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  • Walk Worthy Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Apr 1, 2014

    Our's is a HIGH calling. There are ethical choices to be made to serve Him worthily.

    EPHESIANS # 6 We go back to the letter Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus and that the Spirit has inspired for us! TEXT - Ephesians 4: 1-16 PB 1821 In the first half of his letter Paul tells us who we are. The key phrase is ‘in Christ.’ Through Him we’re blessed, more

  • Go Team Series

    Contributed by Matthew Blau on Jan 31, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    The Stakes are High our team needs to give our very best

    Go Team! Super bowl Sunday! The Patriots take on the Falcons in a head to head battle. Both teams have worked hard to get to this level of play and it will all be decided tonight. If you don’t care for football, there are other teams playing for your attention. Advertisers have spent millions more

  • Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on May 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Trust in the Lord and serve Him! (Wagoner, OK, High School Baccalaureate)

    Trust in the Lord May 14, 2017 Wagoner High School Baccalaureate First Assembly of God, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Trust in the Lord and serve Him! Focus Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6 Introduction: It has been a few decades since I sat where you sit; on the cusp of beginning a new chapter more

  • Grace From Galatians (11 Of 19)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 7, 2022

    Paul knew how much these Galatians held Abraham in high esteem.

    He takes this knowledge that they had of Abraham and uses it as he makes his third of the five appeals to them. Paul had no problem regarding the spiritual roots believers have in Abraham, because God's promises were clearly made to him. But he wanted them to know that having the PROMISED more

  • The Coverings We Make For Ourselves

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Feb 22, 2022

    The various ways we try unsuccessfully to hide from The MOST HIGH

    The inadequate and false coverings we make for ourselves. Adam and Eve never fail to fascinate. They were the very first human beings. They were covered in the light and glory of The MOST HIGH. They never had to worry about HIS presence and absence. They knew that HE would PERSONALLY visit more

  • 2024 Baccalaureate Sermon

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 2, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    A baccalaureate sermon given to a local high school graduating class 2024

    2024 Baccalaureate Service Text: Psalm 90:9-12 Well let me begin by saying that I am honored to stand before you today. I know you students, I’ve met many of you, I’ve talked to most of you, and even taught some of you, so it’s an honor to be able to stand here and hopefully impart some wisdom. more

  • Lost Or Broken

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jan 10, 2025

    You may be too high to be saved or used, but never too low.

    Last night at our men's discipleship group one of the lads brought up the announcement of Christ's birth to the shepherds. It was opposite of most grand announcements of royal births. Usually, they came from the king to his court and nobles and then it would filter down to the least of the more

  • Holy Spirit In The Life Of Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Prophet, The King, and The High Priest (Material adapted from the book, Power From On High, by Dr. Jack Cottrell chapter 4)

    Introduction: When we talk about what the Holy Spirit did in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ we come to a difficult subject. 3 difficulties: 1) Talking about the Trinity, the Godhead. 2) Talking about the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The Word became flesh. 3) We are not a member of more

  • Guarantor Of Perfection Forever Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on May 6, 2019

    The Hebrew Christians 2000 years ago beleived in the High Priest Melchizedek who was not part of Israel and so they were encouraged to believe in the New High Priest Forever, the Guarantor of Perfection, Jesus Christ!

    Let us start by reading Genesis 14:11-24; page…… Now please turn to the Letter to the Hebrews Chapter 7….. That story in Genesis 14 is the background of Hebrews 7. Remember that the Letter was originally written to Hebrews about 2000 years ago who became Believers of Jesus Christ. The Letter was more

  • Love Does Not Insist On Its Own Way Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 21, 2025

    You may have heard the phrase: It’s my way or the high way! But, if we want to love better, we must remember… The “high” way is to not seek my way.

    Love Does Not Insist On Its Own Way Jeffery Anselmi / General Adult Love Better / God’s Love; Greed / 1 Corinthians 13:5; Luke 22:39–43 You may have heard the phrase: It’s my way or the high way! But, if we want to love better, we must remember… The “high” way is to not seek my way. more

  • Handling Difficult Situations God's Way

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    We all have the freedom to choose how we handle difficult situations in life. The best way to handle problems in life is not to seek the council of the world but instead be like Jesus during His arrest ... seek and obey God's will.

    Handling Bad Situations God’s Way Matthew 26:46-56 Online Sermon: Living in a fallen world means going through hardships in life is unavoidable. Who has not had an unexpected expense occur so large that they thought this might be the one that more

  • Lent 5 Series B "Can You See Jesus"

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 30, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    People wanted to see Jesus & Lazarus. They wanted hope and assurance beyond the grave and Jesus was the he was lifted up on the cross. He is still the answer today.

    In Jesus Holy Name April 2, 2006 Lent IV John 12:20-21 Redeemer Note: I’m indebted to Max Lucado for the phraseology and some ideas …from his book “He Chose The Nails” “Can You See Jesus?” “Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at more

  • Good Trouble Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 2, 2022

    If we're going to get in trouble, let it be "good trouble, necessary trouble."

    In 2014, ISIS began to retake territory around Mosul, Iraq. Militant began singling out Christians by marking the Arabic letter “n” [IMAGE] on homes and businesses. It stands for Nazrani or, Nazarene, the arabic word for “Christian.” A not-so-subtle to convert or be killed. History is filled with more

  • The Way To Go Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 5, 2012

    As Yeshua (Jesus) expresses his deity, one statement (John 14.6) ties to Jeremiah 6.16 in which he is the ancient way; and Isaiah 35.8 and 40.3 in which he is the High and Holy way to his Father.

    1. Unique Here’s the history of Vernors: In 1862, James Vernor was called off to the American Civil War. According to legend, he left a mixture of ginger, vanilla and spices sitting in an oak cask in a pharmacy he had been working in. After returning from battle three years later, he opened more

  • Christ Is Our Perfect Sacrifice

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 25, 2011

    LENT 5 - God's Son, Jesus Christ, is our perfect Sacrifice. More than just the outside Jesus cleanses even the inside of mankind.

    CHRIST IS OUR PERFECT SACRIFICE (Outline) April 10, 2011 - Lent 5 - HEBREWS 9:11-14 INTRO: What is important in your life? What do you consider as the most valuable to you at this time? In our youth the little things held our attention. Pets, bikes, and good grades seemed to be the more