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  • Thanksgiving - It's All About Perspective

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Oct 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We might find it comes easier to complain and gripe than to give thanks. In that, we're a lot like the people of the Bible, and, just like them, we sometimes need a heart-adjustment.

    Is there a cure for worry, misery and fear? Keep that question in the back of your mind as we continue today. In a region of Mexico HOT AND COLD SPRINGS are found side by side. Because of the convenience of this natural phenomenon the families often bring their laundry, boil their clothes in the more

  • Labor And The Lord's Day Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 4, 2021

    The labor of the man became hard labor over an earth that yielded little. The labor of the woman became hard labor not just in the act of birth, but in the ongoing action of childrearing and coping with her man’s gripes about his work, not to mention her own work.

    23rd Sunday in Course We learn our place and earn our bread with hard labor. We become wise, Lord, and begin to understand our place and yours only when our hair is white, our minds slowed, our joints unable to leap to do your will. And we build fantastic towers and plan grand campaigns without more

  • Open Your Eyes

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    It’s so easy for us to grovel in our ingratitude, gripe and grumble. It’s so easy to be negative about people and life. When it comes to ingratitude, we all must plead guilty. There is so much good, beauty and kindness all around us, and we see only th

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army INTRODUCTION: Syria was to the North of Israel and made many military thrusts into Israel. Much like modern Israelis and Palestinians. Israel’s king was able to anticipate these military moves and avoid the battle. Look at what the young man saw. He saw more

  • Thou Shalt Not Belly Ache Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 11, 2016

    Message 12 drawn from Israel's murmuring in the desert for forty years shows how complaining is an insult to God's gifts to us,andd is destructive in the home and in the church.

    Moses 12 THOU SHALT NOT BELLY-ACHE Exodus 15:22-19:1 16:7 “He (God) has heard your murmurings against the Lord. For who are we (Moses and Aaron) that you can murmur against us. Psalm 106:25 “They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord.” Numbers more

  • Be A Champion For Christ!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 9, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How to face the giants in our world today.

    Be a Champion for Christ! 1 Samuel 17:15-47 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - April 29, 2007 *David went out to face the giant... -And there are even bigger giants in our world today. *A big part of the problem is mass media. By the time the average American child reaches 17, more

  • Lessons From Israel

    Contributed by Mike Mizell on Dec 8, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    Learn how to avoid the same mistakes Israel made on their way to the Promised-land and enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to give.

    Lesson’s from Israel Exodus 14: 10-12 (This is a message I preached upon returning from a Misison’s trip to San Loius Potosi Mexico). This past week had to be among the most incredible weeks of my life. I preached a couple of weeks “What’s in your House?” And I stated that everything we need to more

  • A Generation Of Gripers

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 15, 2022

    When things get difficult and discouraging, many will begin to whine, murmur, and complain. This is what the Israelites did throughout their journey through the wilderness.

    When things get difficult and discouraging, many will begin to whine, murmur, and complain. This is what the Israelites did throughout their journey through the wilderness. If they had only listened and obeyed God, they would not have been in the predicament that they were in. God had to more

  • Continuing In Him

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Feb 21, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The scripture makes a great distinction between a Christian who occasionally commits sin and a lost person who lives a lifestyle of sin.

    CONTINUING IN HIM INTRODUCTION: Today some of you will not like the sermon. I know that because I have preached it before and some people did not like it. Some will call it mean-spirited, unloving or even un-Christian. Sometimes, in trying to teach a positive lesson we need to use negative words. more

  • A Lesson On Faith And Giving

    Contributed by Keith Crouch on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 22 ratings

    This a Bible Study that I did on the "Feeding of the 5000 that could easily be used as a sermon outline.

    A Lesson in Faith and Giving John 6:1-15 I. The Setting of the Miracle A. John had been beheaded. (Matt. 14 & Mark 6) B. Jesus and the disciples tried to get away for while 1. Probably to grieve 2. Probably to rest C. Jesus teaches about being unselfish 1. He saw an opportunity to minister to the more

  • Take A Chance On Me

    Contributed by Catherine Davis on Sep 10, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    God is always there with us, even when we suffer.

    Scripture: Job 1:1 Title: Take a Chance on Me Theme: Tests. Did Job really pass? NO. The story of Job isn’t about whether he passed the tests or not, but how he suffered. We all go through tests. God is always there with us with grace. I grew up listening to this song and when I read the more

  • "Complaining Saints"

    Contributed by Quintin Morrow on Apr 16, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    A message on the spiritual causes and cure for complaining.

    The Rev’d Quintin Morrow St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Fort Worth, Texas A certain man attends his company’s Christmas party with the intention of having a good time. During the course of the evening, however, the said man consumes much too much alcohol. He awakes next morning more

  • Confused By God's Favor

    Contributed by John Appling on Dec 22, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Mary is described in this passage as highly favored by God. But this favor didn’t result in an easy time. We need to understand God’s thoughts if we are not going to struggle in life.

    Confused by God’s favor – by John Appling Luke 1:26-38 26In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who more

  • The Joy Of Unity Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Paul points us to the true source of biblical unity.

    Philippians 2:1-4 Sunday, February 17, 2002 During my time at Bible College, the spiritual fad of the day was temperament analysis. Tim Lahaye’s book had just come out and everyone was trying to decide if they were sanguine, melancholic, choleric or phlegmatic. Sanguine was the outgoing person, more

  • Bringing People And Churches Together Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 20, 2019

    In this day of conflict and disunion, we need to recover this sense that we are all one family of God, to dedicate ourselves to peaceful resolution of conflicts.

    Tuesday of the 16th Week in Course 2019 St. Liborius I suppose like many Baby Boomers one of the most memorable films of my lifetime was the Cecile B DeMille epic The Ten Commandments. It was his second stab at commemorating the Exodus, and his only one both with sound and color. Who could forget more

  • Of Snakes And Crosses

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 284 ratings

    Lent 4: The Lord has prescribed the method whereby we must be saved. It might seem odd - maybe crazy - like gazing at a snake on a pole... or a Savior on a Cross.

    Folks were fussing and griping. They were angry and upset and - as is almost always the case under these circumstances - they began to criticize. Soon the words became heated. The harshness of the comments spoken was only thinly veiled. The angry words spoken were like painful, barbed darts – more