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  • Sharpening My Hearing Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jul 30, 2010

    • This morning I want to start a series on sharpening our hearing. • When we hear from God, He will set your course and lead you to prosper, grow and be on time to receive what He has for you. He will set your appointment for the anointment. • When we h

    Introduction • This morning I want to start a series on sharpening our hearing. • When we hear from God, He will set your course and lead you to prosper, grow and be on time to receive what He has for you. He will set your appointment for the anointment. • When we hear from God, more

  • The Gospel! Can You Hear The Music?

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Jul 3, 2013
    based on 51 ratings

    Have A Passion For The Gospel. Let God have you. Let God transform You. Let God Love You. And if you do, your heart will begin to hear the music and your feet will learn to dance .... as never before.

    For Those unfamiliar with an Anglican Service. There are four readings prior to the Sermon. Today's readings were 1 Kings 17: 8-24; Psalm 146; Galatians 1: 11-24; and Luke 7: 11-17 A family from a remote area .... was making their very first visit ... to the big city. They checked into the more

  • Hearing The Shepherd Means Following Him

    Contributed by Eric Vertein on Apr 19, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    On Good Shepherd Sunday we consider how the first martyr Stephen not only heard the voice of the Good Shepherd, but followed him: in charity, in witness, and in forgiveness.

    Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a,51-60 4th Sunday of Easter – ILCW Year A April 17, 2005 Peace to all of you who are in Christ (I Peter 5:14b). Amen. Judge Lynwood Smith asked Eric Rudolph, “Did you plant the bomb that exploded at the New Woman All Women clinic here in Birmingham on January 29, 1998?" In a more

  • What Do You Hear And See?

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jan 11, 2002
    based on 250 ratings

    Third Sunday in Advent

    Third Sunday in Advent Sermon Matthew 11:2-11 "What Do You Hear and See"? 2* Now when John heard in prison about the deeds of the Christ, he sent word by his disciples 3* and said to him, "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" 4 And Jesus answered them, "Go and tell John what more

  • Can God Hear The Prayers Of The Unsaved?

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Feb 16, 2014

    I've had many people that are no more saved than the man in the moon tell me "I pray all the time!" Is this right? Can God hear the prayers of the unsaved? I'd say the answer is no...for the most part.

    Can God Hear The Prayers Of The Unsaved? Back in April, I had the opportunity to witness to a young woman who was not saved. She had been influenced by different religions, including the Jehovah's Witnesses. I conveyed to her that to get to heaven, a person had to have a saving relationship more

  • To Hear, Fear, And Find Him Near

    Contributed by Hansel Young on Oct 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    personal steps towards revival

    To Hear, Fear, And Have Him Near Psalm 85:6-13 Why do we need revival? A lady asked Billy Sunday: "Why do you keep having revivals when it doesn’t last?" And Billy Sunday in turn asked her, "Why do you keep taking baths?" Regular revival is necessary to keep a church cleaned up. A man was more

  • Can You Hear Me Now? Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Apr 29, 2021

    Working through the Gospel of Luke using consecutive expository preaching. Looking at Best Practices for Hearing God's Voice.

    “Can You Hear Me Now?” Luke 6:12-16 A sermon for 5/2/21 Pastor John Bright Luke 6 “12 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. 13 And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom more

  • Hearing From God In Modern Times

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on May 2, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Now is the time for the people of God to be fully equipped to share God's Word in a way that intrigues' people to Biblical truths. Truths to live by in a sin cursed world growing in conflict, confusion and controversy.

    Title: Hearing From God in Modern Times Theme: Discerning God's Voice In a Secular Atmosphere Part 1 Introduction: We live in times were people are looking for answers. Now is the time for the people of God to be fully equipped to share God's Word in a way that intrigues' people to Biblical more

  • Do We Hear Him Knocking

    Contributed by Roger Rhoads on Aug 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Listening for God’s Voice

    I don’t think the people of Laodicea were as deceived as they were living convenient lives. Things were going financially well and in the church, things were going the way they wanted them. They were contented, “Please don’t disturb us?” Jesus was outside knocking, but they had the music of more

  • Can You Hear Me Lord?

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Dec 2, 2016

    Ever felt discouraged? Ever felt that you wanted to restore a right relationship with the God to sense His presence again? This is how King David felt as he cried out to God for more of Him.

    Can you hear me Lord? Psalm 61:1-8 Do you remember the old Verizon commercial? The Verizon man used to say “Can you hear me now? If you are familiar with him and the commercials, you know that he has switched sides- From Verizon to Sprint. His words have become ammunition for his more

  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Feb 27, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Three invitations to know God

    Philippians 3:7-14 Can You Hear Me Now? Woodlawn Missionary Baptist Church February 26, 2006 Introduction In the early ‘90s one of the great coaching phenomenons in the NFL was Jimmy Johnson. You remember how he came into the league and took the helm of a struggling, mediocre football team and more

  • Can You Hear Me Now?

    Contributed by Ron Theis on Jul 1, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon on why we have ears yet do not hear.

    CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??? I SAM 2:13-17 Most all of us are familiar with the Verizon Phone ads with the catch phrase “can you hear me now?.” They make it seem like all we have to do is have service with Verizon and our phones would never drop a call… Now, I used to have that service more

  • I Can't Hear You!

    Contributed by Ron Hicks on Aug 4, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Since the majority of the church spends so little time in intercessory prayer, it is essential that not only the quantity of our prayers increase, but also the quality.

    I CAN’T HEAR YOU! Have you ever been ugly to someone and when you try to talk to them or ask them for something, they say, “I can’t hear you!” The key to answered prayer lies within your relationship with God. James 5:15-17 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise more

  • Hearing God's Voice

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on May 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The phrase He that hath an ear let him hear appears 14 times in the Bible this is interesting because the number 14 is considered to be a symbol of salvation and deliverance. The 14th day of the 1st Hebrew month called Nisan is the Passover.

    Hearing God’s Voice By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer Jr. OPENING:- I want to start this message out by telling two brief stories. The first is:- There once was a man that whispered, “God, speak to me.” And a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled, “God, speak to me!” and more

  • Hear God Whisper To Your Fears

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Aug 11, 2023

    God comforts Elijah at Mt. Horeb with words of comfort and strength.

    8.13.23 1 Kings 19:9–18 (EHV) 9 He came to a cave and spent the night there. Then the word of the LORD suddenly came to him, saying, “Why are you here, Elijah?” 10 He said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of Armies, but the people of Israel have abandoned your covenant. They more

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