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Sermons on how to pray for others:

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  • How To Pray For Others Series

    Contributed by Randy Myers on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 100 ratings

    Paul shares three ways to pray for other more effectively.

    We are starting a new series entitled, "Making a Difference Our World." We will be going through the book of Colossians. If you have a Bible, turn with me to Col 1. There is is something within all of us that wants to make a difference. It not a de-sire to be a super star or famous, it is more

  • How To Pray For Others Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Sep 28, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    65th in a series from Ephesians. Paul’s prayer request helps us learn how to pray for others more effectively.

    In his book, Everyone’s Normal Until You Get to Know Them, John Ortberg tells the story about a man who wanders into a small and cluttered antique shop. As he walked up and down the aisles browsing, he saw the usual furniture, lamps, vases and oil paintings common to every antique store. Then he more

  • How To Pray For Others

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Nov 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In today’s sermon we are going to look at each of these components of Paul’s prayer for the Colossians not with the intent of “babbling” it mechanically but to use it as a model of how one can effectively intercede for our loved ones before a holy God!

    How to Pray for Others Colossians 1:9-14 Online Sermon: When boldly approaching God’s throne of grace ever wonder how one should pray for others? Coming “face to face” with an all-powerful and all-knowing God the last thing one wants to do more

  • How To Pray For Each Other

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jan 23, 2023

    In Ephesians chapter one, Paul gives us some keys to a meaningful and effective prayer life. The main key has to do with other people. The simple fact is that Paul prayed for people other than himself!

    Alba 1-22-2023 HOW TO PRAY FOR EACH OTHER Ephesians 1:15-23 Here are some prayers that children have prayed: Debbie, age 7, prayed, Dear God: Please send a new baby for Mommy. The new baby you sent last week cries too much. Jimmy, age 8, prayed, Dear God: How many angels are there in heaven? I more

  • Praying For Others Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 13, 2011
    based on 55 ratings

    Sometimes we wonder how to pray for missionaries and other leaders we have never met. Paul had never met the Colossians, but he faithfully prayed for them. His prayers teach us how to pray for others, whether we know them or not.

    COLOSSIANS 1: 9-12 PRAYING FOR OTHERS [Ezekiel 22:30] Every Christian can minister directly to the spiritual well-being of other believers without seeing or speaking to them. We can play a role in their spiritual growth, and even secure God's blessings for them. Intercessory pray accomplishes more

  • Praying For Each Other Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The church plays an important role for God’s Kingdom, and so, we are to pray for the church and its members!

    Please open your Bibles to Ephesians Chapter 3…… We noted last week that God has revealed a mystery. Look again at Ephesians 3:6…………. We noted 4 truths from this verse: - the mystery is revealed through the gospel of Christ - all Believers of Christ will inherit heaven - all Saints are united in more

  • How Should I Pray For Others?

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Paul shares with us three major things that we can pray for ourselves and for others – 1. To have the ability to be able to clearly and accurately hear God’s voice 2. To develop the desire to live a Holy Life 3. To allow the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live a Holy Life

    Scripture: Colossians 1:9-14 Theme: Prayer Paul shares with us three major things that we can pray for ourselves and for others – 1. To have the ability to be able to clearly and accurately hear God’s voice 2. To develop the desire to live a Holy Life 3. To allow the Holy Spirit to give more

  • Getting Others Into Heaven

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on May 16, 2002
    based on 116 ratings

    An introduction for kids to telling others about Jesus and sending others by praying for and giving to missionaries. It also includes an invitation to accept Christ in the middle. Can be used as is, or in parts.

    Getting Others Into Heaven One day there was a really kind rich man. This man really loved little kids, so he thought of something he could do for them. One day it hit him. He would build an amusement park. This would be the biggest and best amusement park in the whole world. There would be rides more

  • "How To Pray"

    Contributed by Dave Martin on Apr 23, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    Two men were talking together. The first challenged the other, "If you are so religious, let’s hear you quote the Lord’s Prayer. I bet you $10 you can’t."

    "How to Pray" - Part 2 Text: Mt. 6:9-13 and Selected Cross Creek Community Church Pastor Dave Martin - April 14, 2002 God’s Word is Powerful, Relevant, and Life Changing! Two men were talking together. The first challenged the other, "If you are so religious, let’s hear you more

  • Praying With Power Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Mar 6, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Just as Paul was vigilant in his habit of praying for believers everywhere, so too we can use his powerful prayer passage to pray for others to lead lives worthy of the Lord, to bear fruit, to grow in the knowledge of God, to endure with patience and to j

    Oct. 14, 2001 Scripture Text: Colossians 1:9-14 Speaker: Jeff Williams Series Overview How to Pray with Power Good morning! Several weekends ago I experienced a tremendously traumatic event. I was stung by a bee. Maxine had gone to the church to lead worship practice. I had stayed at more

  • Pray, Christian, Pray!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 15, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Pray, Christian, Pray! 1) Humbly; 2) Unselfishly; 3) Boldly

    What’s one of the first things you learned how to do as a baby? Besides the things that come naturally like eating, burping, and crying one of the first things you learned to do was roll over on your side. Once you perfected that technique you learned to lift yourself up on your hands and feet, more

  • Key To Powerful And Effective Prayer Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Apr 27, 2022

    Covering the subject of "how to pray for others" from the book of Ephesians

    Key to Powerful and Effective Prayer CCCAG, March 13th, 2022 Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21 If I were to ask the question, how many people here would say they have a problem having a consistent prayer life? Is your idea of prayer maybe the last thing you think about before falling asleep? Is it only more

  • Praying Together With Others Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 11, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    One of the most important lessons we can learn in prayer is the power of agreeing together with other believers. When we pray together, miraculous things happen.

    THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER #2: TOGETHER WITH OTHERS CHILDREN’S PRAYERS: Dear God: Please help me is school. I need help in spelling, adding, history, geography and writing. I don’t need help in anything else. Lois, 9 Dear God: Please send a new baby for Mommy. The new baby you sent last week cries more

  • The Power Of Praying With Others Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Acts reminds us that we also need to be praying with others to see God�s power at work.

    Herb Miller (who was a pastor and now ministry consultant) tells the story of a nightclub opening on Main Street in a small town. Upon hearing the news, the only church in that town organized an all-night prayer meeting. The members of the church asked God to burn down the club. Within a few more

  • Pray!

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jul 25, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Paul gives guidelines for the Colossians in how they can pray for him. In the process, he tells how our prayers can be powerful and effective.

    June 22, 2003 Colossians 4:2-6 “Pray!” INTRODUCTION For the last four months, we have been examining the letter that Paul wrote from his prison cell to the church at Colosse. Here at the end of the letter, just as we would when we write letters, he leaves his readers with the more

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