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Sermons on Hechos 18:21:

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  • Times They Are A Changing

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on May 8, 2007

    God can make hard time come out fot the good. God can use unbleievers to establish a safe place.

    Times they are a changing Acts 18:12-23 Have you ever had some event that changed your life? When you think about it, all kinds of things can change out lives. Going from middle school to high school, getting out of school, getting a job. How about getting married? That was a biggie. more

  • How To Face God (And Your Critics) With A Clear Conscience (Acts - Part 30 Series

    Contributed by Jeff Christopherson on Jan 15, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    5 Keys to Maintaining a Clear Conscience

    How to Face God (& Your Critics) With A Clear Conscience Acts Series: ¡§Completely Irreligious, Yet Radically Christian¡¨ Part 30 Pastor Jeff Christopherson August 10, 2003 Acts 18:1-22 5 KEYS TO MAINTAINING A CLEAR CONSCIENCE: 1. Be Faithful to do what God Asks You To Do. more

  • Taking Risks For Homeland Security

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    For Men’s Day at Emmaus Baptist Church, Quinton, VA. Aquila is an example of taking risks to secure his self-knowledge, his relationships, and his contribution to the church.

    Anything worth doing involves risk, doesn’t it? Nothing great has ever been accomplished by people afraid to take risks. I have seen a poster that showed a small fish, closing in on a worm and a fishhook, but unaware that he was about to be gobbled up by a large fish, which was itself about to be more

  • Starting From Scratch Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jul 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    It is helpful to see the events in the Ephesus Church’s life and what we can learn: to do things right, as Ephesus did them right, to pick up pointers as the Apostles gave them advice, and to avoid the mistakes that Ephesus made.

    Starting from scratch Ephesus - Year 1 Acts 18.19-27 For 9 sessions it is my intention to trace the Church at Ephesus as it unfolds in the New Testament. From Acts 18 to Revelation 2, we see the first half century of this primal church’s life. As it grows there are valuable lessons to be more

  • Our Problems, And God's Solutions

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Ministry will be full of problems. And as we walk with God and seek to do His will, our frailty will catch up with us. Let’s look to God for His solutions!

    Passage: Acts 18:18-28 Intro: There are three ways of dealing with the real world. 1. one is to try and leave it, to pull out of it 2. another is to pretend it doesn’t exist; that it is an illusion. Il) Mary Baker Eddy, “matter man” 3. the third way is to deal with it with the tools that God more

  • The Gift Of Exhortation

    Contributed by John D Jones on Aug 25, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    The Gift of Exhortation is a neglected necessity for an effective church. We need a revival of encouragement!

    This particular book of the Bible is simply known as “The Acts”. The full title is, “The Acts of the Apostles” and records the various ‘actions’ of those prominent individuals included. However, if we were to be completely accurate and completely specific with more

  • Moving To Commitment Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Oct 13, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In this message a contrast is drawn between involvement and commitment. Special attention is given to the need for commitment to be a part of God's plan.

    INTRODUCTION * Difference between involvement and commitment - involvement = to include as a condition; to engage or employ; to include - commitment = to give in trust; to pledge oneself to a position; to bind or obligate - involvement is partial; commitment is total - involvement means I take part more

  • The Investment Of A Lifetime Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Jan 14, 2011

    verse by verse through Acts

    You know there’s all kinds of people out there trying to sell you on some investment scheme. You know the kind. All you have to do is invest in their product or invest in their stocks or invest in their marketing plan and you’ll be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams! Of course the only more

  • With A Little Help From My Friends Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This continues my expository series through the book of Acts.

    I. Traveling :18-21 From Corinth to Ephesus and Beyond :18 – After Gallio’s favorable decision, Paul stayed on in Corinth awhile longer, teaching and preaching freely and without fear. God had affirmed his ministry and the fact that he’d be protected by the hand of God. Then, taking with him more

  • Employment - Making Your Job A Ministry Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Feb 9, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    Everyone is called into the ministry - your ministry is right where God has placed you now.

    When we hire a new pastor we, regard the pastor’s new position as a call, not just a job. When we brought on Pastor Karlin a few months ago we said that he was answering a call from the Lord to this position here in Anchorage Alaska. We were very intentional when we preformed our search - this is a more

  • Great Couples Of The Bible 2: Energy Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Feb 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Looking at the Christian Virtue of Goodness through the stories of four great couples.

    Great Couples of the Bible! The Energy of Virtue Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:5 to Add to our Faith Goodness. Goodness is virtue, excellence, moral character. It means courage, rigor, energy, boldness.This month we learn more about this quality by looking at for great couples in the Bible. more

  • Priscilla - A Study In Ministry And Leadership

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 7, 2009
    based on 34 ratings

    Priscilla and her husband Aquila made a huge impression on Paul. What are the charecterstics which enabled them to be used so mightily in the early churches?

    Priscilla – A study on Ministry and Leadership Acts 18: 1-7, Acts 18:18-21, 1Corinthians 16:19, 2Timothy 4:19, Romans16:3-5 Let us start with a little trivia 1. How many times is Priscilla’s name mentioned in the bible? (7) 2. How many times is her name mentioned alone, without her husband’s more

  • Promoting The Purposes Of God Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 10, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    As individual believers who belong to God’s family, we must make God’s will the most important pursuit of our lives.

    Promoting the Purposes of God Text: Acts 18:12-21 Intro: We believe God has called our church to fulfill 5 main purposes: Sharing the good news through evangelism, Building people’s faith through discipleship, helping people connect with God through worship, helping people connect with other more

  • Uncommonly Average Series

    Contributed by Quint Pitts on Oct 17, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    A look at Priscilla and Aquilla. They weren’t especially gifted, rather average people, but they lived an uncommon life.

    UNCOMMONLY AVERAGE The Cure For The Common Life—Part 1 Bud Villers was a good man. Bud was my neighbor. I grew up beside him until he died when I was in college. Bud helped my dad put a roof on our house, he assisted my dad when they poured concrete sidewalks and porches. My dad helped him put more

  • Finding Friends In Low Places Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 12, 2008

    Do you ever find yourself in a place where nothing is going right? The Apostle Paul came to Corinth in just such a state. Learn how God brought him help and fellowship just when he needed it.

    The recent plunges by the world stock markets, bank failures, fortunes lost, even suicides by financial planners—all bring back chilling reminders of the Great Depression. 25% of Americans were unemployed. People couldn’t find work that lasted and many people lost their homes. Discouragement was at more

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