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  • The Heavenly Jerusalem

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Oct 23, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    What a day that will be ,when we all get to heaven.

    THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM Rev. 22:1And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded more

  • Heavenly Jerusalem.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Oct 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    What believers want most, Confidence. Abiding faith. Peace, God is with me; therefore, it will be okay. The power of love in action.

    Heavenly Jerusalem. Galatians 4. Do you realize as a saved, blood bought Son or Daughter of God, you have heavenly Jerusalem living within you. (Christ in you... you have become the temple for the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 3.16. Galatians chapter 3 & 4 teach us that before Jesus Christ, we were more

  • On Mt. Zion, In Heavenly Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Christina Milander on Feb 27, 2023

    Paul says in Hebrews 12:22 we have come to the spiritual Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem, a place where God has found His rest and made His habitation.

    (Updated content) The Old Testament is filled with many types and shadows in the natural, that find their spiritual fulfillment in the coming of Jesus. Zion and the Heavenly Jerusalem is one of them, prophesied about by David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and other Old Testament prophets. Zion and Jerusalem more

  • The Way To Zion

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Nov 30, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Prelude: How do we prepare for the Lord’s Coming? How did John prepare? What is the way back to God? Purpose: Let’s discuss the way from worldly Babylon to heavenly Zion. Plan: Let’s look at John the Baptist’s message in Mark 1:1-8.

    Prelude: How do we prepare for the Lord’s Coming? How did John prepare? What is the way back to God? Purpose: Let’s discuss the way from worldly Babylon to heavenly Zion. Plan: Let’s look at John the Baptist’s message in Mark 1:1-8. Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of more

  • The Inheritance Of The Saints

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 30, 2018

    What is awaiting us in eternity because of our faith in Jesus?

    What is the inheritance of the saints, those made holy by God? What is awaiting us in eternity because of our faith in Jesus? Let’s look at several passages that reveal our wonderful future. [a scripture flipping sermon,] Psalms 2:7-8 “...the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, more

  • Fix Our Eyes On Jesus (Hebrews 12)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 28, 2024

    Have we come to the heavenly Jerusalem? What is our focus? Let's find out in Hebrews 12.

    Is there a great cloud of witnesses who were faithful before us? Do their examples encourage us to run with endurance the race that is set before us? Do we meditate on what Jesus did for us? Does the Lord discipline those He loves? Have we come to the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem? more

  • We're Marching To Zion

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 16, 2022

    Let us concentrate on the fact that we have entered into the heavenly Jerusalem even now rather than all the trials we now face.

    We're Marching to Zion Hebrews 12:18-29 In 1707, a hymn-writer named Isaac Watts wrote a hymn beginning with the words “Come ye that love the Lord.” It is a joyful hymn of praise which calls us to reflect on all God has provided for us. It also reminds us of the final goal of our Christian more

  • The New Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 14, 2018

    Message 39 in our exposition of Revelation focusing on the New Jerusalem.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ “The New Jerusalem” Rev 21:9-22:5 I. Prologue II. Messages to the churches III. Last days J. The Final Battle and Judgment Rev 20:7-15 K. Renewed Heaven and Earth Rev 21:1-8 Part of the renewed earth includes the new capital city; the New Jerusalem that more

  • The New Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on May 17, 2023

    What is Heaven like? Our eternal home is described in vivid detail here in Revelation 21 and 22

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD Bob and Stan were good buddies and baseball friends. One day at a ballgame, they made a vow to each other that, whichever friend died first, that friend would send a message back to earth to let the other friend more

  • The River Of Heaven

    Contributed by Glenn Dale Pease on Aug 29, 2014

    In John's vision of the heavenly Jerusalem, he shows us that all the hopes of a sacred city on a sacred river will be fulfilled, and we will have peace like a river forever.

    THE RIVER OF HEAVEN based on Rev. 22:1-2 By Glenn Pease Kipling's book, Kim, has been called the greatest story of a river that has ever been written. According to Buddhist tradition, Buddha shot an arrow into the air, and where it fell, a river sprang up. The river was sacred, and whoever more

  • In The Heavenlies!

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 23, 2013
    based on 19 ratings

    At a Christian’s funeral we say they have gone on to heaven. In truth, their heart had already been there for years, and the rest of their person is now rejoining their heart!

    In the Heavenlies Ephesians 1:3 v. 3 is the key verse of this book. It is summarized in three words: "all spiritual blessings". Then vv. 4-14 give the detail of what ’all’ means. We are rich and famous in things that really matter. Rich as joint heirs more

  • O Jerusalem, Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Feb 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We are saved in Christ alone. God's aims in salvation cannot be thwarted.

    O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Luke 13:31-35 Introduction Although Charles Wesley had been engaged in preaching the gospel with much diligence and earnestness, he did not know what it was to enjoy peace with God until he was in his thirtieth year. Being laid low by an alarming illness, and seeming as if more

  • Into Jerusalem

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Oct 8, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Into Jerusalem – John chapter 12 verses 12-19 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). The road to the cross was a road of DESTINY (vs 12-13) (2). The road to the cross was a road of DEVOTION (vs 14-15) (3). The road to the cross was a road of DISCOVERY (vs 16) (4). The road to the cross was a road of DECISION (vs 17-19) SERMON BODY Ill: • Over the years more

  • Jerusalem- The New Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 29, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 48th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#48] JERUSALEM- THE NEW JERUSALEM Matthew 23:37 Introduction: We are finishing our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem. We are jumping all the way to Revelation 21 tonight to study the New Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37 In the more

  • Heavenly Warriors

    Contributed by Jack Graham on Nov 16, 2016

    Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Psalms. Psalms 103, and just hold your place. And you’re going to need to lick your fingers today because we’re going to be taking a look behind the scenes.

    This is from a transcript of a sermon preached by Dr. Jack Graham on October 16, 2011 Todd, you’re going to have to do this again. All right, now look, that’s awesome music! I’m having a flashback to the seventies. And if you want to know what I looked like in the seventies, look more

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