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Sermons on high priesthood of christ:

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  • The Necessary Continuation Of The Priesthood During The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 6, 2009

    A unique view of the priesthood of the Apocalypse

    The Necessary Continuation of the Priesthood During the Day of the Lord From the days of Melchizidek in Genesis 14 who is the first priest unto God mentioned in Scripture who received tithes of the patriarch of the Jews, Abram, unto the the last Millennial priest of the Levitical priesthood more

  • Perfection In The Order Of Melchizedek

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 3, 2014

    To show that our perfection is only thru the finished work of CHRIST on the cross.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you perfect in CHRIST? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that our perfection is only thru the finished work of CHRIST on the cross. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 7:11 (Amplified Bible) 7:11 Now if perfection (a perfect fellowship between God and the worshiper) more

  • Jesus The Great High Priest Series

    Contributed by William Lock on Mar 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus surpasses the OT priest system and our current priestly system

    Hebrews 4:14-5:10 Jesus the Great High Priest What image do you first think of when you think of a Priest? Religious Sacrifices (Yom Kippur) Religious Systems Religious Clothing (ephod, shoulder stones, breastplate, the robe, turban, crown) Religious Buildings or Altars What was the purpose of more

  • Jesus, The Great High Priest In Charge Of God's House Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 1, 2014

    To show that JESUS CHRIST is the Official Priest and High Priest of the Church.

    I. EXORDIUM: Who is Your High Priest? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that JESUS CHRIST is the Official Priest and High Priest of the Church. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 10:21 (Amplified Bible) 10:21 And since we have [such] a great and wonderful and noble Priest [Who rules] more

  • The Power Of An Indestructible Life Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to grow up as you grow old, depend on Jesus, your permanent, superior, and powerful High Priest.

    An old Disney film, called The Kid, is the story of a successful, high-powered image consultant named Russ (played by Bruce Willis). Russ lives an empty life, but one day, Rusty (played by Spencer Breslin) shows up at his home. Over time Russ comes to realize that this kid is actually Russ himself more

  • Our Sympathetic High Priest

    Contributed by Doug Houck on Jan 29, 2022

    We can come boldly to Jesus our sympathetic High Priest

    INTRODUCTION Imagine you are an Israelite. You were born in Egypt. Your parents were slaves. You grew up as a slave, long hours in the hot sun making bricks for Egyptian building projects. Moses came to Pharaoh with a message from God, “Let my people go!” You lived through the plagues – more

  • What A Deal! Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Mar 22, 2021

    The New Covenant is an incredible deal available to us from the Lord. It has made the Old Covenant obsolete, and when we consider it, it is a deal we cannot afford to pass up!

    My wife Jeanie is a shopper par excellence! She loves to shop. But what she loves to shop for is the great deal—she loves finding and getting something of great value for pennies on the dollar. So she’s an expert garage saler. She’s always checking out the sale racks at the back of stores. more

  • New In Christ

    Contributed by John Johnson on Oct 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A high level of excitement sets in when you anticipate and then finally get something new. As I thought about getting something new, I wondered to myself how many of us get equally excited about obtaining a new life in Christ.

    New In Christ (TLC 11/16/02) If you have your bibles, turn to 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Let me start off by saying that there are a lot of people that are trying to be new more

  • Christ, Priest Of The New Covenant

    Contributed by William Baeta on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    “But because Jesus lives for ever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them ” Heb. 7:24-25.

    Theme: Christ priest of the new covenant Text: Deut. 6:2-6; Heb. 7:23-28; Mark 12:28-34 Covenants established by blood sacrifices, from the beginning of the Scriptures in the Garden of Eden to its end in heaven, are a constant testimony of God’s grace. Just as fallen man was clothed with the skin more

  • Being A Faithful Priest Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Oct 7, 2013

    Every Christ follower is a priest who must fear God and listen to Him

    Twice last month, drivers using their Apple Maps app on their iPhones ended up driving right across the runway at the Fairbanks, Alaska International Airport. Apparently there was a glitch in the app which directed drivers to “Taxiway B”. Although the directions didn’t more

  • Evangelism Is A High Calling But It Is Not For Us All.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Nov 3, 2014

    Summary: We are all called to preach the gospel, and be a witness for Christ; yet many find this difficult, I especially, so how do we proceed in this high calling. Read on!!!

    This sermon was delivered to St Oswald’s in Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 2nd November 2014 (a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). Summary: We are all called to preach the gospel, and be a witness for Christ; yet many find this difficult, I especially, so more

  • Psalm 24 For 2024

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 7, 2024

    Psalm 23 for year 2023, and Psalm 24 for 2024. Who can stand in the Holy Place of GOD? Those who seek HIM, having been transformed by the Great Shepherd. Vs. 6 is being fulfilled as we witness what is happening in Israel. Could 2024 be the year of HIS RETURN?

    2024.01.07. SERMON. PSALM 24 FOR 2024 William Akehurst, HSWC Big Idea: On the first Sunday of the New Year. Psalm 23 for year 2023, and Psalm 24 for 2024. Who can stand in the Holy Place of GOD? Those who seek HIM, having been transformed by the Great Shepherd. Vs. 6 is being fulfilled as we more

  • Living A Life Before Jesus 04/2014 Sermon

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Apr 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    How did the people draw near to God before Jesus?.....How did the Old testament men and women wash away their sins?....

    Living a life before Jesus. 04/2014 sermon **Song Victory In Jesus*** How did we know about Jesus?...We heard an old old story…we heard about His healing We hear about things in the world that can fulfill our life and most disappoint us… ……We think being a millionaire can more

  • Perfect Mediator: Jesus As The Great High Priest (Week 2) Series

    Contributed by John Romeo Verastigue Etis on Aug 11, 2015

    The significance of God’s sovereign plan of salvation as revealed in the Old Testament, which is fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. In this lesson, we will learn who Jesus is, as a Perfect Mediator who became the Great High Priest.

    Read: HEBREWS 4:14-16 (English Standard Version) Today, we are now on our 2nd week of our series Past Perfect. Last week, we tackled about Jesus as the Perfect Redeemer. He was the promised Passover Lamb in the Old Testament. And the today, we’ll be talking about Jesus as the High Priest, more

  • The Three Anchors Of Assurance

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 30, 2013

    A sermon that encourages believers to anchor their faith in the Word of God.

    "The Three Anchors of Assurance" 1 John 5:1-21 INTRODUCTION: "Go!" Said the old reformer to his wife, as he lay a-dying, and the words were his last, "go, read where I cast my first anchor!" She needed no more explicit instructions, for he had told her the story again and again. It is Richard more

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