Never Grow Weary
Contributed by Fred Sigle on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We grow tired of many things in life, but Paul urges Christians to never grow weary of doing good.
A. Christ as a SERVANT
In Matthew 20:20-28, the mother of James and John comes to Jesus asking if He would allow her two sons to sit on his RIGHT and LEFT in His KINGDOM.
Upon hearing the mother’s request, the other DISCIPLES became very INDIGNANT toward James and John, only because they wanted those POSITIONS for themselves. But Jesus called them all together and said, “. . . whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” He then added, “I did not come to be SERVED, but to SERVE.”
Jesus exemplified the life of a SERVANT. He gave comfort to the AFFLICTED, strength to the WEAK, and hope to the HOPELESS. He healed the SICK: causing the BLIND to see, the DEAF to hear, the LAME to WALK. He fed the HUNGRY.
Jesus was a man of COMPASSION. He moved HEALINGLY among the people touching LIVES and lifting BURDENS. And as His disciples, we are to FOLLOW in His STEPS!
B. We are to be SERVANTS of people.
1. The Bible describes Christ’s followers as servants more than disciples and Christians combined.
a. To be GREAT in the Kingdom of God we must SERVE.
b. According to Matthew 25:31-46, only SERVANTS will have a PLACE in heaven.
The acts of service that Jesus lists are: “Feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, showing hospitality to a stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and those in prison.” These are only examples of areas of SERVICE in which we need to be involved individually and as a church. Jesus- “By SERVING people in their time of NEED we are actually SERVING Him.”
2. And while SERVING others, we are NEVER to GROW WEARY.
a. Galatians 6:9- “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not grow weary.”
We grow tired of many things: JOBS, RECREATION, TELEVISION, NEW HOUSE or CAR, your CHRISTMAS GIFTS—but never are we to GROW TIRED of DOING GOOD.
When we grow TIRED of DOING GOOD, then we cease PLEASING God. “We are created in Christ Jesus to do GOOD WORKS”- Ephesians 2:10b.
As long as we are PHYSICALLY able to SERVE and DO GOOD for others, then that is what God wants us to be DOING.
b. Titus 3:14- “Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.”
A. Christianity is manifested by our GOOD WORKS.
1. We cannot follow the steps of Jesus for long without ENGAGING in GOOD WORKS.
Jesus said that “He came to SAVE”- Luke 19:10 and “He came to SERVE”- Matt. 20:28. A METHOD He employed to SAVE people was SERVING them -- “Doing GOOD for them.” When people saw His LOVE and COMPASSION demonstrated by his GOOD WORKS, they gladly FOLLOWED Him.
2. It is through our SERVICE that causes others to want to KNOW more about our Father in heaven.
a. Matthew 5:16- “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.”
Notice that Jesus didn’t say that we “let our light shine” by QUOTING Scripture and carrying your Bible around. Nor did He say that we “let our light shine” before others by merely ATTENDING Worship every Sunday. He said, “Let your light shine by doing good deeds!”
b. Think about it! What will cause other people to PRAISE your Father?
Do you really believe that POINTING out the FAULTS and WEAKNESSES in others; QUOTING SCRIPTURE: “Thou shalt not to this!” “Thou shalt not to that!” will cause
people to PRAISE God and want to LEARN more about Jesus?
How about just ATTENDING worship and doing nothing else? Do you really believe that people in this COMMUNITY can see your LIGHT shining while you are sitting in this building?
c. By DOING GOOD WORKS we are following the example of Jesus as a SERVANT and letting our LIGHTS SHINE in this DARK WORLD.
The one who PRAISES God is the man or woman you HELPED when there was a NEED! The one who ASKS you about Jesus is the one who sees your deep CONCERN and CARE for his or her WELL-BEING. The one who SEES your LIGHT SHINING is the one for whom you PRAYED, CARED, and VISITED when he or she was ILL!
B. What GOOD are we to DO?
a. This is one GOOD WORK that many NEGLECT!
We are our BROTHERS’ KEEPERS. When we know that a brother or sister in Christ is caught up in some sin, we are to go to the person and make every effort to RESTORE him or her back to Jesus. If we don’t, that soul can be lost eternally!