Be Faithful
Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Faithfulness to God is not always easy. Faithfulness to God may result in some problems.
2 Tim. 2:2:3
II Timothy is Paul’s last will and testament to his spiritual son Timothy. Writing from a Roman prison cell, Paul imparts his final words of wisdom and encouragement to Timothy who is ministering in the midst of hardship and opposition in Ephesus. Paul stresses the importance of Godly living, preaching the Word in season and out of season, and preparing for the coming apostasy within the church. Underlying all that. Paul says, is the importance of God’s Word - the only foundation strong enough to withstand persecution from without and within.
In the second chapter the believer is presented in eight different aspects.
1. Vs. 1 A Son
2. Vs. 2 A Steward
3. Vs. 3 A Soldier
4. Vs. 5 An Athlete
5. Vs. 6 A Farmer
6. Vs. 15 A Worker
7. Vs. 21 A Vessel for God’s Glory
8. Vs. 24 A Servant
Paul often used military illustrations in his letters. This is not surprising since he lived in a military state and was in prison himself. He is described as a “good soldier of Jesus Christ” He endures hardship.
When I was a child, at the church I attended the choir sang this song during the processional:
We are soldiers in the army.
We have to fight, although we have to cry.
We have to hold up the blood stained banner.
We have to hold it up until we die!
In our daily lives as Christians we have many trials and sometimes even get persecuted. We have to hold up the blood stained banner until we die. We are commanded to endure hardships as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. In other words, we are commanded to be faithful.
Faithfulness to God is not always easy. Faithfulness to God may result in some problems. Some Folk don’t like you when you are faithful to God. Don’t expect folk to support you when you are faithful to God. Don’t expect folk to say amen, when you are faithful to God. Don’t expect folk to pat you on the back, when you are faithful to God.
The call to Christian service is a call to unknown situations and circumstances.
• Moses heard a voice from a burning bush, but that was just the start.
• Abraham heard a voice saying leave, but he didn’t get a map.
• David knew he was anointed as King, but didn’t know how or when.
Paul was called to turn around, but he couldn’t see which way to go.
• Peter knew Jesus said follow me, but he didn’t know where he was going.
The bible is not just a book in comparison to other books. It is not a magazine, that you just look at. It is not a novel, that you just read to enjoy, but it is the direct revelation of God to mankind. Until he returns the bible has been sealed. God is not going to add anything to it. Nor take away anything from it.
The value of God’s word is not upon the writer who wrote the book; Matthew or Mark or Luke or John or Paul, for these men were nothing more than scribes that God chose to use to bring direct revelation from the throne room to the living room.
You do know that when God chooses to speak to us, he uses mankind?
He allows birds to sing praises, but not write the psalms.
He allows the rivers to roll but not to write any scrools.
He allows the sun to shine, but it’s heat cannot translate to us His Will.
He allows the storms to move on the ocean but fish don’t write.
But he has chosen men to write and record His word. However, there is more to this concept. There is the written word and then there is the keeping of His word. Many of us can get an A+ on the reading of his word and flunk out on the keeping of his word.
I don’t mean no harm, but God’s word is undergoing a tremendous beating. It’s been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and taken out of context, culture and climate.
We’re living in a time when anointing oil has replaced the Holy Spirit. We’re living in a time when throwing money at the altar has replaced presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice.
We’re living in a time when By-Laws, procedures and traditions have replaced the authority of the Word of God.
We’re living in a time when servants of the Church have become managers rather than servants according to Acts 6.
We’re living in a time when Choirs are now performance “artist’s rather than giving God the praise.
We’re living in a time when the audience of our worship has become the people instead of a Holy and Righteous God.