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  • Living The Resurrected Life

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Living the resurrected life is possible in as much, as believers, we have been united with Jesus Christ as we are identified with Christ. Our faith in Christ has placed us in Christ. The resurrected life is one of restoration, transformation and elevation

    LIVING THE RESURRECTED LIFE Philippians 3:7-10a INTRODUCTION: Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the garden tomb. The power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to be seen in His victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell. In our identification with Christ, Romans 6: 4 tells more

  • It Was Just The Beginning For Me

    Contributed by John Johnson on Jun 2, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    What was begun before the creation of the world was now finished. God’s redemptive plan. But it was also the beginning for whosoever will.

    It was just the beginning for me John 19:30 One thing that we must realize today is that God loves us. It doesn’t matter what size or what color you are. God loves you. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are, God still loves us. He loves you and I so much that he sent his only more

  • Three Important Words

    Contributed by Mark Price on May 12, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Today there are three more important words – words of urgency – and they are “LOOKING UNTO JESUS.” They are words of salvation. They are words of encouragement. They are words of direction. They are words for daily living. So let me ask you, “Who are

    Introduction What power just a few simple words have. Many years ago, the Grand Trunk Railroad sponsored a contest for a phrase to put on a sign at a railroad crossing. Many entries were sent in, as there was a $2,500.00 prize for the winning entry. There were various phrases, some long, some more

  • Spiritual Pregnancy, Part Two Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Jan 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We must protect the new life within us from the attacks of the enemy.

    Confronting the Accuser of the Brethren Series Spiritual Pregnancy, Part Two I The enemy’s assault A If all there was to launching a new move of God was prayer, we’d be in revival by now. 1 Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten more

  • Spiritual Dropouts

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Nov 4, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Descriptions of Christians who drop out of Church.

    SPIRITUAL DROPOUTS TEXT: Gal 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (KJV) INTRODUCTION: A. DEFINITION OF DROPOUT 1. A school dropout is a student who leaves a school for any reason except death before graduation or completion of a more

  • On To Maturity

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 29, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Some believers seem stuck in spiritual infancy; the author of Hebrews urges them to advance to the "meat" of Christian faith & doctrine and start discipling others.

    “On To Maturity” Hebrews 5:12-6:12 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts For a young couple, there’s nothing more wonderful than the birth of a baby. But as much as the parents and grandparents love to hold that bundle of joy, it’s their desire that this more

  • There's Rest At The Rock

    Contributed by Jerome Cade on May 24, 2005
    based on 54 ratings

    When your heart is overwhemled God will lead you to the Rock that’s higher than yourself. Jesus is bidding that you come and receive what He has to offer at the Rock.

    There’s a gospel song that’s being played over the airwaves; it says, "…when my heart is overwhelmed... lead me to the rock, lead me to the rock that’s higher than I." What an awesome song! We are all overwhemled during various stages of our lives and God has a place he wants to lead us to; more

  • Our Own Place

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Jun 10, 2012

    Christian humility sees rightly, neither higher nor lower than we really are, and allows Christians freedom to be who they are in Chirst and accept their role and place in His Body with joy.

    Today’s reading all speak about humility. Humility is knowing exactly who we are. Pride is thinking that we are someone that we’re not. Humility is all about knowing who we are, not in the world’s sight, but according to God’s judgment. The world looks at a man’s more

  • "Cross" Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 10, 2015

    In the cross, Jesus illustrates the relationship that we have with God (the vertical) and others (the horizontal). It appears that God places a much higher emphasis on the horizontal than we may realize.

    1. [Angry Toddler 2. Matthew 5.21-24 a. Remember WE have offended someone in this Scenario b. "Coping with difficult people is always a problem; especially if the difficult person happens to be you." -John Maxwell 3. Anger is one thing that Jesus more

  • Even A Dead Fish Can Swim Down Stream? Drifting Is Dangerous!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Mar 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    We can not allow bitterness, rejection and hurt to drive us. Even dead fish can swim down stream. God has a plan to reach higher and dream bigger. Get your head up and TRY HARDER!

    DEAD FISH SWIM DOWN STREAM? Drifting is dangerous! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. INTRODUCTION: WILL YOU ALLOW HURT, BITTERNESS AND REJECTION DRIVE YOU DOWN A DEAD END STREET? WILL YOU REACH HIGHER? Your enemy wants you to think your family, your church, and your ministry has hit more

  • Let The Word And The Spirit Recharge You Emotionally, Mentally And Spiritua

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Mar 6, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    The joy of the Lord is our strength, energizer and health. What a privilege to draw from the lifespring water of God’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

    Let the Word and the Spirit Recharge You Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually Illustration: Everyone needs recognition for his accomplishments, but few people make the need known quite as clearly as the little boy who said to his father: "Let’s play darts. I’ll throw and you say ’Wonderful!’" more

  • Do All Religions Lead To God? Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 11, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Do all religions lead to God? Aren’t they really just different paths to the same place, different perspectives on the same thing, different names for the same “higher power”? Tempting, but then we confront Jesus.

    Do All Religions Lead To God? Luke 13:22-30; Acts 17:16-23 May 29, 2005 Intro: Do all religions lead to God? Aren’t they really just different paths to the same place, different perspectives on the same thing, different names for the same “higher power”? Isn’t the important thing that we all more

  • The Gospel Of Truth - Part 3 Of 6 Series

    Contributed by Naveen Balakrishnan on May 29, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul now addresses the Thessalonians after greeting them and showing them the ground for his thanksgiving for them to the LORD with the Gospel of Truth in 1 Thessalonians 1:5.

    Salvation and the Second Coming" - Part 3 of 6 “The Gospel of Truth” 1 Thessalonians 1:5 I. The Thessalonians HEARD the Scriptures (vv. 1-5). A. The GREETING of the THESSALONIANS (v. 1) B. The GROUND of THANKSGIVING (vv. 2-4) C. The GOSPEL of TRUTH (v. 5) good news Romans 1:16-17; 2:16; 2 more

  • A Model For The Spiritual War

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    We are in war! Nothing will stop the devil on this ground. Today we can find a model of spiritual fight in the life of David. Its first battle with the eyes of the men !

    UN MODELE POUR LA GUERRE SPIRITUELLE Lecture :1 Samuel 17 LA VICTOIRE DE DAVID SUR GOLIATH FOURNIT UN MODELE POUR LA GUERRE SPIRITUELLE COURONNE DE SUCCES INTRODUCTION : De la même façon nous avons nos problèmes spirituels et des adversaires comme Goliath ?Que nous soyons un individu, une more

  • A Call To Be Courageous

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Oct 8, 2010

    God is definitely looking for people to get outside the comfort zone and break new barriers and take new ground. Could you be that person? Is your church that church?

    A call to be courageous Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Introduction- We have been in the book of Deuteronomy for several weeks. We have looked at covenants or binding agreements between us and God. We more

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