Show Me The Way Series
Contributed by Danny Nance on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A sermon focused on God’s guidance; part of a series from Proverbs on living the wise life.
Show Me the Way
Prov. 3:5-8
I don’t like asking for directions. There, I’ve admitted it for all the world to know. Of course all the world probably knew that already about me; I am a man. And the “fairer” half of the human race has stereotyped all men as hating to ask for directions. And guys, the women are right, aren’t they.
Somehow to pull into a station and ask for directions almost feels like a personal failure. I ought to be willing to find my way. I shouldn’t need help. I am a competent human being with an innate sense of direction—that sometimes gets me lost. At some of those times, I will meekly admit my need, and finally ask for help: but I don’t like it.
We go through life like that frequently. We barrel out onto the highway of life like we know where we are headed. We try to appear brave and certain of our destinations: but in side, we are often fearful and trembling. What if we make a bad decision? What if we make the wrong turn? We need a map to get us through—but too often we fail to consult the Map-maker!
In our text today, Solomon wrote that his readers needed to follow the guidance of the Lord. That need is still here, my friends. If we hope to make it in this life, we need to follow God’s leadership. Why is this so important? Why can’t we jut try and figure it out? Well, consider the following reasons why each of us should say to God, “Show me the way!”
I. Our own reasoning cannot always be trusted.
A. The point is not that we should turn away from using our brains.
B. Still, scripture is replete with examples of faulty human reasoning.
C. Human rationality can be used to excuse all kinds of ungodliness.
1. We find ways of excusing our sin.
2. We decide that what we want must take precedent over everything (and everyone) else.
3. Before long, our “understanding” has led us to destruction.
II. Our pride can lead us to failure.
A. Solomon waged a protest against self-worship in verse seven.
B. The person who thinks he or she has arrived has opened the door to an empty existence.
C. When we think we have it together, we leave God out of our lives.
1. “Most times our God is too small while our heads are too big.” (Robert Alden, Proverbs, 38).
2. A life with a too-small God and a too big head has missed the whole point of our existence.
3. When we come to that place, we reach the point the Bible calls foolishness.
III. Our lives will be richly blessed as we follow the Lord.
A. As we learn to trust God, He will give us a trustworthy path to walk.
B. As we learn to fear God we will find the strength to turn away from that which would destroy us.
1. Solomon declared that we should turn away from evil.
2. How do we do that? How do we resist temptation: by not leaning to our own understanding—but giving God control over our lives.
C. As we walk with him, he will bring wholeness to our lives.
1. Solomon spoke of a healing, literally of the navel—pointing to the whole body.
2. But, I believe that the healing available to us in Christ goes far beyond physical.
3. The concept of healing in Scripture is that of wholeness of being—God wants us to be all that we can be. God wants us whole.
Where are you today? Do you know the direction life is taking you? Do you want God to show you the way to go?
Each of us here this morning needs the direction of God. Simply put, we cannot find our way alone: our reasoning may lead us astray, our pride will certainly hinder God’s call for our lives. But if we will surrender our hearts to his call, life can be so rich, so meaningful. Today, why don’t you ask God to “show you the way?”