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  • Hell In The Hallways

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Nov 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A hallway is a place of transition, and a place of testing. It is what you do in the hallways of life that will determine the doors God will open for you. From Ps. 105 we use Joseph as our example and look at the trials, tests, and triumphs of hallways.

    Hell in the Hallways PPT 1 Message Title (Note to Pastor's I created a powerpoint presentation for this message,if interested Email me at and I will send it to you.) Introduction: Explain message I was in the car on the way to a large church where I was going to preach this more

  • The Hallways: Blending The Blended Family Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on May 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    #5 in a six week series on marriage and parenting. This message discusses the concept of Step-Families and how to cope while blending.

    “THE HALLWAYS: BLENDING THE BLENDED FAMILY” Home Improvement - Week 5 Selected Scriptures INTRODUCTION: (Video: Brady Bunch Intro = 1:00) That show was one of the very first to show a blended family. What is interesting is that it really wasn’t all that huge a hit back when it came out in the more

  • Quit Standing In The Doorway! Series

    Contributed by Edward Pruett on Mar 20, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Many times, we get no further than the doorway, and when we get further, we do nothing in the hallway. God is calling on us to quit standing in the doorway and stop doing nothing in the hallway. Our transformation occurs in the hallway. Transition!

    As I attempted, throughout the week, to begin practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Silence, I found it very difficult; I failed more than I succeeded. On each occasion, I found myself choosing to remain in the "on the go" lifestyle that has become so familiar to me. I found myself planning to more

  • Forgive For Good Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jul 9, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    Is there anyone you wouldn’t want to run into in a long, narrow hallway?

    Lots of times, I share a personal story to start the message each week. But not today. Why not? I’m talking about the hurts of life that come from other people. And like everyone, I’ve been hurt. But my hurts don’t compare with a lot of yours. I know so many of your stories. Deep hurt. more

  • Life-Changing Lessons: Rejection At Nazareth

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 7, 2019

    “When God closes a door, he opens a window, but it's up to you to find it. In the meantime, you can praise Him in the hallway.”

    If you never get a no, then you aren’t taking enough chances. But the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain. This is why rejection hurts so much (neurologically speaking). Patience under disappointment is one of the great more

  • "Be Still And Know…”

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 3, 2022

    If you visit some of the public schools today, and walk down the hallways and look into some of the classrooms, you will see some of the students walking around in the class room.

    And those at their desks are laughing and cutting up with each other while the teacher might have one student at his/her desk trying to teach that student something. It seems that school teachers of the past knew some things that the current teachers of today do not know. That is, they knew that more

  • No Perfect People

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Apr 20, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How many of you have noticed the poster hanging at the end of the office hallway. 16 months ago when my family and I were asked to come and see if this was the church and the community that God had prepared for us to minister in… The caption that is pri

    Video Chairs Slide #1 Prayer How many of you have noticed the poster hanging at the end of the office hallway. 16 months ago when my family and I were asked to come and see if this was the church and the community that God had prepared for us to minister in… The caption that is printed on more

  • The Evolution Of Eternal Life

    Contributed by R. Escoanyelin Ortiz on Dec 29, 2011


    Hell in the Hallways (Note to Pastor’s I created a powerpoint presentation for this message, but couldn’t figure out how to attach it. Email me at and I will send it to you.) Introduction: Explain message I was in the car on the way to a large church where I was going to more

  • Two Sides To Hall Of Faith

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Feb 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Are you ready to be a Stephen or a Demas?

    Hebrews 11:35b ... others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: 36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: 37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the more

  • Nothing New Series

    Contributed by Rajkumar Pulla on Jan 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17

    There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9) My third job as a teenager (the one right before I went into the Air Force), was as a box boy for McCoy’s Markets, in hyderabad, andhra predesh. One of the other box boys was named David, and I remember him well. We nodded and said "Hi" to each more

  • New Clothes

    Contributed by Justin Meek on Oct 28, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    Christians must remove the Old clothes in favor of the New.

    New Clothes Col. 3:1-14 Do you remember the fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes” from your childhood? There is a deceitful and unscrupulous con artist that seeks to trick the king. He wishes to sell the king a new suit of clothes. The clothes, he says, will be made from the finest cloth and very more

  • "Don't You Know? Haven't You Heard?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 7, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about trusting in God when the going gets tough.

    "Don't You Know? Haven't You Heard?" Isaiah 40:21-31 In the Upper Room devotional for this past Monday Amy Grenoble wrote about her many years of battling with an eating disorder. Her days were filled with mental battles, prayers of desperation, attempts to repair injured relationships and more

  • Crawling Out Of The Brokenness Hole #5 Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Stratton on Aug 23, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    This series examines some of the emotional holes we fall into and how to crawl out.

    March 10, 2002 John 15:1-8 “Crawling Out of the Brokenness Hole” Alan Nelson, the pastor of the Scottsdale Family Church chronicles a time in his life that is very familiar to me. His story is much like my own. Every church I have pastored has done well. We have always grown, not always more

  • Finding Joy In A Storm Tossed World Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Nov 8, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    How to find joy in the midst of difficulties

    FINDING JOY IN A STORM-TORN WORLD This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to ride with 2 deputies in the Oviedo area. That night, I rode with a deputy as he patrolled his area and one of the things we did was drive around behind many of the stores and shopping centers to make sure there were no more

  • Learning To Fly

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 31, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about learning to live with hope in God.

    “Learning to Fly” Isaiah 40:21-31 The late Tom Petty has a song where he sings: “I’m learning to fly, but I ain’t got wings.” Learning to fly is a metaphor for learning to live. I don’t know how Tom Petty interpreted what it means to “learn to live,” but as Christians learning to live means more

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