter 5:5 Introduction Living in this world does not come easy, everyone struggles. It should be of no surprise as Jesus Himself tells us that in this world we will have tribulations (troubles) in this life. But we often have a tendency to think that if we just more

  • Happy Are The Humble Series

    Contributed by George Yates on Apr 10, 2012

    In the Beatitudes Jesus gives the Secrets to Happiness.

    I. Jesus goes up to the mount and gives the greatest sermon ever preached. A. And the words He gives are counter revolutionary. B. In the Beatitudes Jesus gives the Secrets to Happiness. II. His statement ran against the current mood of the religious leaders of the day. A. To their way of more

  • Blessed Are The Humble Series

    Contributed by David Swanger on Jan 22, 2013

    God has never spent one moment thinking He is me. Meekness is understanding who I am, who God is, and responding accordingly.

    “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Jesus’ first statements were shocking to the audience that sat before Him on this Galilean hillside.. He challenged them with things totally foreign to their way of thinking. No doubt, they expected to be commended for more

  • Grumble Or Humble Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Aug 8, 2011

    In this sermon, we try to learn from the mistakes of Israel, so that we might not grumble, but we humble.

    Introduction: A. I like the story of the man who decided to join a monastery and one of the rules of the particular monastic group was that you were only allowed to speak two words at the end of every ten years. 1. At the end of his first ten years he said, “Food Bad!” 2. At the end of more