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  • Clinging To Jesus Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Prioritize our relationship with Jesus and follow His teachings to grow in our faith and understanding of God's love.

    Today, we're going to talk about a story from the Bible where Jesus heals a blind man. This story teaches us some important lessons about our faith and how we should live our lives. So, let's dive in! In John 9, Jesus heals a man who was born blind. This guy didn't even ask to be healed, but Jesus more

  • After Christmas ... What?

    Contributed by Brad Easley on Dec 12, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    This message, for a Sunday following Christmas, looks at the boyhood of Jesus.

    "AFTER CHRISTMAS ... WHAT?" OPENING: After Christmas…Now what? Easy….we get ready for the next holiday! Take down the tree, get out the East decorations. The choir meets and plans the Easter cantata. I retire to my study and begin on the Easter sermon series. But something is happening more

  • Helping Each Other Grow Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 7, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Once we win people, we need to help them grow in Christ. Paul speaks of how he shared the gospel with people. We can gain insights as to what we can do to help each other grow!

    INTRODUCTION • Over the last couple of weeks we have seen how the Gospel should change our lives. Last week we examined how it should motivate us to carry out part of our two-fold mission, reach out to lost souls. • Our mission as a church and as individual Christians does not end when we get more

  • ‘miracle Grow’ For The World

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Feb 19, 2023

    how can we 'fertilize' the world to make it the Kingdom of God

    Matthew 5:13-20 Unlike some scripture that strikes fear in preachers' hearts, this scripture has way too many topics that someone could use. But I want to strike at the core of what Jesus tells us who we are. But first, I must ask you a question: Has anyone ever told you that you are a pile more

  • Growing Through Failure Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Everyone fails. It’s what you do in the midst of that failure whether or not growth will take place.

    TEXT: John 8:1-7, Psalm 103 TITLE: Growing Pain #1: Growing through failure! SERIES: The Growing Church TOPIC: Spiritual Growth OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, April 6, 2008 PROP.: Everyone fails. It’s what you do in the midst of that failure whether or not growth will take place. more

  • "Time To Grow Up"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 28, 2016

    A sermon about putting away the sin that retard our lives and growth.

    Time to Grow Up" 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 It is so easy to get lost in this life. What did the Prophet Isaiah say in Isaiah Chapter 53? "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to [our] own way..." This is, essentially, what had been happening at the Church in Corinth--this more

  • Growing God's Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jun 23, 2016

    When we plant the seed of our souls in God's care, we will be a part of the amazing, unimaginable, and yet seemingly mysterious growth of God's Kingdom.

    Several years ago, a company mailed out some special advertising business post cards with a mustard seed glued to it with a caption that went something like this: "If you have faith as small as this mustard seed in our (product), you are guaranteed to get excellent results and be totally more

  • Never Grow Weary

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    We grow tired of many things in life, but Paul urges Christians to never grow weary of doing good.

    NEVER GROW WEARY A. Christ as a SERVANT ILLUSTRATION: In Matthew 20:20-28, the mother of James and John comes to Jesus asking if He would allow her two sons to sit on his RIGHT and LEFT in His KINGDOM. Upon hearing the mother’s request, the other DISCIPLES became very INDIGNANT toward James more

  • Grow - Part Five Series

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Aug 18, 2011

    Fifth in a series through Colossians

    GROW - Because Of Who You Are Called To Be OPEN: We've been working our way through the book of Colossians. A letter written by Paul to a church he never really visited. It isn't a very long book, only four chapters long but it contains some of the most powerful teachings in the New Testament. more

  • Growing An Abundant Harvest Series

    Contributed by David Asch on Oct 20, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    God wants to produce a superabundant harvest in and through you. Will you believe it? Will you receive it? This message shows us what and how God wants to produce in and through us.

    GROWING AN ABUNDANT HARVEST Mark 4:1-20 INTRO: This is the story of the sower and the superabundant harvest. A. A sower sows This is a story from everyday life. Its completely normal. Its about a farmer who puts on his long apron and fills it up with seeds. Then he walks over his field, scattering more

  • Let Go And Grow

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Feb 13, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    God is calling us to let go of all that is familiar and comfortable so that we can grow and mature in our walk with the Lord.

    "Let Go and Grow!" Hebrews 6:1-3 Simeon woke up early and while it was still dark. He made his way to his favorite place of prayer and knelt before the King of Glory to give thanks for a new day. Simeon prayed for the peace of YHWH to surround Jerusalem and for the LORD to send His Messiah to His more

  • Growing Shallow Roots Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 21, 2006

    How attached are you to this world and how much do you worry about being provided for here? How attached are you to heaven? What happens when God doesn’t answer your prayers?

    Moving is an all-encompassing experience. It’s been some years since I’ve had to move my family, but I remember it well. Especially if you are moving yourself it really causes you to examine all the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years and get rid of a lot of junk. As the day of the move nears more

  • Growing In Our Faith

    Contributed by Darrell Williams on Sep 22, 2021

    God does not want us to be stagnant or ignorant about our faith. He would desire for all his people to keep moving forward toward Spiritual Maturity by growing in our faith in this world of darkness in which we live.

    Growing In Our Faith – 2 Peter 1:1-11 5.5.19 by: Rev. Darrell Williams 2 Peter is obviously written by Peter – one of the disciples – the one we see in the Easter story and the one we discussed on Palm more

  • Grow - Part Two Series

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Aug 18, 2011

    Second message in a series through Colossians

    OPEN: So last week we started our journey through this wonderful book named Colossians. And I've got to tell you this is an absolutely wonderful passage of Scripture to dwell on. - Get a handle on this book and it will produce in you that which God has planned for you. It will grow on you, more

  • Grow - Part Four Series

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Aug 18, 2011

    Fourth message ina series through Colossians

    OPEN: This is the fourth message in a series on growing in Christ. We're looking at the book of Colossians and using it as a primer if you will to show us the areas we should be growing in our walk with the Lord. Thus far, we've seen how the Colossians were growing - Paul says -- I've heard more

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