
Summary: This a Bible Study that I did on the "Feeding of the 5000 that could easily be used as a sermon outline.

A Lesson in Faith and Giving

John 6:1-15

I. The Setting of the Miracle

A. John had been beheaded. (Matt. 14 & Mark 6)

B. Jesus and the disciples tried to get away for while

1. Probably to grieve

2. Probably to rest

C. Jesus teaches about being unselfish

1. He saw an opportunity to minister to the needs of the people

2. He saw an opportunity to test and teach His disciples about the kinds of faith.

II. First We See a Pessimistic Faith (v. 5-7)

A. A pessimistic faith:

• Forgets God’s glory and power (Mk. 4:38-40)

• Feels that the problem is too big for God or too small for Him to notice

• Praises God for what one has, but fails to trust God for the miraculous

• Fails to think of God’s power outside of earthly things and limits

B. How is Philip’s reply to Jesus similar to what ours may be? How is reflective of many churches?

C. Is this kind of faith really faith at all?

III. Second We See Optimistic, but Questionable Faith (v. 8-9)

A. An optimistic, questioning faith is usually a faith that works.

1. What is the difference in the working of the faith of Andrew and the faith of Philip?

B. An optimistic, questioning faith usually gives to the Lord what it has no matter the amount.

C. An optimistic , questioning faith can have its draw backs. It can deteriorate into:

• Complaining about the problem

• Being anxious about small resources

• Griping about the small provision

• Griping over the poor quality

D. Is this kind of faith really faith? What is the biggest factor in moving this type of faith into a dynamic faith? T_______.

IV. Thirdly We See Positive, Unswerving Faith (v. 10-13)

A. Jesus’ Faith

1. He took what he had and gave thanks for it.

2. He gave what He had

3. He used others to help Him – He entrusted His resources to the disciples to use for God’s glory.

B. God’s response to unwavering faith

1. He met the peoples need

2. He gave an over abundance in return for this faith

3. He allowed nothing to be wasted – Twelve baskets for the twelve disciples.

V. Fourthly, We See a Materialistic Faith (v. 14-15)

A. The people professed Jesus was sent from God

B. They looked to Jesus for what He supplied physically (prosperity)

C. They looked to Jesus as an earthly King and not a deliverer of their eternal soul and giver of eternal life.

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