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  • A More Excellent Way

    Contributed by Charles R. Peck on Oct 28, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    Paul tell the church at Corinth that love is the way.

    A More Excellent Way 1Corinthians 13:4/8 In chapter thirteen the Apostle Paul writes about the more excellent way, or what he had in view, in the close of the former chapter, namely, charity, or, as it is commonly rendered love. The word charity to most meant almsgiving, but charity in its more

  • The Way, The Truth And The Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize that Jesus is the way to God, the truth of His promise, and the life of eternal abundance, and we should value Him above all else.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters! It's such a blessing to be here with you all today. We're going to dive into the comforting and powerful words of Jesus from John 14:1-21. As we explore this passage, we'll be reminded that Jesus is the way to God, the truth of His promise, and the life of more

  • When God Gives Up On Human Sinfulness Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Mar 7, 2024

    Three times in this passage it is stated that God gave up evil humanity to its own devices. A serious warning to our generation.

    1:24 “Therefore God also gave them up …” Therefore. The wrath is coming. We deserve the wrath that is coming. Why? Well, men knew the truth of God and suppressed it. They could see His attributes, but they ignored Him. They did not glorify Him. They were not thankful to Him. They thought they more

  • A New & Living Way Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 17, 2014

    1) Faith (Hebrews 10:19-22) 2) Hope (Hebrews 10:23), 3) Love (Hebrews 10:24–25)

    In 1976 Francis Schaeffer wrote a significant book titled How Should We Then Live? His purpose was to show how ideas as they have been embraced or discarded have shaped the rise and decline of Western culture. In his opening chapter he writes: “What [people] are in their thought world more

  • The Way Jesus Walked

    Contributed by Garry Code on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    A brief look at how Jesus lived

    Subject life of Jesus Our bible instructs us to walk as Jesus walked. You can find that in 1st. John 2:6 How did Jesus walk? Good question! Physically there are lots of different walking types There’s the cool walk There’s the quick busy walk There’s the slow I’ve got all day walk There the I’m more

  • What Cause God To Create Human? (1) Series

    Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In the first place, God can OVERTHOW Satan whenever He wants. Since Satan is called, the ACCUSER, he is accusing God of INABILITY to perform a RIGHTEOUS and upright JUDGEMENT! So God CREATED Human in His own IMAGE. In other words, we HUMAN, have the ABILI

    "What is man that You should think of him, and the Son of man that You should care for him? For a little while you made him lower than the angels, and YOU CROWNED HIM with GLORY and HONOR. YOU GAVE HIM AUTHORITY OVER ALL THINGS [Subjection Under His Feet, KJV].” (Hebrews 2:6-8, NLT) Long ago, more

  • "the Way And The Truth And The Life"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 5, 2020

    Jesus Christ is the only way.

    “The Way, the Truth and the Life” John 14:1-9 Recently, I came across a cartoon in which a man was lying on the couch of his psychiatrist. When the psychiatrist asked the man what his problem was, the man told him he had all kinds of fears about the future. “Doctor,” he said, “I’m worried more

  • You Do Know PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon explores understanding God's power, submitting our will to His, and adhering to His path for a fulfilling spiritual life.

    Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters. Isn't it a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord, to feel the warmth of His love surrounding us, to sense the strength of His Spirit within us? We are here because we are His children, called by His name, and loved with an everlasting love. Today, more

  • Worship - Heaven's Way Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Apr 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In Heaven, worship takes on the divine character.

    The Unveiling - Revelation Worship-Heaven’s Way Jerry Watts Revelation 5:8-14 * Picture an acorn or a pecan with me. They both come from trees which are beautiful and large. In order for a tree to be formed, it is required that the fruit (acorn or pecan) die to itself. Most pecans just lay more

  • I Became Fully Human Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 5, 2018

    My supernatural conception and human birth

    Note: The Bible by Jesus will be used throughout this lesson unless otherwise noted after each Bible reference. A. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE HUMAN? 1. Remember I said, “God is Spirit (John 4:24), which means not physical. 2. Adam was created as a human body. “I, along with the Father and Holy more

  • A Way Out For Temptation

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 6, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you know the way out? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the way out of temptation is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. IV. TEXT: 1 Corinthians 10:13 (Amplified Bible) For no temptation (no trial regarded

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you know the way out? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show the way out of temptation is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. IV. TEXT: 1 Corinthians 10:13 (Amplified Bible) For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it more

  • He Makes A Way

    Contributed by Jeremiah Parker on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    God delivers His children.

    He Makes a Way Exodus 14:1-4;9-31 I. Direction from God a. God’s Qualifications i. Knowledge ii. Wisdom iii. Love b. Our Limitations i. Knowledge 1. "To whatever side you turn, you are forced to acknowledge your own ignorance and the boundless power of the Creator." – Voltaire more

  • Christ's Positive Solutions For Every Negative Problem

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 4, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Faith for my deliverance is not faith in God. Faith means, whether I am visibly delivered or not, I will stick to my belief that God is love. There are some things only learned in a fiery furnace.

    Christ’s Positive Answer for Every Negative Problem (I John 3:18-20) "Let us love not merely in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth. By this we shall come to know (perceive, recognize and understand) that we are of the Truth and can reassure (quiet, conciliate and pacify) our more

  • Church, The Way It Should Be

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Aug 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    I believe that a true bible believing church will experience all the promises of God.

    August 22, 2010 Morning Worship Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 Subject: Wisdom and Power Title: Church the Way It Should Be OK. Here it is! For nearly nine years I have been here preaching the word of God to you. My goal has always been to open the word for you in a way that you could understand more

  • Jesus Among Secular Gods, Part 3 - Who's Mountain Are You Climbing? Answering Questions Of Humanism & Pluralism Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Oct 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    According to God's own Word, every nation tribe, people and language will be represented in heaven. It is important, however, not to confuse the reach of God's saving grace to all nations with a misconception that all roads lead to God.

    To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? Says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing. (Isaiah more

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