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  • The Lord Of Hosts Is With Me

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 14, 2016

    To show that GOD, the LORD SHEBAOTH, the GOD OF WAR Himself is always with me and He is also my Refuge, Fortress and Protection.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you protected by the LORD? Yes. Externally He always attacks my enemies and brings me victories left and right, all I have to do is stand still and see Him win, and from within He is my Fortress and Refuge. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show more

  • Hosting A Supper For Sinners Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus started His ministry He selected twelve team members as His first round of draft picks. The twelve disciples were an eclectic group. He had fishermen, farmers, a terrorist and a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    INTRODUCTION Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there. There are all kinds of stereotypes of different moms. Most of us are familiar with the overbearing Jewish mother. Joel Rosenberg told me a joke about a Jewish son who called his mom. He asked, “How are you doing?” She more

  • Worshiping The Lord Of Hosts

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Mar 10, 2016

    What would it be like to be ushered into Heaven into the very presence of Almighty God? We may not know exactly what it would be like, but I am sure we would never be the same again.

    Worshiping the Lord of Hosts Isaiah 6:1-8 In Isaiah 6, a man by the name of Isaiah is called out by God to be His servant, to prophesy to a nation that was not living in God's will. The ministry God called him to would prove to be a difficult one. It would not be one of praise, wealth, or more

  • The Lord Of Hosts Found By A Barren Woman

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 3, 2023

    God created hosts when he created heaven and earth. Lord of Hosts refers to Lord who dwelleth between or among a group of hosts. The Lord is in the center, surrounded by the hosts.

    Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his more

  • Christmas Spirit: The Angelic Host

    Contributed by Donnie Burke on Dec 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is to check our Christmas spirit against the spirit of the angelic host as they introduced God Almighty to the world!

    Christmas Spirit: The Angelic Host Luke 2:8-20 (key – 14) The angels of heaven gave us the first taste of what the Christmas season should be like. What a sight, what sound, what a celebration! I am tremendously jealous of these shepherds, especially being a musician. I don’t know if they sang or more

  • Jehovah-Tsebaoth (Lord Of Hosts) Series

    Contributed by L Lee on Sep 16, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    The Bible refers to God by different names and each one reveals some aspect of His character and His relationship with us.

    The God of Battles The term “Lord of Hosts” is used 282 times in the Bible. It is a military term meaning “God of Battles”. (1 Sam 17:45-47 KJV) Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in more

  • Hosts Of Wickedness In High Places

    Contributed by Greg Burcham on Aug 28, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    For all of my life, I have viewed the United States of America as the greatest country on the face of the earth. Our country has been blessed by God with great resources and a great Christian heritage. But last week we saw our government fail on an epic scale.

    Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. For all of my life, I have viewed the United States of America as the greatest more

  • When The Guest Becomes The Host

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jul 18, 2022

    A sermon for the Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, Lectionary 16

    July 17, 2022 Gen. 18:1-10a; Lk. 10:38-42 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church When the Guest Becomes the Host Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. There’s a joy surrounding hospitality. It’s a delight to welcome people into more

  • "Behold A Host, Arrayed In White”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Oct 31, 2023

    All Saints Day. Home. There is nothing like arriving home after a long journey. You and I are closer to home than ever before. When we arrive Jesus will speak our name. Welcome home

    In Jesus Holy Name November 5, 2023 Text: Revelation 19:7, 21:3-5 All Saints Day, Redeemer “Behold a Host, Arrayed in White” Home. There is nothing like arriving home after a long journey. After 2 flight delays, airport screening, extra things placed in plastic containers, shoes more

  • Jehovah-Sabaoth "The Lord Of Hosts" Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Dec 4, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This name for God will change how we relate to God.A person who understands that "The Eternally Self-existent One is over Hosts" will never joke about "the Man upstairs" or that "Someone up there likes me."

    Purpose: To unfold the truth that God has all power. Aim: I want the listener to be in awe of God's strength. INTRODUCTION: Jehovah-Sabaoth (not to confused with Sabbath) is often translated "The LORD of Hosts." Sometimes the Bible uses, "LORD God of hosts" or "God of hosts." All together we find more

  • Be My Guest

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Nov 4, 2019

    God has been such a great host to us! He treats us as Guests as well as travelers through this world.

    1. Preparing for Guests Unexpected guests were on the way, and my mother, an impeccable housekeeper, rushed around straightening up. She put my father and brother to work cleaning the guest bathroom. Later, when she went to inspect it, she was surprised that the once-cluttered room had been tidied more

  • Jehovah - Shabaoth

    Contributed by Darryl Womack on Nov 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Lord of Host

    JEHOVAH-SABAOTH Psalm 46:7 The Lord of Host’s To summarize, the LORD of hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth is the Name of God we find used in Scripture when a man or woman is at the end of their rope so to speak -- Jehovah Sabaoth is the Strong Tower which God has made available for those times when we fail & more

  • "Heavenly Hosts..." By Dr. Winson Butler

    Contributed by Winson Butler on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    My uncle used to say, "Just because a man takes his boots off to go wadin’ don’t mean he plans to swim the Atlantic." That’s smart. When it comes to Angels my advice is study the Scriptures. Let’s examine it together!

    Have you ever felt like someone was watching you from a distance? Maybe, standing over your shoulder? It wouldn’t be the first time and it won’t be the last! The longer I live, the more I’m convinced Angels surround us all. Some way they are involved in the turning of this world as well as more

  • Praying For Deliverance From The Hosts Of Wickedness

    Contributed by Lay Man on May 29, 2015

    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. - Matthew 6:13 Christianity is not an individualistic religion but a community of believers. Our Lord Jesus teaches us never to be selfish but to realize we are serving a greater body o ..

    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. - Matthew 6:13 Christianity is not an individualistic religion but a community of believers. Our Lord Jesus teaches us never to be selfish but to realize we are serving a greater body of believers and are a part of them constantly. more

  • The Power Of Prayer - Hannah And The Lord Of Hosts!

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Sep 14, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Hannah was desperate. Her desperation led to a time of intense prayer. Prayer then lead to full surrender and sacrifice. Full Surrender and Sacrifice lead to Celebration!

    Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-18 Theme: Power of Prayer: Hannah and the Lord of Hosts! Hannah was desperate. Her desperation led to prayer. Prayer lead to surrender and sacrifice. Surrender and Sacrifice lead to Celebration! INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father and from His Son Jesus more