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  • Living A Holy Lifestyle

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Jul 23, 2017

    Five points concerning living a holy lifestyle

    Living A Holy Lifestyle What does it mean to live a holy lifestyle? Here are five points to consider in doing so. "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." John 2:5. Jesus’ mother gave this command to servants at the wedding at Cana. To be holy, we must OBEY the Word of God. II. "Do as Jesus more

  • A Call To Holiness Series

    Contributed by Bledar Valca on Mar 23, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Explains holiness as seen in Romans

    A CALL TO HOLINESS Romans 5-8 Two preachers were carrying a conversation. One said to the other, “Currently, we are having a problem at our meeting place with the mice. It looks like everywhere you step; you will be greeted by a mouse.” “Well,” said the other preacher, “we solve that problem long more

  • Romans, Part 25 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The hope that God provides brings salvation to all, if only we will live a life that is directed by the Holy Spirit and submits to the will of God. (Ref: Romans 8:23-27)

    Romans, Part 25 Romans 8:23-27 Introduction - The Law (shedding of blood) had to be fulfilled for mankind to be forgiven -- Hebrews 9:22, “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” - It is true more

  • "Introduction To Romans” Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Mar 28, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    A scholar once said:Matthew through John gives us the “Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ” The Acts of the Apostles give us the “Gospel of the Holy Spirit”But it is in Romans that we are given the “Gospel of God”

    Sermon Series “The Gospel of God – A Study of Romans” Week #1 “Introduction to Romans” Text: Romans 1:16-17 INTRODUCTION: Knowledged and experienced, a district attorney makes his case. After calling witnesses, presenting evidences and giving an airtight summary, he leaves the jury with a stirring more

  • Holy Trinity

    Contributed by John Fruner on Aug 13, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    For Trinity Sunday, using the Roman Lectionary

    The Holy Spirit has been explained as being the mutual bond between the Father and the Son in order that when one of the Divine Persons is active, the others are involved. I like this explanation and definition because I find approaching this doctrine, and thus attempting to understand it and more

  • Epilogue To Romans Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 9, 2022

    This epilogue contains many valid teachings for us to adhere to and follow in our day-to-day Christian lives. It has warnings, exhortations, and examples of lifestyle, and finally ends with a strong theological conviction that Holy Father was revealed through Jesus Christ alone.

    Romans 16:17-27 Epilogue This is the end of the Epistle to Romans by Paul. This epilogue contains many valid teachings for us to adhere to and follow in our day-to-day Christian lives. It has warnings, exhortations, and examples of lifestyle, and finally ends with a strong theological conviction more

  • Romans Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 7, 2021

    "Because" and "Therefore" as it applies to Righteousness by Faith

    November 06, 2021 Since coming to the priesthood in 1505, Martin Luther had lived in turmoil. Despite his solemn promises and very best efforts, he could not live a pious and sin free life and the thought of divine justice terrified him. After considering the advice of a superior, “Look at more

  • Romans, Part 36 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on May 5, 2011

    Paul conclusion to the Jews in the letter to the church in Rome is one of constant remembrance that life is about Jesus Christ - and Him alone! (Ref: Romans 11:25-36)

    Romans, Part 36 Romans 11:25-36 Introduction - It is important that we not only see the encouragement to the Jews in Rome -- But, that we see our role in being part of the existing remnant - Last time we discussed the grafting in of the Gentiles; imp for us - The concept grafting in more

  • Romans, Part 23 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Since there is no condemnation in Christ, believers can feel proud to be called sons and daughters of God and be willing to witness for Jesus without fear.

    Romans, Part 23 Romans 8:10-15 Introduction - No condemnation has been placed upon anyone who is in Christ -- Brings strength for the tasks ahead -- Allows us to be comforted because God is in control -- The sins of the past are gone, provided we will confess them - Christ was the only way God more

  • Romans 1:1-7 Series

    Contributed by George Mclaughlin Jr. on Oct 7, 2009

    God’s calling is not that we "straighten up" and thus become holy. But rather that we actually become "holy ones."

    Outline for CBF AM April 26, 2009 Romans 1:1-7 Intro. A. What is the thrust of vv. 2-7? This is basically Paul’s greeting to the Romans. Still, his greeting is full of content! The main "content" of this greeting is sort of a parenthetical commentary on "the gospel of God," v. 1. B. In more

  • "Role-Model Saints" Romans Pt. 14 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 14, 2007

    Paul in chapter 12 tells us that we must be role models saints for this world and not act worldly but instead act like living sacrifices to Jesus. This in turn will make us a hero in the eyes of Kingdom of God.

    “Role-model Saints” Romans pt. 14 Opening Illustration: Role model video Illustration from Blue Fish TV – Cassie Bernell Thesis: Paul in chapter 12 tells us that we must be role models saints for this world and not act worldly but instead act like living sacrifices to Jesus. This in turn will more

  • Romans, Part 32 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 6, 2011

    Testifying to what Christ has done in our lives is not optional ... it is the POWER of the Holy Spirit unleashed through us to introduce others to Him.

    Romans, Part 32 Romans 10:10-15 Introduction - Often the Law is referred to as being “abolished” by Jesus – but that’s not true - Jesus came as the fulfillment of the Law, which is opposite removal of it -- Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the more

  • Romans, Part 44 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 7, 2011

    Paul’s desire to visit Rome comes on the heels of an incredible journey, but not without personal cost and obedience to Jesus through the Holy Spirit first. (Ref: Romans 15:23-33)

    Romans, Part 44 Romans 15:23-33 Introduction Why would any man desire to give his life to the cause of Jesus? - It’s not because of his salvation at stake (that is already assured; see v16a) -- EX: Cannot be a minister of Christ unless Christ dwells within you - It is because of his desire more

  • The Pursuit Of Holiness Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jan 3, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    We cannot find what we aren’t looking for and we can’t look for what we don’t know

    The Pursuit of Holiness Romans 6:1-23 We cannot pursue that which we do not know. That is like playing the kids game of "Hide and go Seek" without knowing who is hiding. The same is true for holiness, if we do not know what it is how can we know when we found it? C.S. Lewis once more

  • Romans 12:14-29

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Nov 4, 2024

    Exegesis look at the passage with application to us today.

    Heb. 12:14-29 By Joe Mack Cherry I. Vss 14-17 – Peace, Holiness, Concern, Respect A. Peace with Others 1. Mt 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God.” 2. Make every effort (NIV) 3. Pursue (NKJV) a. This indicates action. b. This commands that we go out of our way more